Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Sure, she could auction it. But this is the second time she has/has contemplate ‘raffling’ the foals, not auctioning. I was just supporting your point that she is not legally allowed to raffle them. I find it shocking that, as a ‘law school grad’ she didn’t know this at all.


I forgot she’s a lawyer. Maybe the gaming commissions in Florida and Arizona should be made aware if she carries this through.


Absolutely please contact all state organizations. I freaking love you all! Legitimately the best entertainment ever! I’m so thankful for you all!

The University of Vermont Morgan horse farm has a raffle horse every year. It used to be a foal but they seem to be going with yearlings now. They pick 5 tickets and vet the winners to find the best match.

They are a nonprofit, so it’s legal.

This year’s yearling filly is very nicely bred.



If the raffle does go through, I hope the ticket holders read the fine print on what happens if you do happen to win.


C’mon, leave it out. You’re fooling no one with your ‘freaking love’ and faux gratitude and LOLs.

You were caught out AGAIN not knowing something you should know: the legal requirements surrounding raffles. Esp for someone who claims legal expertise you have egg on your face and you’ve exposed your ignorance once again. And you cannot give a straight answer to the result of the last raffle.

You are the entertainment, ducks, not the entertained. Would you never cop onto yourself?!

Are you capable of some straightforward answers?

  • Did someone get the foal from the last auction?
  • What charitable organisation do you run these raffles under?
  • Where do the raffle proceeds go (you cannot keep money raised in a charity raffle)?

No attempts at fancy footwork, please and thank you. Just facts and straight answers. It’s a short and easy list.


That makes total sense to me. It is nice of you to remind us that the people here think your foals are worth about $100.


It’s almost worth $100 to find out what happens when the raffle ends. Does she notify the folks who don’t win? For that matter, does she notify the person who actually does win? Or does she just pocket the proceeds and tell everyone that “Sorry, someone else won” - and later try to sell the foal in a private transaction for $20K? And since there is no oversight of how the raffle is run, no one will be the wiser (but KS will be the richer).

That said, it isn’t me that bought a ticket and I have no plans to do so. I’d rather give that $100 to an honest-to-God bona fide charity.


In my state, you need a permit to rund a raffle and there is a requirement to report the name and address of the winners.
No animals may be used as a prize in a raffle.


Exactly. Per IRS rules, not only do you have to be a registered 501©3 for at least 5 years (I think) but you have to apply more than a year in advance with the specific date and raffle requirements. And you can’t change dates closer to the event.

If she tries this stunt, she should be reported to the IRS—I’m guessing she wouldn’t want them investigating her.

The only way around these regulations is to make it a “drawing” where anyone can put their name in the kitty without paying for the privilege. And that would defeat her purpose.


Actually, under FL regs, you cannot charge for the raffle tix either - only suggest a donation amount.

This whole new layer of her :poop: show is so painfully dumb.


So she’s actually admitted to engaging in illegal activities. Wow.And here I thought her fake service dogs were bad enough. Just when you think she can’t get worse she always seems to rachet it up a notch.


I’m wondering whether she’s modeling her raffle after Curtis & Leroy in the old joke:

Curtis & Leroy buy a mule from a farmer for $100. The farmer agrees to deliver the mule the next day.

The next morning the farmer drives up and says, “Sorry, fellas, I have some bad news. The mule died last night.”

Curtis replies, “Well, then just give us our money back.”

The farmer says, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”

Leroy says, “OK then, just bring us the dead mule.”

The farmer asks, “What in the world are you gonna do with a dead mule?”

Curtis says, “We’re gonna raffle him off.”

The farmer says, “You can’t raffle off a dead mule!”

Leroy says, “We sure can! Heck, we don’t hafta tell anybody he’s dead!”

A couple of weeks later, the farmer runs into Curtis & Leroy at the grocery store and asks, “What’d you fellas ever do with that dead mule?”

Curtis says, “We raffled him off like we said we were going to. We sold 500 tickets for two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898.”

The farmer says, “My lord, didn’t anyone complain?”

Leroy says, “Well, the fella who won complained. So we gave him his two dollars back.”


Oh ladies I just love stopping by to see what you all have imagined. Have fun my little stalkers. Please continue following. You only show your own wacky behaviors. Say hey if you’re up at traverse or in Kentucky!

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  • What was the outcome of your last raffle?
  • What charitable org did you run it under?
  • Who was the beneficiary of the funds raised?
  • Did someone win and collect the foal?
  • Did you report the results of the raffle as required under the relevant regulations?

When you came back to a dead thread a wee while ago and bumped it trying to get attention for your FB posts, you forfeited forever any basis to claim anyone was a ‘stalker’. It’s as unbelievable as your LOLs. You’re embarrassed to have been exposed as:

  • not caring for your livestock
  • not honest in your CYA posts
  • ignorant of the rules and regulations around running raffles despite your claim to legal expertise

Or, if you are not embarrassed, it means you lack even the most basic level of concern for your own reputation and character. Having no shame is not cool; it’s pathological.

Feed your animals. Stop breeding until you can sell (not Hail Mary giveaways) what you have. Don’t continue to violate the law by ‘raffling’ them off. Stop publicly trashing your employees and clients.

In short: do better with respect to a lot of basic metrics.


I don’t think “stalker” means what you think it means. If anyone’s stalking, it’s you when you keep coming back to this thread. Pretty pathetic.


I decided to check out your FB account and found this recent post:

A few questions.

  1. Do you sincerely believe a photograph of a moment in time in any horse’s stride accurately represents the horse and its capabilities? OR… do you think this sort of marketing can be used by unscrupulous sellers to make fantastical claims?

  2. You say that the dam line is incredible. What level did the dam compete at under saddle? Are any of the other offspring from this mare under saddle yet, and what are they currently doing in competition? What about Reba’s dam? Did that mare produce other foals, and what did they do in terms of performance careers? What about further back in that dam line? Are there any offspring that competed in dressage, jumping, or other sport at a high level?

  3. You chose a photo of Glamourdale and compared it to a photo of your De Niro yearling, and I believe the other colt pictured is by the jumper stallion Halifax. Can you explain what you think these three stallions have in common? I’m having trouble understanding the connection you are making between the three in this post. Is it just the photo of their canter stride, and the fact that they are all a dark color?


Oh Lawd :joy::joy:


I hope KS did a lot of stretching before making that incredible reach :thinking: yikes


Flashback to the photos of Maestro on Chevy, purporting to be mirror images of Nuno Oliveira.