Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Yes it is equine medical center of ocala……their vet techs posing and taking pics

How many times have we heard this bull from dishonest people? Many.


There’s no one afraid of coth members. Lol

If an Olympian or 5* rider really backed you I think most of us would listen to what they had to say and then make an opinion from there. We wouldn’t go after them. That’s mob mentality. This is defending horses that can’t defend themselves from your ignorant, selfish beliefs.


You just said you were worried that the BNTs and Olympians that support you would be “targeted” by COTH members, and that “legal” was concerned as well.

Yah, right. :roll_eyes:


You yourself posted that the mare ended up dying. And I believe the foal died at a later date, too. And you posted the videos and photo on your page and everyone who commented was horrified…which is when you took it all down.
I notice you didn’t address the mare’s body condition. Shocking.


Bolding mine. Um, you just said that they would be “targeted” by COTH members.

You don’t seem to realize that many COTH members work with or are acquainted with BNT’s and some, with Olympians.

I think you are in so far over your head, that you should stop breeding and should definitely stop posting. It is difficult to imagine how you could do any more damage to yourself and your “breeding program” than you have done already, but you seem determined to try.

Your animals are in poor condition, you have had this issue for years, and you have not improved your husbandry.


The mare never died so get your facts straight and I never would lie especially about that. Jesus

Absolutely because you all are sick. I won’t let anyone be ridiculed especially when none of you can get your facts straight

So back to this claim:

You are saying this about Emco?


@Kasheare Have to say that you seem to hire the wrong people to take care of your horses. Why is that?

Edited to add a word.


[quote=“skydy, post:1779, topic:789934, full:true”]

And then;

You can’t have it both ways. Give it up.


I sure didn’t see anyone stepping forward to defend Kate on the thousands of Facebook comments/posts regarding the emaciated weanling.


Honestly, there are some Olympians here in Ocala that are not impressive. I wouldn’t send them a donkey to board.


Wait, so she’s still using the vets who botched a foaling? I’m not buying any of this.

ETA one of the partners at EMCO is my vet. I kinda want to ask him about this whole situation. But he’s a classy dude and would probably decline to comment.


Two Olympians have seen your operation and are in support, but because of us keyboard warriors you won’t name their names? So you are saying that riders that fit into the category and accomplishments of as say Mclain Ward and Beezie Maddens and let’s throw in a 5* rider Richard Spooner aren’t coming forward because you don’t want them to be subjected to the scrutiny? If these Olympians and 5* rider supported you they wouldn’t give a rats ass what we thought. Get a grip. Give it up.


It’s certainly not because there’s a shortage of good horse people in Ocala.


The whole matter is horrifying, and now, past ridiculous. All the obfuscations and dancing around the horse welfare issues by Kate Shearer, when there are photos from which a beginner could tell that her animals are not properly fed.

The dishonesty is blatant, the excuses never ending, and all we have left are photos and videos of neglected, undernourished, questionably bred youngstock and broodmares, and an owner who can’t see that their horses are not in good shape.


I’m trying to figure this out. She seems to claim she was paying for full board somewhere for the mare to foal out, and that someone involved in the mare’s care left town and just got a third party to show up to feed twice a day. And Kate herself saw the mare in distress on camera, and that is how they identified the veterinary emergency.

But… is she saying the mare was actually at Emco when this happened? Or… they trailered the mare to Emco, and she then delivered there?

If she’s saying that Emco failed to properly supervise and support a mare who was there to foal out… that’s a pretty serious accusation.


Nope, unanimously the comments were like “yeah that tracks with Kate” 🫣