Party on the Porch!

LOL not to worry Heidi he doesn’t do that
but he does like to have his but scratched all the time lol

You will know when he backs up into you

“The porch” reminds me of the olden days on the equisearch board!! I know there are some of you who know what I mean…Suz…???LOL

Daytimedrama, I agree. I think we also need an alarm system!


I am still claiming my top step on the porch…

I think that we will definatly take up the offer for some alcohal…what about the vodka? or did me and Kelsey already steal all of it?

At 27 I think I am eligible for a least a spot on the railing. But just in case a spot has opened on the porch, I have brought my trusty air chair. Just need a spot to hang it from and let the gentle breeze start the sway.

I have even brought along mimosas for the crew on the veranda.

And my FAMOUS “Neiman Markus” cookies. They really are worth the effort of making dozens and dozens.


Louise, all I know is that I haven’t been (too) bad lately. Does that qualify me, by any chance?


Well this has turned into some shindig here girl! I mean, I go away for a few days (to hang out on a Florida beach, not to brag or anything… ), and when I come back it’s going strong!

BobO - good to see you! Know what you mean about the stupid snow - I’m quite ready for spring myself.

Glad to see everyone here on the porch…now, pass me some of that cider, would you? Or maybe a beer… Just keepit away from the young un’s.

Ok since my spot has obviously been very rudely taken, where will I sit? Hmm?


Dee, of course you’re more than welcome. Tell us about the dream horse!

And excuse me, C-2kins, but I told you in my e-mail from last week that we were starting a party! You were just too interested in your vet.

You’re here now, along with all the others who have come by and are more than welcome to the party, and that’s what’s important. Soooo, tell us how Mr. Wubs is enjoying his new retirement home.

I’ve got plenty to go around! I need a good party…it’s been crazy at work lately. What an excellent idea Portia! Is there any room left on the porch…at a ripe old age of 31 I qualify, right? I better get to work on my rocker!


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>It was not my fault that Regal said she was thirsty–Portia, I SWEAR I was only trying to relieve suffering!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Sure Kellybird just blame it all on me…of course…it was all me and ErinB and Sandstone had nothing what so ever to do with it…yeah…right…


Hehehe here they are.


As long as both you and Becca realize that I am the MOST powerful person, we will all get along fine

He should be so lucky as to have a potential brain-surgeon like my daughter!!!Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppphhhhhhh!!!

…and can’t hear you… but will join the party eventually… and will bring back whatever is left of the ahem medicinal supplies what I found in the back of the shed and under them floorboards and under Schoolie’s pillow and in the tubstill…what’s left of em I say…

Sparkles, that’s exactly what this is – its the COTH Annex of the old Esearch Porch. We rebuilt it a few months ago after Esearch crashed and changed. We haven’t used it much recently, but it’s about time to kick it back up.

ErinB, at 16 you qualify as a Stair Sitter, I think. You’ll have to check with Jo, Kellybird, Reagalmeans, and Becca – they pretty much control the stairs. To get a rocker on the Porch you have to be muuccchhhh ooolldeeer.

Like heidi, or Colin, or Jair, or Robby Johnson. They’re old enough for the Porch.

JB, drop the dog and get the pink pills away from Boss Hoss!

is ALL MINE!! You can have those nasty california rolls. no thanks!

Portia- I watched the Iron Chef once. It was an experience… Definately an experience.

My dad decided he needed to do this whole huge tv/sound system in the rec room so he could watch football and submarine movies (and of course Witness). He’ll NEVER notice if I steal it and put it on the veranda. We have 127 different sound selections, 10 TV widths, and it is a platinum flat screen- you get the full 3-D effect of those tiny little jumps. Consider it done!! I’ll also bring the laser show.

Sarah- Equal reign, most certainly. Taffy however is a dominant beast, so we’ve got Regal Covered!! (And don’t worry dear, there are cookies on that other plate. The sushi is the red fishy-smelling stuff. Cookies are distinctly chocolate chip).

Jamie Lynn- if you toss some tuna my way, I will be sure to get some to your adorable lawn child.

I think not! tut-tut. The only Alcohol we ever touch is when we eat the worm from the bottom of the tequilla bottle!

And YOUR Top stair?? I think not, darling!!

(he says, as he comes swaggering up to the front porch)

What on Earth y’all doin’ up on the porch?

Y’all got some iced tea? Heidi, slide on over and give me a spot on that porch swing. I gotta rest after gettin’ these youngun’s run off.

Whew. Lord.

I just came in from town. Y’all ain’t even gone believe what I heard at the store …

Step down! Ha, we claimed our steps woohoo! So who’s making Mar and my fake ID’s so we can drink whenever we want? Anways, Mar and I claimed the steps so that we can talk to each other the whole time!