Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

A shadow effect. If you zoom in, it’s a bright spot next to a shadow.


I’ve zoomed in pretty close but it still looks odd to me…

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Maybe he has a bull like scrotum, the long dangly type?



Amazing what food and care can do! Looks like this horse is in AZ. Far, far away from KS.


One thing about this thread is it’s got me looking, really looking at foals. I’m wondering about the low heel - high heel. I’ve had 3 horses with that, not as bad as a club foot but different enough foot shape. When they were shod it needed to be every 4 weeks vs a trim at 6 weeks.

High/low isnt really seen in foals, most feet match pretty well unless there is an obvious, serious club. Hi/low develops over time (months, years, with inadequate trimming) as they graze with one leg forward, one leg back so their short necks can reach the ground.

The foal shown here seems like the right front is unweighted with just the toe on the ground, thus making the heel appear high. I don’t think it would be uneven with a better photo.

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I don’t think it’s solely from inadequate trimming but I don’t know for sure. And I do think the one in the above picture is starting the low - high.


Either that or one front is in a bit of a hole or softer spot. I’d have to see a picture on solid footing before I made a call on it either way.

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Very glad to see him in good condition.

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He has a better shoulder/better front end than most of hers we’ve seen. No Viking ship.


Yes but does he look like ideal breeding stock? I think that’s an idea she’s floating with a past breed partner for Arab sport horse market

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Amazing what just alfalfa hay(same hay I shipped in on semis to fl) can do when it’s actually fed like instructed and not stolen! I know shocking after all your shit about my magical hay!!! I love that you guys are still so obsessed with me. Keep on keeping on coth!

First ride….would say pretty darn comfortable. And ironically because of their backs not cracking in movement/jump they are exceptionally comfortable.

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Generally, it’s because they’re leg movers that don’t move through their back.


I just want it known that I have not sent any emails, ever, to any governing bodies of any organization, or any horse shows or … such a long list of nevers… about COTH saying anything about anything, or about Kate Shearer. So the obsession is really more on your side than ours.


I am glad this person is enjoying their horse!
That is never a bad thing. I have always wished that your horses have a wonderful home.

My personal experience has been that most trainers have not wanted to introduce the canter on the first ride.

I am glad you figured out the whole feeding thing and how to be responsible for the care of all your horses.


A lot do actually - especially the more “western” style trainers I’ve known. The idea is to let the horse learn that they can do all 3 gaits with a rider up right away, thinking that it’s harder to introduce the canter later after the horse thinks they know the (w/t) drill. The good ones aren’t riding wtc for an hour in the round pen every day, they’re just making sure the horse knows that all 3 gaits exist under saddle.

As always, done correctly and kindly, there are many roads to Rome.


I think this one had a different dam than several of the others, who were all produced via ICSI from Kate’s deceased mare Reba.

Just goes to show that dam lines ARE important…


This one is 3/4 sister to Reba. And Reba foals have the best movement/cadence of them all. So I guess if you like this movement out of a lesser dam then that’s great. 2yo maternal sibling by imothep


Because drew knows about this post and has even spoken out against some of you and you have argued with her on here that’s why I mentioned it. And that’s a shame you have never communicated with any governing boards before.

I actually did this with my most recently backed horse, and it worked out just fine. I see no issue if done right and he seems no worse off for it at all.

I will say he had been lightly long lined, lunged, and been doing various groundwork prior to backing, so some strength was built up. That might’ve helped too. His canter is naturally very and rhythmic.

Really seems no worse off due to that approach, but there are indeed many roads to Rome.