Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

According to her KG Kennels and Sporthorses FB, ArabXDutch.

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In the older Dressage thread, where she posted the pics of these half-Arabs, it does read like theyā€™re by DHH. Why, I do not know. That seems likeā€¦ an interesting cross. But whatever. At least someone else owns them and they appear well loved and well fed.

Edit to add: It appears that the Arab mares had belonged to her parents and she bred them, got the offspring to sell, and then sold the mares.

(I did see the video of the one being ridden in the round pen at 2. With a death hold on the reins and a tight training fork. Which made me: :astonished: and :roll_eyes: , but thatā€™s a whole other topic).


Kate started with Arab mares who were nicely bred and bred to nice stallions. Doesnā€™t mean the foals are going to set the world on fire but if they make their owners happy - thatā€™s great.

My Chanellā€™s pedigree can be seen on Allbreedpedigree

https://issuu.com/arabianhorseassociation/docs/arabian_horse_life_magazine__issue_2_2020 (pg 57)

https://issuu.com/arabianhorseassociation/docs/2022_shn_program_for_issuu 3. (pg 51)

Sadly, the link for her photo doesnā€™t work.


So safe to say, these horses were all under the care of somebody else besides KS in those pictures and video(s).


Nothing worse than a person with no sense of shame. There is zero check/balance on their behaviour. No matter how horrific their actions and the consequences thereof (dead mares, dead fetuses, starved babies and mares, keeping horses in filthy stalls, engaging in endless SM flame wars and drama), they blunder forth unburdened by any self awareness or sense of decency whatsoever. Itā€™s truly awful.


The statement by this breeder that ā€œall of my foals were first or second premiumā€, shows the lack of knowledge and/or understanding about the Keuring and the desirable conformation that KWPN expects in a foal.

One foal out of the six she bred and presented was of good quality at the time, the other five were Second Premium which "Meets breed standard. Some faults or lack of quality in type, conformation, and/ or movement."

This is not something to be happy about as a breeder. It would be interesting to know what the inspectors said to Kasheare other than that the second premium foals were ā€œsmallā€ ( I would guess a lot of conformation critique similar to what has been discussed here) but I doubt weā€™ll ever get an honest reply.


I think it says a great deal that out of all the posters here, many of whom are normally at each others throats on most other threads, all agree about these poor horses.


Public record: https://warmblood-sales.com/advance-search?nid=&title=&combine_1=Shearer


Thatā€™s a decent hobby.

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Honest question: are those descriptions typical for sales in the US and/or of this breed? The cringey colloquial stuff ā€˜what do I startā€™ ā€˜wowzerā€™ ā€˜that trotā€™ ā€˜that canterā€™.

All the typos and misspellings aside, just wondering if this is typical or really unprofessional.


Not typical. Well, not typical for the low/mid five figure foal-yearling market.

VERY typical for backyard breeder types and teenagers.


Perhaps KS needs to look up the definition for ā€œinfamousā€. I donā€™t think it means what she thinks it means.


Is taking photos of them wet from a bath a way to pretend their coat is shiny? I am confused by that technique.


Those prices!


Funny thing is that De Niro was not known for super quality of canter, so it really doesnā€™t make sense to use him to produce a dressage foal out of a harness-bred mare. And she refers to him as a stallion prospect. What a joke.

Does anyone know if this foal was one of the ones that received second premium at the KWPN keuring?


She has horses stored in Oklahoma?



Sheā€™s not the only one who uses this technique. ā€œIā€ thinks itā€™s, at minimum, lazy and annoying. But yes- from what Iā€™ve seen people do it so they look oh so shiny. :roll_eyes:


Maybe that ad went up when they were all still in Oklahoma, and it hadnā€™t yet come down?

Thatā€™s my best guess.

I think she only had one who received 1st premium - the jumper bred foal by Halifax vh kluizebos


There is a market for nice, amateur friendly, hunters and jumpers. There absolutely is. If she said - Iā€™m working my breeding program to find the right nick to bring old style bone and brain back into a registry that has increasingly added TB/Light horse blood, Iā€™d be ok with that (provided the horses were fed, sold, and priced accordingly). Iā€™m not sure the DHH is really the way to go with that as many that I know do not have great brains, but thatā€™s one personā€™s opinion and Iā€™m open to being wrong.

Many awesome breeding programs have come from humble beginnings, where the breeder got the best stock they could afford (at the time) and carefully worked to improve their stock over time. Sometimes duds would occur, and the breeder adjusted, and learned.

But thatā€™s not what is happening here, and itā€™s tremendously unfortunate. This seems like some weird version of hoarding + barn blindness. Iā€™m sad, because if Kate reduced her numbers, fed them appropriately, and invested in just one high quality mare she might build what she so desperately desires.

It is hard. Iā€™m making a pivot to a different breed and type of program and my ā€œtake the horse you loveā€ idea of horse purchasing has to change to ā€œbuy the horse you can succeed with and then will market wellā€. I love quirky. But quirky isnā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea and they are hard sells. So to invest in what I want (which is to produce the quality sane and fun mounts for middle-aged amateurs) I will need to reorient my thinking (and my budget - I always bought bargain basement weirdos, so Iā€™m groaning at shelling out for the first pricey one).

And thatā€™s the nature of business. Itā€™s very hard to make a market where there isnā€™t one, and adding livestock and the associated difficulties just adds a layer of complexity that requires a lot of work to overcome.