Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

If you trace the Blunt’s foundation stock back far enough, they originated in many of the same places.


You have seriously lovely horses, Ghazzu. Just beautiful.


I thought the same–long, long ago we had a Crabbet mare with a very similar look. I wish I had known about Combined Driving in the 80s-- that little horse was a driving machine.



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On Facebook she’s now discussing the option of raffling one or two of the babies off. I hope she knows that in most if not all states it’s not legal for a raffle unless you hold a gaming permit since raffles are considered games of chance.


I think she proposed, something similar a year or so ago. You can search on this thread and find mention of it. Have no idea how that “raffle” turned out.

So the little ones aren’t “flying off the shelves” so to speak? I thought upper level riders were buying them.


Raffling seems a desperate option to not being able to either keep and develop them or sell them. As someone commented on her raffle thread, it’s also not the best way to find a good home for them.

My, how far we’ve fallen from insisting they only go to specific homes based on the training programme available to…this.

When you arrive at at least the 2nd time you’ve resorted to a raffle or other alternative to a normal sale to dispose of your livestock, you’ve got to get the message that what you’re doing isn’t working and pump the breaks on your breeding, right? I mean, this is getting ridiculous. It would be comical at this point if there weren’t innocent animals involved.


Sad, isn’t it. I mean, who raffles horses? Just more disgusting puppy mill behavior. :frowning:


That’s exactly what it is. Not any better than those awful ASPCA commercials showing dogs stacked up in crates in backyards, except horses are bigger


She has proven she doesn’t provide a good home; why would she ever care if they went to a bad home?


You make a fair point.

I suppose I was just responding to her typical previous bluster that her babies would only go to 5 star homes and that she would even reject a buyer for not having access to a training programme KS deems appropriate to fully develop their talent.

Or, get raffled off to some lucky random ticket holder. Ya know, either or. :roll_eyes:


What a scam. Did anyone ever actually “win” the last raffles or did she just collect people’s money and say there was a winner? She claims the raffle will be “automated.” Yeah right…

With respect to the horses going to good homes, she says that: “no one would use this unless they were a good home. No offense but these are expensive properly bred jumper colts.” Right, because only cheap, poorly bred jumper colts go to bad homes… :roll_eyes: :unamused:


So the dams of these colts are actually jumper bred mares and not her beloved DHH mares? If so, good for her because she has actually learned something!

And is she admitting that her foals out of said DHH mares are not “properly-bred”? :wink:


Is she really so lacking in intelligence that she doesn’t understand that, when you raffle something, you attract people who value the prize at the price of a ticket. Any old nobody can buy a 150 dollar ticket. And any old low-end bad barn/not good home buyer can afford $150.

Her logic quoted above only works for buyers paying full price for an item and then it’s still no guarantee.

Surely she cannot be that lacking in basic critical thinking skills, right?


No. These babies are fancy stallion and her DHH mares.

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Apparently she is that lacking in basic critical thinking skills. She even says the raffle will allow others who could not otherwise afford to the chance to buy one of her horses. If they can’t afford the purchase price (in this case, she is offering both the colts for $15k) how will they afford the monthly care fees?


I balk at the notion that someone who can’t afford a $15k purchase price can’t afford the monthly care for a horse. I’m not going to be in a position to spend $15k on a horse purchase anytime soon, but I comfortably cover my horse’s monthly care and vet bills, etc even in a relatively HCOL area. Now, I’m not at a big high-end h/j program and never will be.

That’s not to say I think Kate raffling off these colts is a good idea or that it would guarantee a good home. That whole situation continues to be a mess.


And the super high-end training she previously demanded?

Good point, but KS is suggesting that no one but a high-end home/buyer would participate in the raffle when, in truth, anyone at all could buy a ticket. Or two. Or ten.