Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Her behavior can be better described as ā€œTantruming.ā€

[Edited to fix a typo - oops!]


There is a hearing in AZ this month for her lawsuit against Jill Lunsford. I wonder if sheā€™ll participate.

Claims of emotional distress. Emotional distress to me is viewing starving mares and foals.


Checking in on this thread as it had a bunch of responses. I was hoping some really cool pics of DHH horses and cute foalsā€¦.nope. Just more dramaā€¦ā€¦

Slightly disappointed but not surprised.


This is all really interesting, @vxf111. Thanks very much for taking the time to explain!


Kateā€™s a bad egg.

ā€œI want it NOW!ā€


Itā€™s already been said in other ways, but if the ā€˜idiotsā€™ of CoTH are to be blamed for thwarting the sale of this horse to KS, then Iā€™d be happy to wear the idiot tag.
If indeed it was CoTH that saved this horse - one horse has been saved.


I am in WA state. That mare is lovely. If the owner of the mare sees this, feel free to PM me. If KS is no longer involved/a threat, Iā€™d love to be able to help you keep this mare (if you want). My husband owns a hauling business and we have farms.


Now that is adulting done right! Such a generous offer. :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


Thanks @vxf111 for that explanation.

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Most of us knew this was wrong (especially because you can simply google it) but, thank you @vxf111 for breaking it down so thoroughly. The legal knowledge KS drops is absolutely on par with that dropped by LK in the various threads related to that situation.

Iā€™m back to doubting KS went to any law school at all. :roll_eyes:


I donā€™t necessarily appreciate THAT comparison :wink:



Point taken. Of course, I meant to point out the utter ridiculousness of KS schooling us on a legal point she not only could not have gotten more wrong, but also that she could have learned from a quick google search. Itā€™s all just so deeply dysfunctional. I just hope the seller of that mare can extricate herself quickly and with as little pain as possible from this brush with :bat: :poop: :crazy_face:


Is there any proof that a specific person on COTH told the seller to back out? Or did someone just casually drop her a link?


Or did they just look her up? This thread and the other are the first 3-4 hits in google if you search ā€œKate Shearer horseā€ā€¦ :woman_shrugging:t3:

All of this vindictive ā€œlook what you COTH meanies made me do!!ā€ and itā€™s just as likely that google is the reason.


Look up D. A. R. V. O. behavior,
they never, ever take responsibility or accountability for their abhorrent antics
Always twisting excuses to blame others. Always the victim.


I feel like the seller could have backed out because she simply changed her mind on selling, and KS would still be blaming COTH.


A simple check on FB or google would have made seller change her mind.
I really doubt the seller blamed COTH directly
I expect someday seller may show up here and explain or thank us.


Maybe the seller is an occasional COTH lurker, found this thread and went, "OMG! Itā€™s her!"

Even if an actual poster did give a heads up to the seller, the seller made her own decision, based on what she saw and read with her own eyes. Convincing talk from a bathrobe-clad COTH warrior wasnā€™t necessary.

I canā€™t imagine that once the seller contacted KS and shared her thoughts, that it went well. Not much adulting on one end of the communique, thatā€™s for certain.


in just thinking thru the specifics in this situation - KSā€™s rant was Sunday night, I believe the post of the mare was on Thursday/Friday. So at the most, KS had left a message over the weekend for a legal professional, maybe they returned the call/maybe not. So KS is back on COTH on Sunday, saying that the Power of COTH has ruined the sale and now the poor woman who is going thru a lot is going to have to pay. Hmmm. I have never needed to have a legal professional on speed dial but I have to assume, when looking at the timeline, its all a bunch of bluster from KS. Plus now we have heard from the legal professionals here, even if a threatening communication was sent to the seller, it seems like it is nothing more than bluster from KS. She is just wanting to punish someone down on her luck due to the Power of COTH. Karma has your address Kate/Kathryn Shearer.

Even if I were in Florida, I wouldnt get near her place in person. Yes, I am afraid. KS is litigous and to be avoided at all costs. However, if all is good there is no reason not to post pics. Where you get out of your truck, not just doing a drive by. Pics of the babies and the mommas and the mommas-to-be showing us that we are all wrong about your program.

And to the comment that there are 10 people who are part of the Power of COTH, I say 55.1K views of this thread. Maybe 10 pretty vocal posters here, but 55.1K views. THAT is the Power of COTH!


This is the same equine braider who states sheā€™s an Equine Attorney but doesnā€™ practice law cuz she makes more braiding.
Google the articles.
I doubt she has any attorneys involved.
If her mouth is moving, sheā€™s probably telling whoppers.