Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Which Facebook account is this on? Also sus that someone trying to run a breeding business has multiple FB accounts and is hard to find.

Also just rewatched the Time For Pleasure KG horse cross cantering repeatedly in the sales video. Or whatever they are since she turns down offers from Olympians all the time :joy:


Her personal account. I havenā€™t looked at the KG Kennels account - or whatever that other one is.

@chicagojumper Please, please call her and arrange for a tour of the farm and horses.
(480) 567- 5699


She could just shoot her a text once sheā€™s down there and knows her own schedule.

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This one?

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Nope - this one.

Didnā€™t realize she had two personal accounts. So weird.

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Wow, she has the gall to call herself a legal eagle?! lol
Iā€™ve only ever seen billboard ambulance chasers resort to that. And at least they are real lawyers.


Can you clarify what you mean by ā€œthat one weekend?ā€ The weekend someone took the photo of a foal IN YOUR CARE with a body condition of 2? Or the weekend she had a payment due to you for the foal and she was having a cashflow issue and couldnā€™t pay you right then?

And is that why you decided to starve the foal she was purchasing? Because she was behind on payments to you so you thought that justified starving her foal?

As for ā€œoffering to buy the foal backā€ - Iā€™m guessing if there is a kernel of truth to this, you offered to KEEP the foal so she didnā€™t have to finish paying for it. And you were going to keep the $$$ she had already paid, too. Is that close to the truth?


I see this one under her name.

Edit to add - I wonder how many more she has, thereā€™s nothing new on this one.


Weird. I donā€™t understand how that works - two accounts with the exact same name .

Hmm interesting that one doesnā€™t show for me at all. And Iā€™m a nobody on the west coast so I donā€™t think she has me blocked. Oh, well. I just wanted to see improved foals and mares.

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Looks like one is Kate Shearer and the other one is Kathryn Shearer.

Many people have multiple FB accounts - maybe one for family, one for friends, one for a business endeavor, one for members of FB groups they belong to, etc.


If you look above there appear to be two under the Kate Shearer name and the third under Kathryn Shearer.


Ah, I didnā€™t see the second one for Kate Shearer. If you do a search on Kate Shearer on FB, you will get dozens of hits. These two are definitely her, and she may have others but I didnā€™t look closely at all of them. Profile for the first one was created 1/27/2007. I canā€™t find the date when she created the second one, but the profile photo of the GSP and the cover photo of the horse were uploaded on 8/4/2019 and it doesnā€™t look as though there have been any posts or updates since then.


I donā€™t think Facebook restricts accounts just based on the same name. There are plenty of people who have identical names.


I digress, but this picture made me think of:

Chrome (youtube.com)


Just watched your video. Did you bother to get out of your truck?


My thoughts also.
This reminded me of another
breeder that was totally hands off, absentee- but lived on the farm- and maybe once a month
would drive along the fences in
her expensive sports car, gazing
at the babies and expectant broodmares, taking a few photos, then would report back
to the bank of Dad. same scenario.

Hi friends! Didnā€™t forget about you, had a couple of chaotic days riding far too many bright eyed and bushy-tailed youngsters that mistakenly believed that 55 degrees = springtime. Lol.

Thereā€™s still some moving parts for Ocala details next weekend; Iā€™m not sure yet if Iā€™m going down with the horses or flying separately. Once these finer points get ironed out, I will reach out to Kate and get this organized! Thanks Kate for being so open and providing your number, I truthfully did not expect that and appreciate it greatly!


I hope that if you do go that you have a fun and safe trip and that you see many healthy, slick, and well cared for broodmares and foals.