Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Oh, I got the /s ! :grin: Of course the “born yesterday” comment wasn’t aimed at you, it was for Shearer.


Here you go!


Because I wanted to keep her for my program

Good morning Kate!

Is a BCS of 2 acceptable in your opinion?


Sarah I. Thought that forth as you’ve dealt with online bullying with your daughter. I said how would you feel if a drunk was going at your daughter online for months. That was the equation nothing else. And no I have never degraded anyone in service. You should probably include all the screenshots above more than just your short one. There are good and bad people in every industry and occupation. That was what was said. But I’m glad you are here because I’ve been able to send it all off. Thank you.

They are all on my fb! Jesus just shared an entire video yesterday!

2/10 tracks with what we’ve seen in the photos.

And, let me get this straight, the owner runs a successful breeding programme with lovely, healthy mares and babies all of appropriate weights - WHILE AWAY ON ACTIVE DUTY!!??

Gosh, according to KS, this isn’t possible even while in the CONUS a few states away. You know, no one knows what it takes to run a business in multiple states, blah blah blah.

Seems the owner manages to run her business while not even on the continent and while defending her country, which I suspect gets a little trickier than braiding. I’m guessing part of the owner’s having a good team that never lets her or her horses down is because she is good to work for, treats her employees well, and feeds and cares for her stock.


No idea she hasn’t reached out to me yet :woman_shrugging:

She’s not away and her business partners bailed and she was begging to sell babies and needed 2k that one weekend fast to pay bills. I did everything for that woman and offered to buy the foal back. Instead here we are. It’s fine. I just like that she’s now identified herself on social media here

Why do you like that? So you can have even more of a go at her on SM?

Pro tip from a lawyer admitted to practice: the way you savage people on line, even clients, and use personal details to attack them publicly is so far removed from any type of professional behaviour that you are going to have a hard time finding clients should you ever be qualified to practice law. Same for counseling. The way you use and disseminate personal details about others is a red flag the size of Texas as far as someone thinking you’d be a good person from whom to seek help, mental health or legal.

It might feel good in the moment to take all these pot shots at people on line, but that lack of impulse control does not recommend you in a professional capacity of any type.




I don’t know why you would make fun of someone for their business partners or employees bailing on them.
That is your favorite excuse on why your horses look horrible or are not properly taken care of or why you failed to show for braiding. So clearly it happens to you quite frequently.

Are you ignoring the BCS of 2 on that filly?


Well, you darn well didn’t feed that filly who had a veterinarian determine her BCS was 2/10.

So I call balderdash on your doing “everything for that woman”.


Thank you for the heads up that there is a new video.

It is hard to tell with the fence there but it does look like you are actually feeding the babies now. That is great news. I am glad to see that you are finally taking some care of them. Hopefully a BCS of 2 never happens again.



She certainly did. It’s right here, in this post you replied to:

So, it’s here, in writing, for everyone (but you, apparently) to see.

Now that you know she has, indeed, reached out, what’s your response?


She posted her phone number in a post I quoted above

You have video of your colts up on Facebook. That’s it.

What about mares that are currently in foal? Especially recips ? Will you post any video or current photos of them? People are especially concerned about your broodmares given multiple images that you yourself shared from 2023 which showed:

  1. VERY thin broodmares immediately following foaling

  2. Broodmares and newborn foals in stalls with minimal bedding, and what bedding was there was dirty shavings

  3. Broodmares standing in fields with young stock, and the broodmares had very neglected feet.

 that’s why people are concerned. Plus
 In the last 18 months you’ve had multiple mares die, and one mare abort and then have a laminitic episode. Another mare apparently had a red bag delivery and almost died. So
 after seeing all that information that YOU shared on your own public social media
 people are concerned about your broodmares going into foaling season again.


You might want to sell some of your nicer ones when you have the chance so that you can have more horses out there with performance records. And recoup some of the high costs of your program. Even if that might mean one less good filly to help with 2nd gen breeding down the line.


As a wise breeder would do!

Which she won’t, because these BNT offers aren’t real. And more than that, it’s classic hoarder behavior.


Total hoarder behavior.

Leaving the one colt still ungelded, and calling him a stallion prospect?

Also concerning.

These stories follow a pretty typical pattern, sooner or later.