Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I can’t imagine any trainer recommending the purchase of any of those horses to their amateur clients who are looking for jumpers, especially since they are very unrealistically priced.

They look harness bred. All of them.


Yep - that one is definitely worth 45k based on the color and neck alone! LOL


What a bizarre place. I started following them when AK was there and she supposedly named her barn after him, in her opinion. There is sooo much more to this place.

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You could buy this (random pick from the internet, reputable farm) https://www.ironspringfarm.com/sales/isf-sales-horses/pashmina-isf-star/6117/c95/ for less than KS is asking for an 8 month old harness type.


The Dread Pirate Roberts participated, as well. Hilariously, I might add.


Here is a good sample of young horses with proper dam lines, with pricing (filter yearlings.) Again, random grab from the internet;



I am absolutely baffled that KS thinks this one is the best of the lot. I really don’t see it.

And the number of exclamation points :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang: in the ads makes my eyeballs bleed.


Now that I did not know. As much as I abhor AK (and that is a LOT) I find her just as truly despicable. Not only is/ was she just as complicit, but the in-your-face drug use/ sexual innuendos are not the cute manic pixie flex she thinks they are.

Sorry to derail. Back to our regularly scheduled train wreck.


Ok, I too was following the EC circus from back when AK was there and I also had heard he was the basis of the name. The in-your-face drug use, though, must have gone right over my head :interrobang:

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I just checked out the EC Instagram based on the comments on this thread.

Wow. That’s… Wow.



It’s like an entitled teenager with zero home training writes that stuff. It’s honestly so cringe and embarrassing.

I’m always surprised when grown people trot out this (what they think is) ‘edgy’ persona. As someone said above, it’s not the flex they think it is. It is the very definition of ‘try hardy’ and ‘pick me’. With a huge scoop of mutton dressed as lamb thrown into the mix (mutton texting as lamb? :rofl:).

I guess they think attempts at youthful slang/ :poop: talking, references to sex and drugs, and casual language/composition comes off as young and cool?

For a discerning (or just normal) reader/buyer, it ultimately just comes off as 100% unprofessional. No thanks to anything this woman or KS has to offer. Even if that woman has success in the show ring, I would not want to be associated in any way with her. That most recent post mocking everyone else in the class is classless in the extreme.


Whoa. That picture should be in the dictionary next to the phrase butt high.

Which has no bearing on how he will look when he’s grown up. But it’s a pretty glaring example right now!



That’s super embarrassing for her. I thought it meant pretty horses.

What’s the intel on ‘Coach’ (Paul O’Shea)? Is he a decent chap or would no one decent associate themselves with this outfit?


Gotta ask since this is a DHH thread. The WB Toronto or the KWPN Tuigpaard approved sire, HACKNEY Toronto. We owned a KWPN Tuigpaard gelding by the Hackney Toronto


I answered that up above. It’s the jumper Toronto. Douwe breeds both but doesn’t cross them.


It’s the light; in the best photos, the barrels are in shadow so you can’t see the ribs.

Edited for clarity


A little late on this. I just now watched the video of Time for Pleasure being chased and chased with whips by bafoons because all the poor thing can really do is trot. Not sure if I want to cry or rip someone’s head off. AND the fact KS used this horrendous chasing on a sales video is mind bogling. my god.



When I rewatched it… the filly looks nqr in her hind end.

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There’s a split second of rear view of the filly at the very beginning - seconds 5 & 6. It’s too brief a view to say for sure, but she may be a bit cow-hocked.

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