Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Kate’s idea of self preservation is the lies and misinformation she uses to deflect her own total cluelessness. The horses (via images) don’t have the same luxury.


@Kasheare And the foal which had a very bad injury - yes, shit happened a long time ago- that photo was taken at the vets. Ive spent over 30K to make him ok. Hospitals, care and many people Id like to thank for that help. I just dont want to drag them into your shit. I can never sell him to make that back - he is my keeper. All people who have managed horses over many years occasionally have a bad experience. After years of being in the industry and sometimes things dont work out how we think. Yeah, it looked bad, I never gave up. Now he is amazing and has a full future WITH ME. What happened to the filly?


Him today,


2016 - I contacted the researcher whom Sussman cited as her collaborator. Too bad no one who bought her brand of b.s. bothered to do the same before basing their policies on Sussman’s self-described “research”.

We indeed did spend a summer researching the horses but they were in such large groups that it was difficult to gather much useful data. But a student thesis was produced with some interesting results. It was done year ago and way before the current situation where the herd was deemed in neglect. Nothing has been published and nothing will be published since the our samples sizes were very small.

It is indeed a pity that she has fallen on hard times. Note, our IACUC protocols were for our observations and our study. They have nothing to do with her maintenance of the herd. And also note, we were not supporting HER research. She does NO research. She allowed us to use her herd to do our study.

I hope this clarifies matters.

Best, Dan Rubenstein


Anyone else find it interesting that Kate Shearer was responding to every single post but scrammed as soon as @DWBFL challenged her BS?

Not a peep since then.


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I am confused @kasheare, does this somehow make how your horses look OK? Does this some how make it OK that the weanling looks like that?

Let us say that what you are saying this time is true (versus what you said before), that this person is just horrible and should not be trusted with a horse, does there being another person with crappy looking horses out there mean that the camera lied, even the photos you yourself posted, about what your horse(s) look like? Is there only allowed to be one person at a time that has underfed unthrifty horses?

The injury photos kind of prove the point that you are wrong on the whole self preservation thing.


Kate, even if your allegations are true, it doesn’t absolve your own atrocious behavior.


My horses have self preservation. Breeding sensibility in even if you on here beg to differ. The people that have been to the farm and seen everyone over the last few months have wanted to speak out loudly and publicly but I did not want them dragged into this online saga. What I’m saying is yes, you all post about fencing, gates, etc……the property is slowly getting all new fencing. Yes it was different hiring staff when I’m absentee versus just paying full board. But my point is Fiona has not stopped in her onslaught. As many vets can attest to even on here how does a foal go from the photo Fiona posted(all her deleted ones from the Fiona profile but now started the other profile) to what the owner sent me the day after. Something is fishy and I’m not sure what. The biggest complaint on picking up the filly was that she was too big to be a weanling. All I’m saying is I’m letting the lawyers handle this. Unfortunately Fiona has no assets to her name so pointless to sue her but since she continues to post now after the owner has told her, Fiona the “employee” to stop, we will seek out what is legally right. I did not want to get to this point as the owner and I talk often, but whoever this Fiona lady is has quite a laundry list of bad bad things going on. But alas you all can believe whoever you want at any given point. What is said on here has 0 effect on me. I know the truth, the vets that come to the farm know the truth, all the people that come to the farm know the truth. That’s the only reason I do the lol on here by people commenting on having a truck in pasture and I’m too cheap to buy a gate etc. keyboard warriors at their finest. Now I have to get back to work.

What happened to your December auction, and your decision to stop breeding?


But, you said that this filly was skinny because of your help not feeding your amazing Arizona hay when this happened. You were here and on facebook blaming others about the condition of this horse.

Now you are saying we should ignore that, that you said explaining the horrible condition of this horse, and believe that some how between picking the filly up and this photo this other person is all to blame, not the workers you said were all to blame before.

Your photos, of your horses show horses that are unthrifty.

A horse jumping over the front of a truck is not showing a sensible animal at all, it certainly is not showing good self preservation. Unless those two things mean something different to you than they do the rest of the world.


No need for an auction when private buyers want horses. And the only reason I wanted to “stop” was because I was letting the ugly people on coth get to me but many trainers talked to me that have my foals and told me not to listen to you all. It’s a shame I am drawn to read the nonsense on here but alas I do.

No I was trying to piece together what was happening while I was gone but others that had stopped by the farm filled me in as well as others that I guess know Fiona and one that actually rescued the one out of her care. I’m sorry everything couldn’t be immediate.

Alright, I’ll bite. What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Let’s say these are indeed pictures of horses in @DWBFL’s care.

What is the context? Does the skinny horse belong to her? Did it look healthy before and then declined, or did it look like that when it arrived? Is it old?

Same with the injured fetlock, what am I looking at? Horses recieving fantastic care can and will try to kill themselves. A friend had a new horse take a flying leap when stepping off the trailer on day 1. Horse slipped, slammed down on the edge of the trailer floor, and lacerated both hinds something awful. It was a freak accident. Mare recieved immediate vet care and has since healed completely. Would pictures of that wound make me think my friend doesn’t know how to take care of a horse?

The barbware-leg horse doesn’t really tell me anything. I would never keep my horses near barbware, but some people do (no idea if this happened on DWBFL’s property or not). @DWBFL has posted pictures that the horse recieved vet care and has recovered.

Pictures can (and do) say a lot about people’s horse care. Are you saying that @DWBFL’s horses always are terribly injured? That she’s negligent? There were lots of pictures from HiCaliber Horse Rescue that showed basicaly ALL the horses looked bad ALL the time. This is not that. This is two rather sever injuries and an immaciated horse with no context.


You love that word unthrifty. No one that sees them says that. Only here on coth. And if that is your opinion then you are welcome to it. Thankfully the two BNT that did the jump chute with me who you all said looked like people flailing whips think differently, including the two olympians that have been to the farm in the last month and the multiple 5 star riders as well. I really think you all have quite a screwed thought on things but I don’t body clip the foals and they are out. They won’t have slick coats when it’s 45 degrees out they are in their winter woolies. You can comment on the old mare all you want but I listen to the vets not coth. You can comment on my footwear choice but it works for me. You can comment that it’s terrible I chased a broodmare over the truck when we were an entire football field length away from her. The comments can go on and on. The people I listen to are the people that are at the farm, that see and deal with the horses. Everyone thinks nothing can be haltered or handled, sure I’ll post video of all that. They are too handled which is why no video can be gotten unless you try to get them running. I’ll do video how you all want to see. Post it for you. Then you all will criticize that they don’t do anything and that’s because they are “unthrifty” but have you ever thought it’s what I breed for the quiet mindset? Oh well. You all will do and believe as you want and I will continue living my life with actual friends and support telling me to keep doing what I love and is my passion. Wish you all the best

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ok, Hillbilly Kate! :pig2: Carry on, then!


I will use some other word if you have something else that works better.

If this is the case then it is on you, because we are going by the photos and videos you have shared. If you are only sharing photos that make your horses look unhealthy, not thriving, under fed, not groomed, poorly conditioned, improper hoof care, under muscled or incorrectly muscled we can only base our opinion on those photos you shared.
If in real life there are some horses that look well fed and well cared for that is great news, you have not shared photos of those.


Hopefully she will even feed them properly now. Instead of wondering why Arby’s is out of roast beef.


Unthrifty has nothing to do with a quiet mindset or any mindset.

A quiet mindset does not jump a truck.


Horses in “winter woolies” can still have shiny, healthy coats. Winter and low temperatures have zero to do with horse overall health if a person is feeding them properly.