Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Well, maybe she got sick of breeding pretty Arabs for years, and that explains the shift to the Viking ship type aesthetic she now favors. .

Go big or go home.


That’s another thing that befuddles me about her breeding program. Her foals aren’t attractive enough for most hunter buyers, plus they generally have too much knee action. And they move out behind and have generally yucky conformation to make it as upper level jumpers, and they are not good dressage prospects for the same reasons. It absolutely floors me that she has those poor youngsters priced like they are, and floors me even more that some folks have apparently been suckered in enough to actually BUY them. I hope and pray those horses grow up with superb ammy temperaments because I cannot foresee them becoming mounts for good professionals or even serious amateurs.



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The one that is priced at 45k, I would not give 4k. I did a brief search on warmbloods for sale and typed in 45k with 3rd level confirmed. Oodles of NICELY bred horses for that price and less. It will take YEARS, if ever, to get any of her horses to get there.


So the whole sale video with the 50 Shades music combined with the filly’s name 
 you mean all that uncomfortable, heavy handed innuendo didn’t convince you to buy that filly right now?


Did you miss this from the sale ad?

“Get her now or be beat by her later. She will be a top horse in any discipline
truthfully bred to be a big jumper, but can see her easily doing the derbys with that canter, or even dressage because wowzer some type of movement there!”

I mean, c’mon. The For Pleasure x Ulandro cross is guaranteed to set the dressage world on fire. Get her now, or get beat by her later.


Eye Candy is disgusting. Those horses (Squirt Gun, Sexy Beast, Cocky, Call me Daddy, etc) all had perfectly good names before.


I do believe she is one of those types that puts the height she thinks they will be when they are done growing in that space instead of leaving it blank since the obvious, they are a baby and their height is changing quickly, and then putting in the narrative the height of the parents.


Huh. That’s strange.

definitely not the fault of the babies. I’m just gobsmacked that anyone would advertise these horses as she does and think they are worth five figures.


Oh I’m not necessarily defending her choices, either. But at least they have the results to back up the craziness :crazy_face:

I kind of like that one.


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself
I always have to thrown in a Princess Bride reference lol


It reminds me of this KS horse


Oh wow. You really missed out on all the Barisone threads.


What are well-bred (top sire and mare lines) going for now? And does it depend on the discipline?(Dressage vs jumper?) Is it correct to think a good moving well bred dressage-bred baby is easier to predict (see?) the potential, than the same for a jumper baby? (I am always amazed at how awesome some well bred dressage foals move-the suspension looks to be baked in

(edited for typos

All the typos and errors in grammar and vocabulary not only don’t present a professional programme or product someone would feel confident spending 5 figures on, it also doesn’t say ‘did well at a respectable law school’ to me. Maybe it reflects the fact that she has never been admitted and practiced, but lawyers are high-stakes copy editors as a big chunk of the job. Mistakes in language can cost you real money. They also make you look sloppy and inattentive to detail and no one wants that in a lawyer.

Mistakes here as we all type quickly between other things we are doing is no bigs; in a professional setting, including an advert for an expensive horse, it reflects very poorly.

The repeated ‘where do I start’ and ‘wowzer’ were so strange (to me) in the context of this type of sale. :woman_shrugging:


That poor thing. Trying to run it through a jump chute at that height when it wasn’t yet a yearling. No wonder it just stopped and knocked the pole down with it’s neck.

No information on the dam?

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I didn’t read any of those threads lol. They got too long by the time I had seen they existed. This one I’ve followed from the beginning (dating back to the original post in the dressage section) so it’s a bit easier to “keep up”. But now I’m intrigued and want to go look, I do love a good Princess Bride reference lol


Inigo Montoya posted on many of the threads. It was eventually revealed he was Lauren K’s father.

That whole family likes that movie. It’s odd.


The Dam on that one was the paint harness mare Ivanka. No performance record under saddle. Very tight in the back in videos. Hocks trailing behind her. Does not seem to have a natural canter .

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