Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

This is definitely EMCO. I recognize the stalls. Been there for my own breeding process, as well as for other procedures. This is a very serious accusation.


Yes. Very serious. I agree.

I canā€™t imagine they got a mare who was in the middle of a red bag delivery on a trailer to Emco while she was in the midst of laborā€¦ so I can only conclude the whole accusation is leveled at Emco.


Hereā€™s the other thing - who in their right mind boards out pregnant mares? Especially if you are spending thousands to get them pregnant? My mind cannot comprehend.


Those ā€œBNTsā€ and "Olympians " that are supposedly supportive of this nightmare may get a finders fee if they could find someone to take pity on one of Shearerā€™s stock.

There arenā€™t any ā€œBNTsā€ or ā€œOlympiansā€ supporting terrible nutrition, or neglected mares and foals.

This is a fabrication worthy of a ten year old child. ā€œOh, important people approve of my horse husbandry and breeding, but I canā€™t tell you who they areā€. Pitiful.


This is the pattern. No reputable breeder does this. None. No professional does this.


Kate uses pick up trucks as fencing. Sheā€™s legit. Nothing about any of this is questionable.

Said no one.


No one pays full board to have others care for their animals? Or no one leaves town during foaling season? Because both happened. But thatā€™s fine again with the keyboard warriors that just donā€™t seem to comprehend even the live video after ridiculing me for laying with a dying foal when it wasnā€™t me. I was documenting what was going on. And yes I was watching the camera at the foaling farm and called them to get the mare to the vet immediately! But the last bunch of comments really makes me even more assertive that Iā€™m dealing with a bunch of people that have no idea what they are talking about. Have fun arguing amongst yourself ladies

Well then clearly you know nothing if you canā€™t imagine this happening. Lol

Not professionals. Not seasoned horsemen. Not breeders of repute who can command $25k for a foal. You are out of your league and it shows.


Oh the little you know. Some people are just dense

Far from out of my league. I enjoy paying for services so I do not have to provide them. Why my mares go to be foaled out elsewhere. In capable or supposedly capable hands.

Someone has to have a bingo card going.


LOOK at the condition of your animals. You are so very far out of your league, and your inability to see that your horses are in bad condition proves that.

Nothing like completely hands off, ā€œlet somebody else worry about themā€ breeding, to show how far from an educated and intelligent breeder you are. Especially with years long issues with very undernourished mares and foals.


Your JOB as a breeder is to care for your livestock. By the photos, you are not. The staff you hire and the farms you board at are not up to snuff. You are out of your league.


NOT defending the circus on display here, but as someone familiar with the (reputable) equine reproductive scene in Ocalaā€¦

  1. It is not uncommon for small-time breeders to send mares to dedicated foaling facilities to foal out their mares. Variety of reasons: owner expected to be out of town. Owner inexperienced in foaling and wants the mare in knowledgeable care. Mare is a high-risk pregnancy and owner wants more experienced supervision. Etc, etc. My regular repro vet foals out a couple dozen mares each year, many of them are boarded specifically for foaling only, and are there about 7-10 days prior and leave within 5-10 days post-foaling (unless the mare is also there to be re-bred). So it is entirely possible that the mare seen at EMCO was kept at a foaling facility, and for whatever reason that facility dropped the ball.

  2. I would absolutely haul a mare in active labor to a vet clinic if things were going south. My truck and trailer lives hooked up during foaling season. Usually I can handle things myself; and I always have my regular repro vet to call (who lives 5 miles down the road); BUT she also has her mares to watch, and itā€™s entirely possible she CANNOT LEAVE her own farm at 2am because her own mares are in labor; or it could be a such a severe dystocia that requires hospital care, so if the mare isnā€™t progressing appropriately during labor, she could get hauled to EMCO or UF. So please donā€™t throw accusations about EMCO ā€œabandoningā€ a mare in laborā€¦ I really, really doubt that is the case here as others have jumped to this conclusion. Itā€™s definitely likely the mare was hauled to EMCO as she was distressed during a redbag foaling, and EMCO did their best to provide a successful outcome under the circumstances.

BTW, as a responsible foaling attendant I do NOT travel out of town during foaling season. I enter (local) horse shows knowing that I may have to scratch and stay home if a mare gets close. I donā€™t go out to dinner or away from the house much after dark. Someone is almost always on the property at all times of day. If I do leave, mares are under camera that I can watch remotely (and I give my vet a heads up, if she could make it there quicker than me). Mares will rarely surprise you; but if I was commercially boarding and foaling mares for clients, they would be monitored on-site 24 hours a day.


Please come look at them! Make an educated decision then because no one that looks at them or has seen them the last 3 months thinks anything other than thriving! For goodness sakes

Sorry. Iā€™ve seen the photos that youā€™ve posted.



Okay, but you are CONSTANTLY out of town when your breeding operation seems to go south. Just off the top of my head:

  • Chestnut mare (mentioned above) starting to foal w/o anyone present, eventually having a red bag delivery. Your rationale: you paid someone to watch and they didnā€™t do their job
  • 2 broodmares who DIED due to neglect/complications from neglect in late 2022. Your rationale: you paid someone for full care and they didnā€™t do their job
  • Emmaciated weanling being in horrid condition when the shipper arrived. Your rationale: you paid someone to feed them and they didnā€™t do their job

Why would anyone NOT blame you for these situations? You are the person who apparently keeps picking the flakiest people imaginable and not checking in. Every time it is someone elseā€™s fault. My mare is located out of state but I get picture updates so I know sheā€™s not starving. I get updates from the farrier and vets, who I speak to confirm my animal is in good condition.

Someone clarified within a few comments that the person pictured was not you.

Didnā€™t you say that the hospital was the one who took the videos/pictures?


I paid someone to foal out the mare and I was still on the cameras constantly all foaling season! What donā€™t you understand? I paid foaling out facilities to foal out every single foal.