Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Yeah, no. Here is a link to a SpyCoast Farm sales ad - this a reputable breeder of high quality hunters and jumpers.

By the way, this horse is priced at $25-50k, so theoretically it could be the same price as what KS is asking for her tragic foals. This is also a Chacco Blue.

Oh, and look, there’s information about the Dam. Because the dam lines and performance are important. Another typical way h/j advertise young stock is to mention how big the dam has jumped.



What blows my mind is that there are nice, registered, inspected and jumper bred WB mares with previous careers being given away or free leased for breeding. Kate chose to use these types of mares quite deliberately. I believe she thinks she is reinventing the wheel. What qualifies her to do that, I have no idea.

Also, re: the stallion prospect. In order for the colt to be a stallion prospect, his pedigree must be submitted to the registry for pedigree approval. I cannot think of a single registry outside of American WB that is going approve a half harness, half jumper bred colt. The other route would be performance approval - the horse is competed to advanced levels and approved based on a certain number of scores over a certain percentage. I do not see this colt holding up to either GP jumping or dressage. Important for buyers to realize all of this. Just because Kate thinks the colt is stallion quality, does not mean this is actually feasible.


I thought the same thing. :rofl:

What did poor For Pleasure do? Trample someone? Savage a groom? Kick down the barn door and turn all his stablemates loose? :thinking:


In the same ad I have to wonder why she thinks the mare being prolific makes it a positive thing about the foal.


All of this.

Also… the dam of that colt is the Ulandro mare. Who has significant % Saddlebred up close in her pedigree. I totally understand that KWPN has approved some very nice Saddlebreds for Tuigpaard breeding. But…. to my knowledge, none have been approved for jumper breeding. This colt would theoretically be a jumper type stallion. I think KWPN itself would not want to endorse his particular pedigree for their jumper breeding program.


I feel the need to pause here on this point, and take a moment to defend this poor mare’s character. It’s not her fault that she was so “prolific.” She didn’t cruise a bunch of dive bars looking for love in all the wrong places.

Anyway… between the “infamous” father, the “prolific” mother… and naming the filly “Time for Pleasure” and making a video of it playing that 50 Shades of Grey theme song in the background…

I don’t know. I just think it’s all a LITTLE bit strange.


A “little” bit strange? :thinking:🫤

(Of course I agree - how she can’t see it is beyond me!)


Maybe she does see it, and this is all an intentional marketing scheme?

Very odd though.

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Well, she certainly is drawing attention to herself – and as with dogs (and rowdy little boys in school classrooms) any attention is good attention, I guess.

Still, extremely unprofessional on all fronts…


Eye Candy has a horse named Sexy Beast. But, he’s pretty darn successful in the big jumper ring.

I love a good play on words but do find it odd coupled with the song and KS in general.


Hmmmm. That name seems “on brand” for Eye Candy’s general reputation. It’s a good thing the horse is successful.

I also like a clever play on words, but… I think it’s unfair to the poor horses to give them names that make a large percentage of the public cringe or blush. They are just poor horses after all, who don’t get a say in it.


In looking at the Spy Coast website, the horses are nicely groomed, the people are professionally dressed and gives one a sense of an organization that is trustworthy and not “back-yard”. I get it marketing is just that, however, first impressions are important. Having the barn help run your baby around the round pen cracking the whip does not give me the warm and fuzzies.


The one baby she has for 45k is not even brushed. Not even its mane. Jeebus. It’s ok if you are a slovenly mess, but please groom your horses!!!


Ew. :face_vomiting:


One of my pet peeves!


I could only look at two of those ads. Once again, all that fancy book learning she has didn’t teach her how to spell.
I think if I were placing ads for $25,000 Horses I think I would learn how to proofread or at least spell, or get someone else to do it for me.


Maybe on Craigslist


On that For Pleasure filly, didn’t Kate say somewhere on the other thread last year that she had buyers lined up for her when she was priced at 50k, but she decided to retain her because she was so nice? And now she’s dropped to 45k and a year later still not sold?


Every time pictures pop up of Kate’s young stock, I think they look like Viking ships. The front ends on those critters is just god awful


And to make the coat look darker (not saying that’s the case here). See: palominos.