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Party on the Porch!

Jair posted his very nice “philosophical thoughts” thread (not to be confused with “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey” from SNL), and several people agreed people may be feeling a bit testy due to Winter having set in and Spring being a good ways away. There’s only one good cure for that, and it’s a Party on the Porch!

So we’ll get BossHoss out of the tub, move the ponies out of the kitchen, get the fluffy dogs out of the rockers, and have HuntJumpSC fire up the still. We can unwrap the Christmas lights from HSM, start making baleing twine and duct tape decorations, and maybe even invite the Stair Sitters up for a quick taste of brew.

Now Kellybird – I said a taste, not a guzzle!

Kachoo, where are you? Oh, that’s right – Malaysia. But, c’mon the rest of you Canadians! You know how to have a good virtual party!

As I recall, my last porch episode involved me locked inside by C2, with some of the higher step citizens passing me cider through a window. I always get caught being the humanitarian, passing around all of the “refreshments.” It was not my fault that Regal said she was thirsty–Portia, I SWEAR I was only trying to relieve suffering!

I get a top step, well, because, I do.

And all those ponies passed out on the lawn? Soooooo not me. ErinB, you definitely can sit on the steps…beware, adults are not to be trusted with the drinks, so watch them closely…
Maybe fake IDs should be required, it’d keep the riff-raff with those silly real IDs at bay.

Ciao, everyone…:wink:

the folding kind, but with arms and footrest. I need to settle back so my 15 year old doggie Berkeley has lots of room to lie on my lap and I still have room to be needlepointing a belt over his head. (He is oblivious to kitties and, at his age, just like to snoozer with mom near by.) Can’t sit still and listen to good gossip – er, stories-- without a needlepoint belt project in my hands.

How is the weather for the party? Warm and sunny? About 75 degrees with a light breeze? And huge shade trees on the front lawn, under which the smaller children are playing tag (quietly and with no arguments or shrill voices).

AHHHHHHHH. That’s comfy now.

Becca, your Tompkins looks very much like my little Creature, with the grey stripes and white chest and feet, but Creature is unique in that 1/2 her face is brown stripey and 1/2 is grey stripey. Monster, on the other hand, is part black and part white, with a Phantom of the Opera mask thing going on. Now that I have a scanner at home, I will scan and post photos of the kitties. The third cat, Greyling, is a non-snuggler so she wouldn’t be much good on the Porch. She too prefers the absolute power of laying on a person’s chest while they are laying down.

Olmos and Zephyr’s Mom, we’ll have to put the lawn kids and Stair Sitters to work on building that ark. Plenty of duct tape and baleing twine around for them to work with.

Taffy and Regal of course get the lawn. We need them to keep the ponies in line. By the way, Boss Hoss has a brand new stud pony that just came out of the field, so we may need to get a good supply of those pink pills ready for her.

OMG! Now I am offended.

Sumo-son ain’t getting on no stinkin Greyhound to New York until we work out a few details of the dowry. What’d you offer the last time, hmmm, wasn’t it a pallet ‘o’ warmbloods and some kinda farm on 200 acres…where’s my lawyer, yoo hoo Inverness, where are ya when I need ya!!!

Becca, stop crying for mammy-Canter - she’ll come home as soon as the Eminem tour ends…

from my darling princess-----Dang, I need more beer…

Hey Portia, I’m 16. When would one qualify as a porch sitter, hmmm? Sounds like fun up there!


I brought my parents 64" Sony home monster television with mega speakers. Dad bought it to watch Hockey Night in Canada, but he can do without for one night. It’s still in the truck as it is a b**** to carry. It was hell getting over the boarder. I had trouble convincing the boarder patrol that we just wanted it to watch Grand Prix of the equine variety. Long lashes go a long way.

Oops, got to go, I can hear him screaming now.

Erin, I turn 16 on Wednesday…So we can chill together on the steps!!!

Emiril is AWESOME!!!

I LOVE Squid and Octupus. Eel is a No. Sushimi is AWESOME.

Would you like a very cute 6 week old lab puppy to keep you hands warm? I just happen to have one of those…

the porch doesn’t seem the same w/o C2 and SEB.
Lets have some action down on the lawn there. Get those ponies working.

As for the weather , I’ll take the snow to that 100+ degree and 100+ humidity in Texas.
I can dress for the snow, and take off layers when I warm up.

::::looks around for Portia, HSM, and Weatherford or Flash:::::

(Thanks Tin! I will be quite)

Great idea, Portia! Could I join ya’ll? Let me have a rocker, please, I’m old. Just give it a tip and get it started–I just wandered in from Lurkdom with a great bottle of Australian Merlot and a bag of Pepperidge Farm Cocolate Chunk cookies…I’m celebrating having just bought my dream horse colt! He’s not black with a white mane and tail, but ya can’t have everything…

Oh my goodness! I go home and leave you kids alone, and just look what happens! Becca, get the sheep out of Schoolie’s big rocker! Reagal, you and Sandstone take the goats back to the lawn where they belong. They’re chewing on the the duct tape and if we’re not careful the whole plac is gonna fall down around us. Kellybird and Kelsy, try and see if you can find Boss Hoss or HuntJump SC under that big pile of baling twine and feed bags in the corner. And somebody please get the pony out of the still!

Tin, please/ hand me a LaBatts and let’s turn on a hockey game. For some reason, I feel like pretenting to be a Canadian tonight. Where are Boss Hoss and Kachoo when we need them?

Louise, more kitten stories, please. As I write, I have my little Monster and Creature sitting under my chair. Well, that is, Monster is under the chair. Creature has managed to pull the bottom lining open and has climbed inside the chair. Ah, wonderful Ikea craftmanship.

And yes, that’s right! I’m not posting this from the office! Yes, kids and neighbors, will wonders never cease – only a year later and I finally got my own little laptop and I’m at home. Yeehaw! Now nobody’s safe. Mmmwaaahahahaha!

Teri, your section of the Porch can be a Veranda if you want, as part of the Southern tradition of gentility.

Louise, I’ve never met a kitty who didn’t like a good cave. The IKEA chair is just my babies’ latest attempt at cave dwelling. They have dug holes in the bottom lining of the box springs on both the beds in my house. When they disappear, I look under the bed for lumps hanging down in the lining. Luckily, most of the good furniture is too close to the ground for them to burrow under, and the dining and occassional chairs are too small to make good caves.

The Porch definately has to be located someplace other than Houston this week – rain, rain, rain, and it’s too cold in the East. So I vote we move it to Indio for the rest of the circuit. We can sit on the Porch and watch Hap Hansen ride and wish we could be so good.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>ErinB - give me some warning the next time you decide to be bad, that’s something I would really not want to miss, it’s such a rarity. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, is it? Well in that case, how about I give you a cat AND a dog? My pwecious little puddy cat RC and my Aussie, Addie! On second thought, I do still want them. Perhaps you could just borrow them? My kitty got declawed ( ) but that means he won’t claw you in the head if you need a real fur scarf!


OK, now I’m confused. Why are you offended Sandstone. Looks to me like Becca just apologised to you.

ErinB> does that mean your ofically inviting me up closer to the porch (on the stairs) near the mosquito zappers and all the fun
