Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Chooooooooooo Choooooooooooooooooo

The crazy train is running full steam ahead.

It is a toss up as to who is worse; KS or LK.

Choooooooooooooooooooo Choooooooooooooooo


I think the vision is to have the mare handed over to her through forceā€¦.

Either via the threat of lawsuit or by a resulting judgement and court orderā€¦ā€¦


Thatā€™s exactly what she wants.


The crux of the whole thing is a temper tantrum .
ā€œTold me I could have it, itā€™s mine and I want itā€
Thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s nothing deeper than that, no higher motive.
Amazed she has time to braid or even be on COTH at all, with all her lawsuits.
I wonder whatever happened with her DUI iin Maricopa County AZ. I have t a chance to go dig.


A matter of public record in Arizona. Kate the great lawyer did not have the sense to run a title search when she bought a property from her father.


The cost in legal fees of forcing the issue likely far exceeds the purchase price of the mare.

Plus, there are almost certainly PLENTY of nicely bred broodmares available for sale right now, who are probably closer to Ocala than this one mare (who is in Washington State).

Basicallyā€¦ suing this mare owner to force the issue makes ZERO financial common sense.

Butā€¦ zero financial sense is par for the course with KS. After all, she spent 6 figures in vet fees to create and implant multiple embryos via ICSI from a completely unproven and common DHH mare with a wide variety of warm blood performance stallionsā€¦ and then priced the babies 3x higher than the going market rate for foals out of much better bred, proven broodmares.

Anywayā€¦ just noting how this whole breeding program of hers continues to make no practical financial sense. Which is worrisomeā€¦ because this can easily lead to significant numbers of horses without adequate food and veterinary care.

But apparently she is in double down mode, and wants to breed more.


Thatā€™s where ā€œbeing awarded the legal feesā€ comes in.

To me, it seems she thinks the ultimate end to this is with her in possession of the mare and the seller having to pay all the money it takes to force that outcomeā€¦plus maybe ā€œdamagesā€ from all the time/costs/sales that she misses from not being able to breed the mare due to it not being in her possession.


What an absolutely idiotic thing to do. Thatā€™s property purchasing 101, and a bigtime CYA should it go sideways.


Yes, she wants the horse but what damages could she claim and prove?

And weā€™re told ā€˜itā€™s call adultingā€™.

No, itā€™s call:

  • chucking a tanny
  • revenge
  • histrionics
  • saddling up the drama lama
    etc., ect.

Itā€™s as far from ā€˜adultingā€™ as you can get and not be a minor. My mother once refused to engage in a fight with me as a teen and later she told me, ā€œI wanted you to know that adults can walk away. They donā€™t need to fight every fight.ā€

That is TRUE adulting.


Butā€¦ is there any reason to think she will win?

I doubt it.

So I guess thatā€™s where the whole ā€˜bullying the mare owner to force the saleā€™ thing comes in.

Just bizarre.


There arenā€™t any. It seems sheā€™s just going after enforcing the contract.


No, she mentioned something along the lines of, ā€˜now the seller has to pay back my money and even moreā€™. She also mentioned that she is 100% certain b/c itā€™s a ā€˜ruleā€™ in the US that seller will pay her attorneyā€™s fees.


Is there an enforceable contract if no consideration has been given?

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I wonder if sheā€™s pulled this threat stunt before to coerce a vulnerable seller to sell a mare.


Some people are very scared of litigation. Kate talks a big (incorrect) game, with all the threats and blustering, so Iā€™m sure it has worked for her before to get someone to do what she wants.

Hopefully this mare owner is not unduly frightened by KSā€™s nonsense, as the likelihood of KS winning anything except a swift kick to the backside is low. And as far as Iā€™m aware, being awarded the animal + fees is highly unlikely especially considering the dollar value of the (lamed as a young horse) broodmare is quite low. At least I hope so - Iā€™ve seen much more airtight contracts than animal sales be broken by the courts due to obvious BS. Best case (for KS) she gets her money back but still has to pay her lawyer.

Besides all this, Kate dragging a person through all this bs when she ACTIVELY ADMITS the person is in a tough spot in life is just icing on the proverbial sh*tcake.


I donā€™t know. I havenā€™t read the contract. I also donā€™t know if there are any differences since two states are involved as far as jurisdiction, applicable laws etc.


How much is the mare? COTH has made miracles before saving horses. Can we get together and buy her and get her someplace safe ?


Possession of the mare, no, probably not if the seller keeps her backbone and sells the mare to another person.

Anything else, total crapshoot. I would hope that a reasonable judge/jury would not punish someone for refusing to sell a horse into abuse and find that a refund was all they were responsible for.


Yes. All of this.

At least itā€™s all documented on this thread, so future potential buyers and sellers know what sort of volatile personality they will be interacting with if they choose to try and do business with her.

Personallyā€¦ I make it a general practice to AVOID people who engage in serial litigation, or threats of litigation. Horses are expensive enough already, and most people donā€™t have time or energy or money that extra level of headaches.


She was publicly advertised as for sale for $4000, but that price included one dose of Kjento and one dose of Qaside, and a companion mini.

Who knows what Kate negotiated though.