Please report GLITCHES with update here!

Erin will be contacting some folks via PM for more specifics and reading your reports, but I also wanted to respond to a few things/ask for clarification:

Earlier I posted a comment which seems not to have taken, although many hours and many posts later I got an e-mail telling me the thread I posted on had been updated. [/QUOTE]

Hi Adamantane ~

We had removed quite a few general comments from this thread to focus it more closely on specific glitches so it’s easier to find and address them, which is why you couldn’t find your post. We’ve stickied a thread in Off Course for general comments and discussion about the new site, so please feel free to weigh in there.

But, since you subsequently experienced a delay with the reply notification, I’d like to get some more info on that. You had it set to “instant” and yet received the notification of a post on the thread hours later?

[QUOTE=Simkie;4493870]Hi…just to give the mods and Erin some concrete numbers:

I am viewing on a 19" widescreen monitor. The total horizontal width of my monitor is 18" and a bit.

When I view the content of the forums, the actual message board section is 6.75" wide.

The “quick reply” reply box is just barely over 6".

When I hit the “quote” reply button, the reply box I am provided is 3.75" wide.

When I reply to a PM, my reply box is 3.5" wide.

This feels a little…restrictive.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Simkie ~

That’s actually really helpful as I have the same monitor size.

The quote reply box I’m typing in right now (the actual white text portion) is 5 1/2" wide. My PM reply space is the same size, and the Quick Reply box is now over 9" wide.

I have my screen zoomed to 150% (by clicking control/+ a couple of times) so that the green borders on the side are 1/2" wide.

Does the same happen for you?

At this time, you won’t be able to fit as much text into a given line as before, for example, but I want to be sure that if you were having trouble actually reading the text, that it could be enlarged.

MEP, could you please reach out to Sara Lieser at with your account info. She can look into your specific account and will report forward if there’s something funky going on.

Well, at least I now know where my post went. I was very confused.

Is zooming the long term solution they want us to do? Or are they planning on looking into the tiny box sizes?

I am guessing that suggesting everyone zoom will not make the advertisers happy.

I get the same dimensions Simkie does when I am not zoomed.

When I click on “search” and then “advanced”, the right side of the screen, where the entry fields are located, is overlaid with ads, and I couldn’t find a way to remove them, thus making the search by username function unuseable…

I’m not receiving notification of new posts to a topic after I have replied.

Can’t Register

I just came back to the site after over six months away. I wanted to obtain a new login name because I’m here primarily to get topics for a blog I write for and have different interests now.

That being said, it’s impossible to register. The ads on the side cover up the image verification. Has anyone new registered since the site has changed? If they have, they must have very small screen resolution…

The overlap on the registration and search screens is being addressed–thanks!

We’re also looking into the delay/duplication of thread reply notifications.

Clint, do you have it set up for instant or daily notifications? Has the problem been consistent or sporadic? Do they arrive later than normal or not at all?

On page 3 of the search for new posts:

the ads are overlapping into the forum threads.

Ernshaw’s magazine not the Chronile magazine

Log in to current magazine took me to Ernshaw’s magazine with a femele in a bathing suit on the cover…not the Chronicle.


That being said, it’s impossible to register. The ads on the side cover up the image verification. Has anyone new registered since the site has changed? If they have, they must have very small screen resolution…[/QUOTE]

I have a couple friends trying to register who are having the same problem.

The advertisements overlap on the “Search” page so it’s impossible to submit a search.

If I search “msm” i get nothing when I should get lots of hits as it is a pretty popular topic.

The registration (:eek:) and the search page being overlapped are both being addressed. Sorry for the inconvenience to you and your friends!

The source of the sporadic “New Posts” overlap has also been IDed and that’s in the works as well.

Donkey, the search feature doesn’t allow for search terms fewer than four letters (that’s, sadly, always been the case).

Mod 1

And what about all the adverts, white space, tiny reply box, mobile connection and lack of user acceptance testing?

Are they being addressed as well and if so when or are you intent on keeping those as they are or are you just going to keep deleting posts about those?

Still have the sporadic issue of once a thread has been read, the font color not changing from bold blue to a lighter blue.

Happens 50% of the time.

If I hit “post reply,” the text box for my reply is about half the width of the box allowed for the title. I’m using Safari 4.0.

Hello - I am permanently logged in for some reason but would rather that ~ than be permanently blocked out . The reason for this post is to inform a moderator that I did this am find about three/four messages in my spam box informing me that my password had been reset - these were sent 11-06 - all different sets of numbers. Just tht. you should know - I am using my original username and original password and am fine with that. FYI Thanks

I got a PM that forwarded to my email address yet it doesn’t show up here in my mailbox or even show that I got a message at all.

Perm login

Thanks Zu Zu, that permanent bug has been logged and will be addressed.

Forums email

The sporadic and sometimes repetitive behavior of the forums email/alert system has also been reported.

Thank you!

Still no reply or quote buttons in the latest Firefox.