Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Not sure the farrier counts as a “US team individual” but reality isn’t your strongpoint.

Your character speaks volumes girl. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want. That’s life kiddo. It’s your choice to go scotched earth on people, and all that karma will come back yo you.

  1. Kate professes to be massively ignorant of internet skills so may not be able to figure out how to create an alter (or not really fluent enough to populate one)

  2. “Attorneys” can sometimes mean a bsc litigious person filing their own claims if they have basic jailhouse lawyer knowledge

  3. We have had so many folks on here blasting about “taking people to court” with zero follow through


Anyone who would force the sale of a living being has no business being around living beings, let alone being responsible for them.

The forced sale of someone’s loved ‘fur kid’ is grotesque. Monstrous. Unconscionable to a empathetic, moral person.


This bugs me. If you went to law school - any law school really - you would know to generally avoid the passive as a rule. But, especially in this case.

Attorneys are not involved. You involved attorneys.

You proactively initiated some level of legal action against a seller to try to force the sale to you of a living being she does not want to sell to you rather than grow up and be gracious, decent, and humane and allow her to back out of the sale with a full refund.

Active voice to describe your actions. Passive voice in a situation like this is for cowards and bad writers. Probably both here.

That you would think it’s okay to force the sale of a living creature demonstrates that you view animals at chattels, not ‘fur kids’ that people love. It’s sick.

Let seller back out. Take your money and take the high road for once. Don’t drag everyone and everything down into the muck. Think of how you’d feel if you got information that distressed you and you had to part with one of the foals or dogs you claim to love so much. Really think about how that would feel. Don’t do that to someone else. It’s indecent.


Yet COTH didn’t prevent any sale. We only observed and discussed the awful condition of Kate/Kathryn Shearer’s broodmares and foals, as shown by her own social media postings of them. The photos, videos and sales advertisements by Kate /Kathryn, and one photo from an horrified friend of a buyer when she picked up a foal for that friend, are enough to turn the stomach of any person who cares about their horses.

So you can try to place the blame on “COTH” for a mare owner not wanting to sell or give her to you, but it’s all on you.

No one wants their mare to be in the situations that you show your mares or foals to be in. The fact that you can’t realize that your animals are malnourished is enough to warn anyone off.

It’s not COTH Kate/Kathryn Shearer, it’s you.


@Kasheare, no one is going to fall for your “start a go fund me” idea for a seller that does not want to sell you a horse for very good reasons.

If people want to help the good person that you are suing, it will no doubt be done, privately. You are actually one of very few attention hogs that are here on the forums.

As one attorney has already said on this thread, good luck with that. The more you file frivolous lawsuits the more the scrutiny you will find yourself under in court.

With all of your claims of being a JD you will have even less sympathy from the judge whose time you are wasting.


As some folks who actually do understand contracts noted up thread: what would damages even be here? What could she possibly substantiate? The loss of the income from the one foal she was going to breed this season?

If the mare was inseminated and scanned in foal, there is zero guarantee that there will be a live foal on the ground next season. EED alone makes that a question mark. And how could you prove that that foal wouldn’t end up aborted pre-term, it’s lifeless body left to grow cold amid a piles of manure in a filthy stall? If she got the foal to ground, no way to prove it with be healthy, not deformed, with no defects, health or otherwise. No way to prove it will get to a saleable age without incident. And, finally, absolutely no way to substantiate what that foal would be worth. You wouldn’t even know the gender.

There is zero way to prove the mare herself would even be alive to foal. Accidents happen - and more often to KS than many other breeders I know. Horses colic, have pasture accidents, contract diseases, etc.

Pursuing this seller is sheer brute force and ignorance because she’s mad a scribbler and people who reacted to the atrocious pictures KS posted about her own herd. Re-directed aggression at it’s finest and absolutely reprehensible.


It is ridiculous and spiteful behavior, but not surprising coming from Shearer, who seems unable to see, or can’t be bothered to look, at her emaciated animals.

No care for any fellow creatures.


I am thankful that the most recent videos Kate Shearer has posted of her foals/yearlings they do look much much much healthier than the one she sold in utero that looked so disgustingly neglected in those photos.
Hopefully this is a sign that Kate Shearer has stepped up her game and is actually taking proper care of her babies (and mares, please) now.

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I really don’t think she’d care. It would all be about how people are “meanies” who are “stalking her” and how everything is someone else’s fault blah blah blah. She’s pretty abusive to the dogs too - the animals are nothing more than money farms and ego boosters. She doesn’t care if they die so why would she care if they got taken from her? She’d just lie and get more while playing the Woe Is Me victim card.

Pretty sure one look at the bogus lawsuit against the boarding farm would have most judges tossing this suit out too - I don’t know how useful the social media posts of an individual are in proving that the opposing party is just a vindictive bully, but this forum alone is pretty good proof that KS is just wasting everyone’s time. That’s not even including her own public Facebook.


That is great for if and when it lasts.

Would I take a chance and put a mare in her care? Nope.


I would not trust any animal in her care and I would not do business with her because she has shown her true colors so many times (heck, she sued her own father because they dared to take out mortgages on their own land/property that she is supposed to inherit).

But it is worth noting that right now her yearlings do look better than they did. Hopefully it is not a case of their winter hair covering up not enough meat on their bones.


Does anyone have the before and after pics of that mare KS had on loan that aborted her foal? Just to refresh the thread with what Kate does to mares that come in with verifiably good condition? I don’t have time yet this morning to scroll back up.


This would be fabulous news if the babies are looking better!

Certainly not the time to buy and breed more horses though. She needs to take care of the ones she has LONG TERM, maybe sell a bunch, maybe consider taking up a hobby that doesn’t involve living beings.




Is this what you are looking for?


Agree, seems all very speculative if that is the basis for damages.

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So let’s do a review of all the lawsuits/threatened lawsuits initiated by KS in relation to horse owning/breeding/boarding/buying and selling. Because it tells a story. Just like the pictures of the thin mares and youngsters ( @skydy did a good job updating the thread with relevant pictures as it is key context as well)

There was a lawsuit against her own father and step mother in Arizona. Something to do with property and mortgages.

There is a second ongoing lawsuit in Arizona against someone for “defamation” because that person spoke up about Kate in a Plaid Horse group involving classifieds and buying and selling, and shared first hand information about dealing with Kate.

There were either actual suits filed, or threats of suits, related to the place in Oklahoma where Kate briefly boarded all of her horses when moving East from Arizona to Florida. I don’t recollect details- maybe someone can fill in the blanks.

When Kate got to Florida, she boarded at another farm, and has made allegations that they too failed to adequately care for her horses. I don’t know if that situation has turned into a full blown lawsuit. *ETA - she has filed a lawsuit in Marion County against the barn owners.

Kate used EMCO for veterinary services for sometime in Florida, and made statements on this thread about deep dissatisfaction, and potential legal actions.

Kate sold a Chacco Blue filly to a remote buyer, who paid for weanling board. By the fall of 2023, it became apparent the filly was malnourished. The owner made arrangements for a friend to get the filly and move it to a different farm. Pictures were posted to Facebook documenting the condition of the filly. Kate initially took responsibility for the filly’s poor condition (though again, she blamed employees at the farm where she boarded), but later came on this thread and Facebook and threatened to sue everyone involved with this filly for defaming her.

And now, we have the latest issue. Someone almost sold a broodmare to Kate, then learned more about Kate, and has apparently decided that they don’t want to sell their mare to Kate after all. And guess what? Kate’s threatening to sue again. But somehow this is all the fault of random people on CoTH for talking about the raging dumpster fire.

Sigh. My guess is there are a lot more legal actions and threats of legal action out there… but these are the ones I could easily recollect. Other people closer to the situation can feel free to fill in details. But this at least offers a clear picture… vets, boarding facilities, buyers and sellers should all be aware that KS has a demonstrated propensity for litigation when she gets upset. Proceed with due caution.

And again… as if that wasn’t enough… there’s also a history of poor equine nutrition when it comes to broodmares and young stock. See previous photos. Many many photos.


Yes thank you!

Just in case the mare owner currently dealing with KS needs reassurance that NOT sending any animal to Kate was the right choice.


Those photos are definitely key about that one mare. And heartbreaking. I would be beside myself if a mare of mine aborted in a filthy stall and was returned to me such poor condition. So sad.