Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I give that photographer lots of credit for getting a few photos where these babies actually look like an almost normal looking horse. Good job catching them in the shadows, etc.


Where are the recent photos of your foals that you said you were going to post here?

These photos were taken years ago, correct? The foals were thin. Period.

Have you had any of your stock inspected since? I don’t know how long you’ve been breeding.


North of St Louis

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Wow. That far north!

Where on earth would you find a lactating dairy car? That sounds fabulous!! Lol!!
(please know that I’m totally pulling your leg, I got the typo, I just loved it! Made me laugh at the thought!!)


The gray mare and dark brown/ bay foal is cute. The little chestnut is just plain sad, thin and rather wormy with a dry coat. The roan looking foal isn’t in very nice shape either. At least the bigger chestnut is shiny and not too ribby. Which ones are yours?

I’ve seen some disturbing pictures on this thread. Most sad. Babies should never look sad.


Should be safe to assume that the dark bay foal with the grey dam (#505) isn’t hers, as both of them appear to be getting adequate feed.


No recent photos. After promises of them, showing how mares and foal are in better shape now, nothing, again.

Par for the course.


 looking at all those photos, it’s pretty easy to tell which babies are fed well and which are not.

Yep. There are some MUCH nicer foals in there. It’s clear to see when there is a real attention to breeding, feeding, and grooming (other than the braids.)


I feel very sad reading this thread. All babies - animal, human, or space alien should be slightly chubby, frisky, with happy eyes. I’m not seeing that with the KS foals. And those brood mares


I posted pics of my foals you all dug up the copyright images on your own

2022 Kwpn reserve champion jumper foal out of all keurings
. Lol

Not sure why you are laughing about that.

For sure something you should be proud of, not laughing about.

But that does not negate how horrible your mares look and the other foals look condition and conformation wise.

I was very surprised to see, at the link you provided, that you were the one handling this poor thing and you are who set it up to look like this. It was like your goal was to show off how poorly put together it is, not help it look better than it does.


I am guessing they did not allow her into the ring in her flipflops. That is the only reasoning I can come up with.

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So this is her? .
And did I read somewhere that was the only one of her foals that received a first premium? The others received second premiums?


Flip-flops in footing? Really?


The first/second premium thing is correct.

(Correction: first premium exceeds breed standard, second premium meets breed standard with some faults or lack of quality. Leaving the following for receipts purposes)
Someone posted upthread that KWPN will award second premium to nearly EVERYTHING that doesn’t make first premium. To get no premium score at all is extremely rare, and second premium = not entirely to breed standard.

Do what you will with that information.


Again you think you know but nope. I didn’t handle any of mine. Lol! Yet again wrong facts you have provided. When will you all learn to make sure your 100% before your statements

They all met breed standards. One won. So not sure what you’re talking about.

That is not you in that photo?

Here, I will post it again.