Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

and the minor detail that she needs to pass a bar exam


The seemingly desperate attempts to get someone from COTH to show up at the place where she boards some of the mares and young stock she breeds, has always seemed a little weird to me. I wonder about ulterior motives, though I canā€™t imagine what they would be.

Why would anyone want to engage with Kate/Kathryn Shearer after seeing her poorly cared for animals and her bizarre social media posts? Who would knowingly personally involve themselves with, or visit such a person?

Itā€™s not surprising that she hasnā€™t had any takers on the invitation. Most people avoid BSC when they see it. Itā€™s weird enough online, why would anyone want to experience it in person?


Speaking generally and not about anyone in specificā€¦

In addition to passing a bar exam, to be admitted to practice any applicant to the bar has to go through that jurisdictionā€™s character and fitness process. Making baseless threats, dishonest business dealings, misusing litigation for retaliatory purposes, and holding oneā€™s self out as a lawyer if one is not are the sort of things that could pose some challenges to passing a C&F review.


I imagine Iā€™m not alone in believing Kate never actually went to law school. I wonā€™t say what makes me conclude that, as then she would change it, but I feel 99% sure she never went. In addition, I am 100% sure she does not have a degree in ā€œmental health counselingā€ and is not seeking licensure, because she clearly does not know what is required to obtain licensure. I guess thereā€™s a remote chance she got an online degree, but I do not think she would make it through any internships required. (If you do happen to have either of these degrees, Kate, please feel free to post your diplomas, just for funsies.)

In fact, everything about Kateā€™s life makes very little sense, unless she is just blowing through money she was given. Other than that, the math is not math-ing.

What is very, very clear is that this woman is badly traumatized by who knows what, and now is leaving a wake of destruction in her path. Like all of you, I am absolutely appalled by her most recent threats. I knew she was BSC, and have witnessed that on show grounds, but that phrase does not even touch the behavior we are seeing now. BSC, in my opinion, covers f-ing up oneā€™s own life; what is evident now is a strong desire to harm others, both animal and human. All because someoneā€¦multiple someonesā€¦said no to her. It is shocking, and so very disturbing.


Wasnā€™t @chicagojumper supposed to go visit? I may be wrong. But did we ever hear about that?


We have not heard about that.

If we never hear about it, I totally understand. The person visiting kind of is in a rock/hard place, which I am sure makes Kate Shearer gleeful. They know if they say anything less than glowingly positive that Kate Shearer will threaten them with a lawsuit.




Thatā€™s fair - itā€™s a specific situation involving a highly litigious person.


Thatā€™s the thing, I think many would love to see Kateā€™s horses thriving and wouldnā€™t be opposed to seeing them in person, but then, who wants to deal with the BSC? Probably no one.

Sensible people who know of her reputation (self earned) would avoid her, and rightly so.


Sort of similar to Nick Peronaceā€™s desperate attempts to entice someone from COTH to take free dressage lessons from him so he could prove his awesomeness and silence his critics.

Itā€™s not necessary. Itā€™s already out there on social media, for all of us to see. Clearly see. We donā€™t need any in-person brushes with the cray-cray.


I live 5 minutes from where she is renting stalls. There is no way in hell I would even cruise by it, much less stop in or try to take pictures. My car is recognizable and is parked at WEC most days. I shudder to think what sheā€™d do to it if she sussed it out. No hanks!


Itā€™s just standard toxic behavior to extend an invitation that no sane person would take you up on and then use the fact no one came against them to try to make yourself look better. Undergrad level.


I recently had a candy called Whopper. I liked it.

Kate, I can attest to the fact that eating Whoppers is much better than telling them.


Ocala is a pretty small place,
word gets around in the horse community.
With all her lawsuits and threats of legal action, I wonder if she
might have a hard time getting
vets. and/or foaling help when
the mares need medical help.
Feeling sorry for the animals.
Word will get out.


True and what a bizarre strategy for someone who wants to be a business owner in a relatively small, very connected community. Even if I liked her foals, I would chose to buy from someone else. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s the only breeder outside Saudi Arabia who is offering a rare racing bloodline.

Her programme is best summed up as: whatā€™s good about her (if anything) is not unique (you can get similar elsewhere), and whatā€™s unique about her isnā€™t good (litigious, blasts clients and service providers on social media, neglects and abuses her animals, lies, brings drama everywhere she goes, etc.).


Wowā€¦ that was a lot of fertilizer in just a couple days. Kudos to the seller for not letting her mare end up in a bad situation.


I know you havenā€™t been on in a few days, but Iā€™m really interested in your answer to this one. Just as a thought exercise, what would you do if, for example, the sellerā€™s daughter was suddenly diagnosed with something horrible, this mare was her dream horse, and the seller canceled the sale to keep the mare for her incurably ill daughter to enjoy just after youā€™d paid for the mare? Would you still sue the seller?

Anyone else want to weigh in on what we think sheā€™d do? Yā€™know, as an ā€œadultā€?


Ohh yay, someone else to sue.


Oh and it will be our fault.


I"ll be showing in Ocala this summer. Wouldnā€™t use her as a braider if she were the only one on the list.