Please help

Yeah, that’s really interesting. How do the parents home school their child, when they are both working all day? Curiouser and curiouser. Drama much?

Here we go again - coth posters showing their less than charitable sides.
Really classy.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I made ZERO assertions or even implications about the OP, I merely repeated the claims she herself made, in the order that she made them.

So if you find it that offensive you may want to take it up with the person who initially made the claims.

[QUOTE=Angela Freda;7998215]
Well, at this point with the internet so handy, she could at least be an expert at and able to teach us all a thing or two about Fistula Withers. I know if my horse had it, I would be researching it so that I knew all I could from reputable sources like Vet manuals, and College websites and papers.

That doesn’t cost anything, it’s not illegal, and I don’t think she would be disobeying her family by doing so, would she?[/QUOTE]

Thank you, yes,I have done research on fistulous withers. Its quite interesting, if I can say so myself!:slight_smile:

Is there a reason you are lecturing me about this?

OP, not me, was the one who claimed that there was a store that was willing to hire her.

OP is the one who claimed that she initially didn’t like the job and thus passed on it, but now OP claims she wants it afterall (so apparently you will also have to discuss with her whether the compensation is worth it, since OP now thinks it is), but it has in the meantime been filled by other people who also wanted the job and did think the compensation was worth it.

Meanwhile, OP’s other posts indicate that she is home schooled, which apparently involves sitting at home by herself in the middle of the day posting on COTH while both her parents are at work, so one hazards the guess that she could fit in more than 20 hours a week at the alleged willing-to-hire-15-yos store, but still, just $200 of spending money a month after gas ain’t too shabby and I suspect the going rate for training in the area is not $150 a lesson (which lessons, btw, OP is the one claiming she desperately wants but her parents won’t get for her), either.

But again, these are all OP’s claims, not mine, so you will have to argue about them with her.[/QUOTE]
I said my dad wanted me to work at that store, the owner was considering it, he never made a decision.My dad has also been joking about it, and so I can’t tell if he was serious or not, but I also never said I wouldn’t work there, I said I didn’t want to, but of I had to, I would. If you didn’t know that before, you do now.
As for those that are questioning my “existence”,I gave links to horse channel, and if those don’t work, try the links in the liberty training thread. I was told that those work.
And for those who are saying I’m passive aggressive, here’s the definition: pas·sive-ag·gres·sive

adjective adjective: passive-aggressive of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinamisplacing important materials.

It also said something about lacking the ability to be honest andopen…yes, I hate fights, but I am being completely honest and open on this forum, it’s totally up to you whether you believe me or not.I was also told to lose the emojis and be less emotional, so that calls for the businesslike sentences that have been labeled passive aggressive. Otherwise,I would have emojis screaming all over the place by now.
For those asking where my mom works, she works at home, so yes,I am safe to be at home…
Also, awhile back I saw someone commented that I have two horses I haven’t even worked for. Please, don’t be fooled!:smiley: I worked my butt and backbone off for the both of them a full three or four years until we finally got one horse, then repeated the same work until we got the other!
Also,@Sarah616, why call BS? You named the horses, tack, grooming supplies,etc, and to them those are the bare necessities. They refuse to give us more. I was confirming they don’t support lessons. Have a good night y’all. I hope I answered all your questions,PM me or post if I didn’t.Like I said,I will try to accommodate you! :slight_smile:
ETA: I do an online high school course in case you are wondering how my mom teaches me.

I did the online high school thing too. I always said homeschooled, but my mom never needed to be around. Neither of my parents did. That’s NOT drama, thank you, that’s another part of life.

And thank you gumtree, Jackie, and emipou, and Chardavej!:)And Seraph:)

You’re not being nasty, but perhaps dramatic. Would your parents take you to the library? Hopefully lots of good books there or the ability to get them for you so you wouldn’t have to pay for books and DVDs.

Have you tried talking to your neighbors, or finding people within distance to you? Networking can be very useful. There was a girl who bought an unstarted pony secretly, hid it from her mom, and through her tenacity, drive, etc went to pony finals with her little jumper. Now, I’m not saying do any of that, but it is just to tell you that it is up to you. This girl had no trailer, but talked to people, and they wanted to help her. (She also didn’t have money, she babysat and saved and learned to barefoot trim so she didn’t need a farrier. She made it happen.) So that is why I say try networking and getting to know people around you.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! Yes, our neighbors aren’t too horsey, I’m afraid:/ He did point us to a very good vet tho, and for that I am grateful!:slight_smile: Yea…I was trying to be dramatic for the effect, but not so sure it worked haha! But thank you, and if you also would have any certain books or DVDs or sites to recommend, I’d love that.have a good night!

14 and 15 year olds may be legally able to work but very few places will hire them and there are restrictions on the hours they work. My dd is 17 and works around 20 hours a week. She brings home around $75-$100/week. After she buys gas she has about $25-$50 for spending money. So if the OP did work, there wouldn’t be a lot for lessons even if they were available.[/QUOTE]

In more, ahem, “liberal” places, like Texas, 14 and 15 year olds can work without much restriction. I don’t think there’s a cap on hours (maybe 40?) and then they have to be off work by 11 on school/week nights and midnight on weekends. Something to that effect. I believe those limitations end at 17. Minors can also file for a hardship license to get back and forth to work at 15. I suspect Montana laws have pretty similar thinking.

I got my first job at 13. My first legal job came at 15 and worked 40 hour weeks- rode my bicycle back and forth to get to my split shifts. I bought my first horse at the end of that summer and held two jobs (plus an AP course load) throughout the rest of high school to support him. It is hard, but it can be done. I don’t really feel like I missed out on any high school experiences because of it. Children working is not as much of a horror as your tone is making it out to be.

OP, you’ve gotten a lot of great advice on this thread, I hope you take some or most of it. It won’t be easy, but you can certainly do it.

14 and 15 year olds may be legally able to work but very few places will hire them and there are restrictions on the hours they work. My dd is 17 and works around 20 hours a week. She brings home around $75-$100/week. After she buys gas she has about $25-$50 for spending money. So if the OP did work, there wouldn’t be a lot for lessons even if they were available.[/QUOTE]

In more, ahem, “liberal” places, like Texas, 14 and 15 year olds can work without much restriction. I don’t think there’s a cap on hours (maybe 40?) and then they have to be off work by 11 on school/week nights and midnight on weekends. Something to that effect. I believe those limitations end at 17. Minors can also file for a hardship license to get back and forth to work at 15. I suspect Montana laws have pretty similar thinking.

I got my first job at 13. My first legal job came at 15 and worked 40 hour weeks- rode my bicycle back and forth to get to my split shifts. I bought my first horse at the end of that summer and held two jobs (plus an AP course load) throughout the rest of high school to support him. It is hard, but it can be done. I don’t really feel like I missed out on any high school experiences because of it. Children working is not as much of a horror as your tone is making it out to be.

OP, you’ve gotten a lot of great advice on this thread, I hope you take some or most of it. It won’t be easy, but you can certainly do it.

I was babysitting LONG before I was 15. And I hated it but if that’s what you can do at your age, without a car-- that’s what you do.

Thank you, yes,I have done research on fistulous withers. Its quite interesting, if I can say so myself!:)[/QUOTE]

Great what were the 3 things you learned that were the most interesting?
How do you determine when the horse can be ridden again/the issue is resolved?
How can you tell if the issue is in fact recurring?

[QUOTE=Angela Freda;7999015]
Great what were the 3 things you learned that were the most interesting?
How do you determine when the horse can be ridden again/the issue is resolved?
How can you tell if the issue is in fact recurring?[/QUOTE]

Three things? #1:Well, I learned that its a skin condition characterized by holes and tracts in the withers. Interesting,huh!
#2:fistulous withers can often only be treated through radical surgery to remove the fistula if caught in later stages (the vet said we could do that, but said he wouldn’t recommend it, as we caught it in the early stages and it also hadn’t burst)
#3:this type of thing can also happen to the poll! That’s called poll-evil.
How we determine she’s rideable again?Try to get the vet out.
And how to tell if the issue is recurring? Keep checking for pain-points at the withers, probe the wither-back area, check for any swelling, and watch her to see if she flinches,pins her ears,or swishes her tail when we probe. Have a great day!

In more, ahem, “liberal” places, like Texas, 14 and 15 year olds can work without much restriction. I don’t think there’s a cap on hours (maybe 40?) and then they have to be off work by 11 on school/week nights and midnight on weekends. Something to that effect. I believe those limitations end at 17. Minors can also file for a hardship license to get back and forth to work at 15. I suspect Montana laws have pretty similar thinking.

I got my first job at 13. My first legal job came at 15 and worked 40 hour weeks- rode my bicycle back and forth to get to my split shifts. I bought my first horse at the end of that summer and held two jobs (plus an AP course load) throughout the rest of high school to support him. It is hard, but it can be done. I don’t really feel like I missed out on any high school experiences because of it. Children working is not as much of a horror as your tone is making it out to be.

OP, you’ve gotten a lot of great advice on this thread, I hope you take some or most of it. It won’t be easy, but you can certainly do it.[/QUOTE]

Okay thanks, and I think (as far as I know) I have taken every bit of advice, except taking lessons, since I'm not allowed to(for now,at least til I get a job and can also drive) and done it...I think so anyway :)  Thanks!

I’ve watched this thread and haven’t given any advice so far, because so often the OP doesn’t come back, but Wish, you do sound as if you are trying to try at least. Would you be allowed to take lessons over the internet?

Look up Warwick Schiller Horsemanship. He has a website and a Facebook page. He also runs an on line subscription which gives you access to 100s of hours of training lessons. His lessons will not help you with your riding position or abilty, but they will help you handle your horse both from the ground and when you are on. People post questions and videos on his facebook page and he and other people will answer and help you solve your problems. He also has a number of You tube videos which give a “taste” of what he does.

You can get the subscription for $25:00 /month. Maybe you get that in pocket money, or maybe your parents will be willing to pay out that much.

Well…I asked my parents about that and they still say no:no: . I have, since then, picked some books up at the library, and am reading them through right now . I am hoping they have some good advice! thanks, and have a great week! And I will check out his videos too Thanks!