A guy that works for me on the weekend bought a 6mo white boxer from his neighbor, who had bought the dog a few weeks before that from Craigslist… Anyway, he asked me if I could take the dog in while he and his roommates looked for a house… Well, yes, you guessed it - house fell through and he gave ME the dog. It’s okay, I really like him - very sweet and he fits in and gets along well with the rest of the household. I had him checked for worms & got his shots a couple weeks ago, and he has appt to be neutered next week. (He supposedly already had shots somewhere previously up the line from the other owners, but no paperwork - or tag, sooo…) Otherwise vet confirmed healthy.
Anyway, he’s had really, really soft cowpile like stool and has had several accidents during the night. I’ve been trying to get him out late & up early to avoid those as much as possible. Last night he was scratching and restless and got up, so I tried to head him off at the pass. When I turned the light on I found him totally COVERED from tip of nose to tip of tail with hives - HUGE whelps! Not knowing this dog well and having NO experience with hives in dogs, I called ER vet at 5:30 in the morning, and took him in then just in case it turned out to be serious.
I’ve never owned nor been around a boxer before, but thought I’d done sufficient research when I agreed to take him in. However, I found out while there that hives is fairly common in some breeds, especially boxers, but especially WHITE boxers. I also found out that IBS is also fairly common in some breeds, especially boxers, but especially WHITE boxers…
Please help me:
What do you feed a 6mo boxer with IBS? The vet recommended a Hill’s Prescription special puppy food for sensitive stomachs, but at $22/8lb bag, thought I’d pass for now to see if Taste of Wild mixed with pumpkin I’ve been feeding would eventually have positive impact. I’ve been able to put a little weight on him but he’s still awfully thin - only 39lbs.
- What ELSE do I need to know about WHITE boxers? I stress the WHITE because it appears to make a difference. I know about protection from sun, but what OTHER things should I know about boxers “but especially WHITE boxers?”
TIA! I really like this little guy!