Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Im so happy to see you are finally feeding your horses. Wonderful! all good news you made this decision to feed since you have been called out and proven, yay you for being a half decent human!. I suppose my question is what compensation are you paying to the owner that ended up with a 2/10 foal? What refund are you offering on the $450 a month you charged for her not being fed iin your care?


Make sure you have lunch/dinner at Pepeā€™s its the best mexican food around!


ā€œBianca has horrible conformation but all her offspring have lovely body and movement. It was never uneducated or backyard whatever you can buy.ā€

Why would you take the chance? Clearly, if she has ā€˜horrible conformationā€™ you would chose a stallion that is very prepotent? But you used her for embryo transfer with multiple straws?


And I thought I had very clearly explained that this wasnā€™t a backyard whatever you can buy situation.

Thanks Kate. You are saying you donā€™t totally desagree with https://www.wbfsh.com/sire-rankings because you use the stallions. Seems you donā€™t care about the mare side? Cause, itā€™s only half the DNA. Why consider? /s


Just for fun, I just saw this ad from the barn in Europe where I got my mare.

Note the dam having competed to a high level. Itā€™s mentioned in 99% of ads from legit sales barns/breeders.


ā€œBianca has horrible conformation but all her offspring have lovely body and movement. It was never uneducated or backyard whatever you can buy.ā€

That statement alone shows that you are an uneducated ā€œbreederā€. Itā€™s obvious that you are breeding for height and ā€œflashā€. You are ignoring conformation, but so do many other uneducated backyard breeders who breed for color characteristics. You are one of many.

Whatever you choose to breed out of your mares with admittedly ā€œhorrible conformationā€, please, just feed them and have them properly cared for by veterinarians and farriers . Thatā€™s all I care about at this point.


I think you tagged me by mistake.

And because of that, I am going to give my very uneducated opinion on breeding not taking the mareā€™s qualities into consideration.

I worked at one of the largest PA Standardbred breeding farms while it was dispersing their herd over 2 decades ago. They said that the mare should always be taken into consideration on each breeding and that its really 90% mare 10% stallion.
All of their babies were sought after and produced on the track.

I then went to work at a private Andulusian breeding farm (hobby) and againā€¦ it was the mareā€™s qualities that were most important.

RANT I do not understand why people put so much emphasis on the stallion. The mare as just as much to contribute as the stallion. Rant over

Temperment, how she works with her humans, how herd dynamics work, how to be a good horse for vet and farrier work, all observed by baby.
One of the coolest observatations I made with the hundreds of mares and foals out in the field was how the top mareā€™s foal ended up the top foal when weaned with their group. Time after time, the more dominate maresā€™ foals were at the top of the peaking order and the same lower ranked maresā€™ and their foals would be at the bottom. Years later New Bolton would come out with the same findings based on their pony herd.


I wouldnā€™t take the tag personally lol. DWBFL has a confusing posting style of responding/tagging posters when directly ā€œreplyingā€ to something Kate posted on FB or elsewhere, without adding context. They also talk to ā€œKateā€ when she isnā€™t here, and not in response or quote of her posts either. Regardless, Iā€™m so glad the filly is in good hands now!

The mare is at least 50% of the foalā€™s genetics, and very old stud books put a lot of value on a quality mare. Iā€™d trust their take on it over some uneducated and willfully ignorant person who canā€™t even feed their own horses :woman_shrugging:t3:


You can have one horse in your pedigree with an FEI record for $2000 plus shipping and to have an FEI record on the other one youā€™d likely have to pay as much as your house costs to buy her or take on the risk of an older mare who may never get pregnant at all or only produce a couple babies. The average buyer will pay more for pretty markings than a sport record on the mare, provided they recognize the stallion. Thatā€™s just a function of the realities of the market for the breeder.


All of this. And itā€™s frustrating, because the general marketability of a foal is not always directly related to its talent, ability, and conformation. To an average buyer, itā€™s more about how pretty it looks and a recognizable daddy name. Nevermind the mare was unproven, nevermind the mareā€™s conformation was a bad match for the stallion, nevermind the potential temperament or rideability issuesā€¦ Does it have desirable markings, did Daddy (or grandfather) go to the Olympics, and does it bounce when it trots? Sold!


OMG sooooo much yesā€¦ smh

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The foals in this case are with malnutritioned recip mares though, not their dams.


You are right. On every point.

As it refers to the filly. Vet is due out Thursday. He has to give the 2nd round of shots because she was to poor to receive all at one time. Lets get a body score update.


I am late to this thread but I am glad to see that I am not the only one who found the whip zinging to be almost weird. Most babies I have been around all you need to do is go PFFFT and off they go zipping around in glee. Weaners are so full of glee!


This makes me smile thinking about Pres Oder and how he would slide those bikes and wagons around the corners of the Colesium at the Illinois State Fair. I saw him just a few months before he died. We were both eyeing a pair of Oster Clipmasters in fine shape on a wagon at a farm consignment auction.


If theyā€™re properly fedā€¦ :cry:


Plot twistā€¦.regarding the new USEF rule change, in this case, would starving your horses at home mean you cannot be on show grounds to braid? Or breed ( I donā€™t know how/if USEF is involved in breedingā€¦)?


@chicagojumper, have you by chance gone to Kateā€™s farm? I would love to be proven wrong and to hear you saw nothing but healthy and thriving broodmares.