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Picky eater

I have a 25 yo mare who has become very picky about her feed. She only gets a handful of balancer pellets, Micro Phase for vitamins and minerals and a few low carb treats. She used to clean it up but lately only takes a mouthful or two then leaves the rest. She eats her hay without an issue. She will NOT eat soaked alfalfa pellets or anything soaked for that matter. I need to find a way to get powdered supplements into her other than syringe. Is there any sort of old fashioned “sweet feed” produced any more-the kind with the sticky molasses? Molasses is the only thing that seems to tempt her. I’m in NoVa so generally get feed at Tractor Supply.
Her teeth are checked every 3 months and I have a vet coming next Wed. for a general check up and blood work.

Try Triple Crown Sr.
Cheap enough @ less than $30 for 50# here (Midwest).
I feed a cup 2X daily to my 20yo TWH (along with his 2 cups whole oats) & it’s keeping him in good shape.
It’s the only feed my mini gets - top-dressed with his thyroid med - also 1 cup - & keeps weight off him.

I also used Nutrena Boost for a WB who came out of Winter ribby. Fed to supplement his oats - around a cup IIRC (almost 10yrs ago).

Thanks, but what I’m looking for is something that’s sticky so that the powders will not sift through. I have a feeling they don’t make the type of sweet feed that they used to years ago.

TC Sr is sticky.
Half the time the bag is like one solid piece.
I have to drop it, like when you break up prebagged ice :smirk:
Or I ask feedstore guys to jump on it for me.

I live nowhere close to you, but our local TSC carries a sweet feed made by Producer’s Pride. Here, it’s $15/50#, and molasses is listed as the fourth ingredient in the description. There’s a picture of the feed in the listing on TSC.

I know nothing about this feed, other than our local TSC carries it.

learn how to read the date codes of the feed manufacturer, I have seen bags of feed that were over a year old setting there


Thanks everyone. I have several TSC in the area and will check out both TC Sr and Producers Pride. I wrongly assumed that all feeds now were pelleted. And I will look for date codes.


I would just buy molasses and mix it with water for a thinner consistency and drizzle over current feed.



It’s GREAT for this use.


I thought of molasses but if she doesn’t lick her bucket clean then we have a fly problem

I forgot about Omolene. I now have some options. I only need a handful so that her powders have something to stick to. Thanks all for the suggestions

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TC Sr is pelleted.
I topdress it with his Thyro-L.powder & that sticks to the pellets.

Not by a long shot.

TC Sr/Sr Gold/Complete/Growth are textured with pellets (and Growth and Complete have whole oats as part of the “texture”. There are a lot of extruded feeds, some of which look like pellets but are much airier than typical pellets, some of which look like bigger dog kibble pieces

Little squirt of pancake syrup on top, add the supplements. Pancake syrup is easier to deal with than molasses. Just make sure it’s not artificially sweetened.


Or Equi Sweet works. I’ve only tried the peppermint flavor but I believe they have a couple of different flavors.

A lot of good suggestions. I now need to sort things out and see what works. Vet will be here Wednesday for overall assessment and blood work to see if there are any underlying issues causing her sporadic appetite.

Omolene used to be the sticky type feed you are looking for and my TSC carries it. What it is like now I have no idea but it still may be sweet enough to meet your needs. Never had a horse not lick the bucket clean whenever I fed it.

ETA: I see @Simkie is already suggesting it. It must still be good.

Omolene is perfect for this! It’s my “if the horse won’t eat this, something is really, really wrong” go-to.

feed mills sell old school 60-30-10 here, it’s oats, barley and corn with lots of molasses - not great as a diet but is awesome as a flavouring top dress - has a strong smell, most horses will sell their soul for it.

You can dilute molasses with water in a spray bottle. I had to do that when I introduced a vit/mineral forage balancer. Not enough to be sticky in the bucket and that should stick your powder to about anything.