Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Thanks for sharing your perspective and personal experience on this issue.

I just can’t wrap my head around the condition that grey mare is in, the claims about the vet care, and the vet practices she has named. None of it makes sense to me.


I still disagree. Portable ultrasounds have trouble seeing far into the body and the tumor doesn’t necessarily have to be large. I had a horse that looked exactly like that with a tumor on the heart discovered during necropsy.

edited to say horse was euthanized much sooner than the horse we are discussing but we still tried everything. Made a really nice research paper as it was fairly uncommon and hopefully we help better diagnosis in the future.

Again, commenting in general and not about this situation.


I will respond and say that in some cases some vets have a difficult time coming out bluntly about euthanasia and in some cases some owners take this as reason to continue pursuing treatment. I have no idea if this is what is actually happening but I have personally seen owners struggle to have a horse euthanized by their vet as well as horses being kept alive long after they should be because the owner can’t come to that decision. Speaking in general terms and not about this situation. I have never had a vet come out and flat out say an animal needs to be euthanized.


In this case, Kate has claimed that the vets refuse to euthanize, which is different than what you are saying, totally different.


I can see the points you both are making.

And… Kate seems to have a deficit when it comes to credibility.

It’s hard to know what the truth is.

I’m bluntly still looking at pictures of that thin grey mare, and her belly, and wondering if she might be in foal.

I really hope Kate is being honest and that competent repro vets have ruled THAT out.


It is hard to tell where the truth sits.


When you (general) have a whole herd of horses at various stages of life and they all look unthrifty the truth is that you (same general) are doing something not right in your horse care.





Young horses show loose at Devon? Yeah, no.


Me too! Her teeth look like they hurt too! You KNOW these poor babies aren’t getting dental care and the addition of not having enough forage to chew makes it even worse.

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I don’t know if KS has shown at Devon (I don’t believe so?) but I believe she is talking about inspections. Foals are loose without halters. What that has to do with starved and dehydrated little weanlings and foals, I don’t know.


Yes and groomed to the nines incl many braided.

I think she’s trying to compare it to this older mare and others loose in a scrubby paddock with broken fence portions blocked by vehicles and then chased around.


She was responding to me criticizing the videos she made of her youngstock running around in the paddock with fencing in disrepair. I suggested there were better and safer ways to present her youngstock on video and she countered that by telling me I am clueless about how to market babies.

I admittedly am not someone who sells babies.

I am someone who buys them. I would not but a horse from someone who makes videos like this to market them.


Oh, lol. :grimacing: :roll_eyes:

If KS had a stellar history and reputation and the only issue here was the fencing, I don’t think anyone would really say anything. Obviously not the case.

But this convo reminds me of some questions I had before -

I asked @Kasheare if any of her mare’s had competition records but was of course met with radio silence. Has anyone found any competition records on these mare’s who are being reproduced at the cyclic rate?

Also, has anyone ever heard of a breeder basing foal prices on the cost to produce them? IE, questionable quality but still pricing very high because of voluntarily incurred vet costs??

I still can’t get over how much KS has paid (or currently owes) for ICSI breeding costs.

Also, did someone say they believe Kate still plans to continue breeding? :cold_sweat:


I found zero. She does seem to make a habit of renaming mares who were originally registered with ADHHA though, so maybe there are records for some of them under their original registered names?

She did make the claim about “Boardwalk KG” - the 18 yo mare who jumped over the edge of the truck and paddock fence that “She’s still got it!” I am unaware of this mare having a competition record as a jumper though… I assume that was just KS being deliberately vague and trying to get that old broodmare sold.

I’ve definitely seen some breeders price youngstock high for a number of reasons, but not to the extent that Kate has, and not because of voluntarily incurred vet expenses.

I’ve seen plenty of quality youngstock offered for sale at a discounted price due to a disclosed veterinary issue that might… or might not… eventually limit performance potential. This sort of situation can be a great deal for an adult ammy who wants a nice horse but only plans to go to a certain level in terms of performance, and then plateau. But of course there is risk. :woman_shrugging:

I’m baffled by this as well.

Apparently she is actively searching for a mare who shares specific bloodlines with Reba, the black mare she used so extensively for ICSI. Given how many DHH are produced in Amish country and eventually end up needing to be unloaded at auction … I would imagine it will be easy for her to find what she is looking for at a very affordable price. And continue on with all this.

MAYBE the new KWPN-NA policies concerning problematic breeding and ethical concerns will slow it down a bit. Maybe not though… maybe she will just start breeding unregistered foals. Plenty of people do.

Maybe the three repro vet practices who have been widely discussed as part of this mess (EMS in Missouri, EMCO and Peterson & Smith in Ocala) will decide it is not in their best professional interests to continue on with a relationship with this particular client, given the claims she makes on social media about veterinary advice she has allegedly received. Who knows. They are all reputable practices… the whole situation is strange.


uh uh don’t blame that mess on us. She’s from Arizona, give them the credit.


I’m thinking worms

I would agree if she was younger. But in a 17 year old mare? If she is really that wormy at that age… just wow.

Oh… and I am saying the mare is 17 because according to the ADHHA database… which is apparently the birth registry for this mare… she’s actually currently 17 - not 19, as KS keeps claiming.

I’m unclear as to why KS keeps on saying this mare is 19.

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I think she means warmblood sales videos on craigslist.

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My understanding of ICSI is that it is a method by which you can make the most of semen. So basically you can get many more babies out of a single dose.

Most people use ICSI in very specific cases - not base their entire business on it.