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I’ve started a new thread on barn cost that doesn’t have any reference to my loan cost. I’ve gotten two quotes already and have the info there Barn and arena building 2021

When you sign up don’t you give your real first/ last name? It has been too long I can’t remember.

Please let us know when you get your barn built and good luck with that.

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Well, I went Googling. At least on my phone, I see nothing on COTH that would link me to an IRL ID or FB page for the OP. Perhaps I have signatures hidden?

When I Google I could not find a Stormy Day farm on FB, though found more than one account with either Stormy or Day but in combinations with other words.

I did this because I was curious how transparent our anonymity is here.

I’m also curious about the nature of the spamming or trolling.

If OP is getting spammed with ads from construction companies on FB then it’s likely the Google algorithm tracking online chat. You can turn off quite a bit of this tracking activity.

If it’s personal hostility being aimed at you that’s very wierd, since this is an innocuous thread. In any case block and report is always useful.

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