People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Well then go to the SS page and read, as for someone who is as educated as they claim- you certainly have zero comprehension of SS.

Scapegoat for what? Diddling kids? I, personally, was friends with RG, we rode with GM. Though I never saw anything, I can certainly admit that people who I admired and respected can do terrible things.

For those things people must be accountable.


Oooo the Evil Atlas! Do you people read for substance? Or just to be mean? I think some of the posters on here are nasty for no reason and just looking to kick up a fuss- Talking in circles and trying to bully - Don’t think SS really wants you involved if you are going to villainize everyone who wants to be involved in the discussion - So NOT the essence of open discussion for anyone looking for help. I cannot imagine any young victims not being intimidated by the so-called adults posting their “positions” on COTH. Just the opposite. Be nice to cut through all the nonsense and actually offer suggestions on how to help people in the future. If they turn to this thread they are going to remain silent. Retaliation is not cool- not here, not with SS, not in the workplace. I cannot believe the bullying - What on Earth have I said that is so terribly offensive? I have plenty of friends and am not looking for more, but civility and democracy in sharing opinions should not be so spiteful. I can’t decide who is more vicious - those trying to undermine safesport or those trying to undermine the people who undermine safesport ?! Peace out- talk among yourselves.

Ah, the flounce out. And you accusing others of pre-teen behaviour - rich indeed after chucking a tanny like this and stomping off. But thanks for the promise of sparing us anything further.


I find it difficult to see how A.S in any way was trying to make SS better. Maybe it was the “if kids know a course they can figure it out they are being prepped for molesting”.


It was interesting that basically everyone read that that way but her big comeback to someone was, “you had to dig deep for that.” Yeah, no.

Lawyers are trained to know how to write to ensure as best as possible that only one meaning is derived for all readers. She should have been professional enough to see that what she wrote was pretty widely interpreted other than as she meant* and humble enough to correct it. We are trained in two relevant ideas: “plain reading” and the “four corners of the document”. The plainest reading of what she wrote was the one the readers responding questioned her on. Nothing within the “four corners” of her response contradicted that reading. Huge fail followed by a lack of ability to receive the feedback, process it, and respond/correct in a professional, intelligent communication. Calling people names and flouncing - eesh. I hope she does better for her clients.

But, agreed, bit rich to demand specific ideas (of which many have been given on the threads here) while providing none herself.

ETA: * if, indeed, that was not what she meant. Her responses make me doubt it.


Everyone hates lawyers until they need one - And you know nothing about me but I will tell you that you are sadly off base and for some reason feel the need to be rude. I now realize that it is impossible to have a polite discussion on this particular thread - I will say that I was victimized as a kid, as was my brother, and I have been in an abusive relationship in my early 20’s. I am relatively thick-skinned, as are most adults my age, so name-calling just disappoints me, that’s all. The people I associate with at horse shows- my friends -would not conduct themselves this way. For that I am thankful. Not sure who this audience is comprised of. Busybodies, as far as I can tell, some of you. I feel for friends on here who have been hurt by reckless and inaccurate assumptions. I strive to be a contributing member of society and am the first to lend a hand where it is needed. I empathize with victims of abuse. I want the system to work. I want the sport to work. I would like to believe that the SS “tests” are helping. I don’t like to see this sport get a bad name- between doping and abuse of children, women, men and horses, the public (those, for instance, who read the articles in the NYT) has a pretty lousy perception.

Ah, the flounce out that lasts less than an hour. :lol:

Promises not kept, sadly for those of us who must read this twaddle.


Man, next time someone accuses me of being an alter, i hope they confuse me with you! :applause::applause::yes:


Your lawyer joke makes made me question your authenticity… That was what I “comprehended” from reading your post

Lawyers who don’t have a favourite lawyer joke are humorless hacks. If you cannot have a sense of humor about this profession, you’re not going to last long.

But you didn’t “comprehend” the bit about from one attorney to another? Odd.


I have lasted 45 years in the profession and I don’t tell lawyer jokes to other lawyers the same way I don’t tell blonde jokes to other blondes - it just isn’t that funny- hey at least I can spell “favorite” - And I am laughing pretty hard at the level of maturity on here

You complain about “name calling” and proceed to call unspecified people “rude” and “busybodies”. :confused:

So, you are concerned about the image of Equestrian Sport? The reason this sport is getting a “bad name” is that it has turned a blind eye to child sexual abuse in the past.

In comes Safe Sport with easy to follow guidelines to help safeguard minors and others in vulnerable situations.

Then comes a group of equestrians, AES, that is arguing against holding adults in equestrian sport to the ethical standards that most professionals have been held to for years. That certainly contributes to the “pretty lousy perception” of the people in this sport, don’t you think?

When you align yourself with people who complain about a rule prohibiting adults from intentionally exposing minors to pornography, you aren’t helping the image of the sport. At all.


You used the word “here” in one of your posts when you should have used “hear” and no one pointed to your mistake. By all means, accuse others of being childish. :cool:


Um, you might want to travel a bit before you mock people’s spelling. Even to Canada. People who correct other’s word usage and spelling when such word usage and spelling is, in fact, correct show a level of maturity not worthy of a decent elementary student.

You are really embarrassing yourself and might want to stop.

PS: I do try to change my spelling depending upon which country I’m in at the time. Professionally I set my language setting appropriately. But when I’m being more casual I’m afraid I probably mix and match. It’s hard to buck the system you grew up with!


say what?

A,S shared a past trauma. That is brave and thank you. I ask honestly- what in your opinion can be done better? We are around the same age and from other posts, probably have showed and have equestrian acquaintances in the same circles.

I do think that a significant improvement is not putting someone on the list until the investigation is complete. Unless they are an immediate threat. I suppose I’d ask what and how do they make that call?

I say that, using the example teachers can be suspended during an investigation but SS now has shifted. I don’t think that’s a bad thing considering there may be times a report is out of spite. (I do not think it is the norm but in the effort of fairness).

I’ll also share that I’m on the fence in relation to adult consensual relationships. My old trainer (now retired) wouldn’t have been married to his wife of now 30 years and I can think if 5 couples off the top of my head that were trainer/client.

I am genuinely interested in thoughts.


I don’t think SS cares about adult consensual relationships between e.g., a trainer and a mature adult client.

The issue is with relationships where there is a power imbalance, particularly where one of parties is notably younger, e.g a “young adult.” For example, a 55 year old trainer having a fling with an 18 year old working student might be legal, but it could absolutely be the basis for a legitimate SS report and a deserved sanction against the trainer.


Apparently you haven’t read this thread. Some of the writings of AES have been quoted here.


I’d reply, but Pennywell said it all better than I could. I have not seen any suggestions at all from AES that are designed to help SS weed out the predators in an effective manor rather than protect the predators, and that is giving the sport a bad name.