This. Anytime this comes up, at least one person says, “but it’s not like that anymore,” and suggests a video or two to prove it. I look at the videos and all I see is the same old thing.
And the fact that people have managed to breed a horse with low head carriage so you don’t have to resort to questionable training techniques to get it is not a compelling argument. The end result is still an issue for many of us. When I watch a western pleasure class, the only thing that comes to my mind is “that’s messed up.” But if you see a western pleasure class and think, “that’s beautiful,” and you can train your horse to do that without resorting to abusive training methods, then really, it’s none of my business what you do.
In the end, in my opinion, it all comes back to what several people posted in the very beginning. Western pleasure is an entirely artificial show ring activity. Horses are bred and trained to do what they do because that is what is rewarded in the show ring. Period.[/QUOTE]
So is other we do with horses, but it would not be appropriate to go to a, say, saddlebred gaited web site forum and insist they are all abusers for breeding, training, showing and enjoying those strangely moving, goose-stepping horses, how can they not see how terrible that is?
Or any other anyone does, that others don’t see much sense in, or even dislike.
Watching olympic dressage on TV with some roper friends, they really were showing disgust at how “those horses sure dance around so funny and stiff and look so unhappy”.
I wanted to say, you ought to hear what those dressage riders think of your roping horses.
It is ok to say “I don’t really like this or that”, but to keep insisting “I am right and others are idiots for not seeing how terrible what they do is”?