Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I get what you are saying, but for example, in my area, the cost of board and training is $1500 a month. This doesn’t include shoes or other vet expenses. Just saving that up for 10 months would allow someone to afford the purchase price. I get it if the purchase price is north of mid fives, but 15k shouldn’t be that unreachable for the average horse person.

I think you and I have very, very, very different definitions of “average horse person”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you live in CA? Most of the country is not CA. :wink:


I suppose your definition of average horse person and mine might differ–which is fine! It’s also very region-specific, and to an extent, discipline-specific–I would not be able to afford to keep horses in SoCal or the Bay Area. I do okay in the Sacramento Valley. I wouldn’t be able to afford to be in an H/J program, though, nor would I be interested in being in a long-term training situation where I’m paying training board. I suppose she’s marketing these horses more towards H/J folks, which makes my point a little more moot. I suppose $15k is chump change in H/J land. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the derail, I just get my hackles up when folks (not just you, it’s unfortunately a not-uncommon refrain in some circles) imply that just because I would have a hard time saving up $15k for a purchase price means I can’t provide more than adequate care for my horses.


Maybe so, and I certainly don’t mean to diminish anyone else’s financial situation. I guess I just take umbrage that Kate is trying to make out like she’s being benevolent in offering her otherwise unobtainable Olympic-level foals to the rest of us plebians.


So she STILL hasn’t learned what “properly bred” means. I can’t figure out who is more stupid - her, or the people who fall for her swill and buy her foals.

Scratch that - she is the stupid one, her buyers are just ignorant. :roll_eyes:


Well, considering none of the people showing interest at her foals in the raffle were stepping up to buy them for $15K, maybe not so ignorant?


One of the draft horse clubs does a foal raffle. A purebred foal that is donated to the club to raffle. No minimum number of tickets must be sold. Tickets are $5 each. Choice of foal or some cash value number (you choose when you buy the ticket).

Which is totally different than what KS is trying to do. Sell high dollar tickets and there is no raffle unless she meets her demanded amount.


I love that there is one of you that have commented that have wanted a ticket……I’ll let you figure out who in your group. Keep following me….its the only thing you got going because you can’t do anything else in life

Well, you can’t seem to sell your foals in the normal manner and have had to and plan to again resort to some odd raffle situation. No top breeders do that ever. You’d have no control over where the foal went if the raffle is truly automatic as you claim.

If you cannot sell - nay, if you don’t have an active market waiting for your foals - please stop breeding. Something is not working. Retrench. Take care of what you have and find good, healthy, soft landings for what you have on hand. Then have a good long thing and a re-think if what you’re doing is reasonable. Maybe half halt this madness until what you’ve bred is all in good hands, healthy, and developing.


Do you have a permit to have a raffle? I know in my state, and others, raffles are under the gaming commission and are games of chance. Clubs and registered rescues, 501©(3), can, not private citizens.


I only ever see auctions like this for charity so that makes sense. NOT for someone’s for-profit business b/c they are unable to sell through normal methods and channels.


Very interesting question.

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Auctions are legal, but raffles are not. I believe all states require permits since it’s gambling.


Seems FL is the same (and you’d expect a ‘lawyer’ would know this :thinking:):

I also note that in FL you are not allowed to require an entry fee or purchase: all must be welcome to take their chance (though you can suggest a donation amount). In which case, I’m sure most on this thread would love a ticket, please and thank you!

It would seem whatever past raffle KS held was in violation of FL law. She was also super cagey on FB and would not answer her friend’s straighforward question: what happened in the last raffle? Did someone get the foal?

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it, esp such ignorance from someone who represents herself as a lawyer. I’d not want to sit the Character & Fitness interview with this on my record. Man, you’d look dumb!


FL seems not to require a permit, but does require the entity holding the auction is a qualified nonprofit.


I really struggle with a breeder who sells a baby without qualifying the home.


She would not give a straight answer to this question asked by one of her own clients. I suspect the State of Florida would be interested in a straight answer.

It would be almost funny to see two grown ups chatting back and forth not even realising that ‘calling’ it an auction or a raffle isn’t just a matter of terminology and how much money they might get but is actually a legal issue - funny if one of them wasn’t holding herself out as a law school grad.


There are so many breeders in the US and only 1 has over 5100 replies in 1 one thread. KS asks why we are all so interested in her so here is my list

  1. You never know what may come up from day to day. The nonsense doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon.
  2. The poor grey mare who had a tumor and was living her days out was actually pregnant.
  3. Stallions are only part of the picture. The mare that the uterus is attached to matters as well. Some might argue even more than the stallion.
  4. Using the rider/owner’s name when you state the stallions name does not increase the offsprings worth.
  5. It appears we have had positive impact on the husbandry of the horses owned by KS.
  6. Using deceased mother’s name as a Facebook alter.

Hard to decide what is lower: this or actively using her deceased mother’s name/identity online.



Raffles and auctions are not the same. She probably could auction the foals because that’s outright selling to the highest bidder. Raffles are games of chance, that’s the difference.