Party on the Porch!

Another thing I miss here is action beer mugs and other items that move.
This site just does not have the feel of the old es porch.

Forgot about the fake ID’s, quick grab the duct tape and give me a dried out marker!! Man I haven’t drawn people in ages lets a pony like the tip of the dried out marker k line up everyone, Sandstone you first quickly sketches Sandstone who now resembles a stick figure with a cartoon bubble stating “hi, my name is Sandstone” There ya go NEXT!

-Tin (formerly Jaded until found out “Jaded” was used in other BB’s)

Oh and since I’m older then the stair sitters and younger than the porch sitters is it o.k if I sit on the porch railing? Remember I do give out beer and I won’t sit infront of everyone view, please? If not, can I be suspended from the porch roof you know in kind of a swing or something?

Well, (rocking and taking a sip of Merlot) he’s an 18 month old ID Sporthorse–3/4 Irish Draught and 1/4 TB, bay, 16.1 already, and is just Mr. Personality. I figure by the time he’s old enough for me to foxhunt, I’ll just have to have somebody from the home just roll me up in my wheelchair and put me on him! I’m just in loooove. He’s got the WB uglies, but my gosh, he’s gorgeous to me…here, somebody take these cookies away from me before I founder!

Ok, i wasn’t around back in the day at E-search, though i post there now- but what are the qualifications for sitting on the steps? The top with Sandstone and the others sounds about right for me…

Becca- DOn’t you know, tequilla is good for you- kills the worms.

Can my horse sit on the porch though? She could use the rest. She isn’t too terriably old- middle aged, but she is a boarder-line cripple. Plus she has worked hard in her life and trys despite her many troubles.

opps! Me sneak alcohal? I think that you must have been drinking if you are saying things like that…

Pam that weather sounds just lovely!

Aw, Erin, what a darling spotty puppy and stripey kitty! Dare I ask what said puppy has in his mouth? So long as he promises not to chase the sheep or ponies, he’s welcome on the lawn anytime!

Terri, i like the idea of calling the porch the Veranda as well.

HSM- If you want another porch sitter, i’m there. Many parts of my body are aged much past were they should be, so we all could pretend.I procally couldn’t sit on the steps too long and still be able to get up anyway.

WHY WAS I NEVER INFORMED?! Mosquito zappers… They make the world go round… the light…its so pretty…

HEIDI! Ok I’ll stop. But only because I am an M&M fan. Peanut Butter, please.

well if we don’t have mosquito zappers , we should. There may not be any mosquitos right now but we should look into the Porch’s future.


I was on E-search, too… that’s why I’m not in a huge state of confusion, lol!

Portia- Darnit! Well can my horse sit on the porch? She’s about 33 in people years.


Emiril RULES!!! BAM!!!

I think that me, Clemsonrider and someone else were on the top step…then Kelsey, ErinB and Sarah on the second…

Remember you claimed the bottom one so you could help control the lawn kids…

but it’s just so cool So Regal will reign supreme on the lawn (with Taffy) while my fellow step sitters and I curl up with the sushi, and cookies, and the vodka? cidar? Kelly are you supposed to bring the drinks or is Marion getting up off Steve’s lap and buying them with her fake ID?

Hehe…bring on the big screen TV and the grand prix…

Sarah * AKA “Regal’s Person”

'Scuse me, Kelsy, but I was a step sitter at E-search! So this gives me the right to move up. As for talking all the time, you could just as easily do that on the next step…!


I understand what you mean, Bob, but C-2 and Seb have put in occasional appearances here. And how many times did we have to scream “kill the da** monkey!” over there?

Now when do I get my fake ID?

Okay Marion and Kelsey let’s go look around under the porch then run back to protect our seats…

ErinB - ofcourse there’s room for you…
remember the porch has VERY BIG STEPS…


Nice of you to stop on by. This must be the riding season out in the desert. Do you have power? I heard that Calif is back to the stone age w/o electricity.

Yeeee Hawwwww!!! Portia has a laptop - now the fun begins. I’m glad to hear that my two kitties aren’t the only ones who have the insatiable desire to be “inside” something. There isn’t a nook or cranny on the porch that is safe from exploration, when I bring the Holy Terrors along.

Sandstone, your puppy is adorable, but, with the two kittens, I already have my hands more than full. Besides, I bet you and he are already best buds and inseperable.

ErinB - give me some warning the next time you decide to be bad, that’s something I would really not want to miss, it’s such a rarity.

By the way, where are Schoolmarm and Snowbird? I thought they had pledged to hold up their corner of the porch, cobwebs and all.

A much needed reminder. My youth may allow me to lose my priority place on the steps (even though we all KNOW that if I really wanted too, my supreme powers would pull through and have me all by myself on that top stair if I wished it) There is one thing that can NEVER be threatened! The Lawn Rulers. Taffy reigns Supreme, and because we like Regal so much, Regal reigns at his side. (Thank you, Sarah)

Portia has a lap top now- the fun can start! (Not that it hasn’t been fun )

LOUISE- I DEMAND being shown those pictures!! Its a law, donchya know?(what Becca says goes…or something)

Mad Mission- wait- tequilla is good for you? kills the worm? I would hope it kills the worm. Dead tequilla worm is allowed. Alive? extraterrestrial, if you ask me…

And the creme de la creme is my puddy-tat (Who will play w/ Betsy and Marissa;))

…I may be mistaken, but in my quite sober state I see nothing in puppy’s mouth–looks like a stick on the road behind him.

This is why we have step-sitters, to keep the porch-sitters from hallucinating too much!