Please report GLITCHES with update here!

Yeah, but it was getting there. Take the old site and embed it in this new one with even more bogged down content and its positively stone age. Bad architecture, bad design.

We’re going to be reopening a thread for general feedback later today after the New Media Director works through some of the day’s slate.

Please reserve the general feedback–positive and negative–for that thread or share them directly with the main office (

We removed some of the general commentary from this thread so it remains a concise resource for reporting specific issues so that we can address them more effectively.

Mod 1

[QUOTE=Natalie A;4492622]
This has probably already been posted, but the search feature is completely broken for me. No results are showing up when I enter search terms in that I know should come up with a bunch of results.

I was hoping to re-read some of the threads on the Wii Fit as I’m thinking of getting one, but can’t seem to access that feature.[/QUOTE]

Hi Natalie ~

Are you using “Wii Fit” as your search terms? The search function doesn’t accept search words under four letters (that’s actually not a new thing). I plugged in “fitness game” as a test and received 14 pages of results, so you might have to play around with it.

Please report back if you’re still having trouble with longer search terms.

Erin ~

While checking into this issue, I did have a glitch with the search screen going full screen width, under the ad bar. I use IE v. 8.

Here’s a screen shot. (Uploads are working again for me :))

search screen shot2.jpg

I have sometimes been receiving 3 identical emails to update me on the same message in a thread. This has only happened 2 or 3 times, not everytime.

The last oens I received at 11:14, 11:17, and 11:18 - same post.

I have sometimes been receiving 3 identical emails to update me on the same message in a thread. This has only happened 2 or 3 times, not everytime.

The last ones I received at 11:14, 11:17, and 11:18 - same post.

The navigation between the Forum and the actual on line magazine is tough as nails.

Under the “old” format, it was smooth and easy as pie.

It is still taking a huge amount of time on both Safari and Firefox to load…makes it hard to be the organizer for Secret Santa because my pasture buddies think I am hogging the laptop (can you believe it?? I have to SHARE with a PONY).

I use IE7 and Vista.

The new format loads each page so slowly! When I click on a topic it takes forever to load and I’m on high speed.

This forum used to be quick to load and you could change pages quickly. Now it takes FOVEVER.

Any ideas?

I don’t like the bigger ads…they take up most of the page. The ads are getting in the way of editing my profile. Is there a way to hide them while I make changes?

I don’t like the drop bars, I can’t get them to go away. They get in the way of what I am reading. Is there a way around them?

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;4492629]

We removed some of the general commentary from this thread so it remains a concise resource for reporting specific issues so that we can address them more effectively.

Mod 1[/QUOTE] You mean you censored what you didn’t want to see posted!


It might be helpful for you to post a comprehensive listing of all the defects and post when they’ve been closed or when (if) you intend to close them.

I don’t like the bigger ads…they take up most of the page. The ads are getting in the way of editing my profile. Is there a way to hide them while I make changes?

I don’t like the drop bars, I can’t get them to go away. They get in the way of what I am reading. Is there a way around them?[/QUOTE]

india, is there a specific screen that is being overlapped by the ads when you’re trying to edit your profile? If you can get a screen shot of it and/or provide some more detail that would be great.


Glitch that I’m having

Drop down menus at the top–Horse Sports. Drops down, then when I click on Discussion Forums which is right under it, even after the drop down appears to be gone, I get Eventing content from the drop down. This is not constant, but when it happens more than once or twice a session, it’s aggravating.

Also at one point the green stuff on the right was cutting off part of the icons in the private message reply box. Again, not sure if this is still happening.

Here is what the Chronicle Menu bar looks like - white lettering on light gray.

The photo atachment is working now. Yea!

COTH menu.jpg

Earlier I posted a comment which seems not to have taken, although many hours and many posts later I got an e-mail telling me the thread I posted on had been updated.

I repeat: there is no shame in reverting to the previous version until the issues on this one have been worked through.

I cannot stay logged in. I have the “remember me” box clicked, but it logs me out anyway. And not just every time I come back, but several times during a visit. It’s very annoying to have to log in three or four times while I’m perusing!

ETA-I use Firefox.

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;4493373]
india, is there a specific screen that is being overlapped by the ads when you’re trying to edit your profile? If you can get a screen shot of it and/or provide some more detail that would be great.


I sent you an email with the screens and the print screens of these issues.
First screen is the Edit Profile on the control panel and the other screen is the Buddy/ Ignore List.

Thanks, India

I’m having trouble logging into the magazine side of the site. I was able to on Friday morning before the switchover, but later last weekend couldn’t. I tried again today but no luck again.

Hi…just to give the mods and Erin some concrete numbers:

I am viewing on a 19" widescreen monitor. The total horizontal width of my monitor is 18" and a bit.

When I view the content of the forums, the actual message board section is 6.75" wide.

The “quick reply” reply box is just barely over 6".

When I hit the “quote” reply button, the reply box I am provided is 3.75" wide.

When I reply to a PM, my reply box is 3.5" wide.

This feels a little…restrictive.

Hi - I am able to log onto the Forums with my regular user name, but am not able to log onto the magazine site (I am a subscriber and my username/password used to work.)

I get quite different results depending on the machine. Initially after the upgrade I was able to set the ‘panel’ options on the laptop to full screen and that got rid of the wasted green space on the sides. That fix isn’t working anymore. If anything the green space is now larger on the laptop. On the laptop the text that is supposed to be under the “Photos & Video” box is now spilling out into the green area.

I’m pretty annoyed with the following from ErinBush’s update.

"What we are not changing:

  • Ad sizes. I’m sorry… I know the ads look huge, especially compared to the tiny little buttons we used to have, but part of our overall strategy was to move to the Internet Advertising Bureau standard sizes. We’ve done that now. We also implemented a better ad serving system which no longer sucks resources from our own servers and is easier to manage."
Above is the link to Ad Ops Online. It may look a little familiar. If anything the font on that site is even smaller. Blank space on the right side, sensitive drop down menus etc.
Standards that this group and others propose has nothing to do with making a web site readable. It’s really about cramming the largest ad possible into the page.
These are the folks who complain about FTC privacy regulations.
The standards that these folks write are are intended to make it easier for the firms that supply ad design to use a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Look at this site from the point of view of readability. This is great for designers as they always know the size of the ad they will be designing but not so great for the readers. The font size here is about the same as the ‘New Coth’ after the upgrade, before the much need font switch

Don’t even think for a minute that the use of the word ‘bureau’ implies any government connection or any requirement to use these ‘standards’.