Please restore the ignore function.

That would be great for Christmas.

Not to rehash the hundreds of times this has been said, but the chronicle of the horse has exactly zero say in our lack of ignore. The company that provides the bulletin board software has to fix the problem with the ignore function. No doubt coth and the mods want it back just as badly as you do.


I will write a check tomorrow if it will help.

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Making noise about this issue on the vBulletin forums and showing them that it’s important to end users is probably the best, fastest way to possibly get ignore back. Have you tried that?

I don’t get further than this

The first reply pretty much sums it up from vBulletin’s perspective… known problem.

It will be up to vBulletin to balance all the known “problems” and “issues” with vBulletin and determine the difficultly to address/fix and the significance and impact of the problem if it doesn’t get fixed along with all the other issues that the support team needs to address.

I did notice there was a link to vote for your most annoying bugs but not sure the link is still valid.

I am not going to create a login to look at the tracker link for the ignore bug :slight_smile:

I stopped when I would have to create an account to read more about a known problem.
my suggestion, VB, fix the known problem.

Not every known problem gets fixed. Not every known problem gets priority. Just because it’s a known problem doesn’t mean a whole lot, really :lol:

Here, check out all the known problems for google suite stuff, for example:

“Known problem” just means it’s been reported. If it gets enough votes and noise, it might get fixed. :wink:

If enough of us make noise about the ignore issue–on THEIR site, not here–something might change. But otherwise? Ehhhhh…unlikely.

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Each of us has our own Ignore feature already installed. :yes: Just needs activation.


I received a PM from a person that I want nothing to do with, so I deleted it without reading but I am still receiving answers to that PM in my mail box from other posters. Is there some sort of mass PM that I have been subjected to? Is blocking all PM the only way to stop this?

I use email to communicate with COTH posters that I have become familiar with, and I rarely send or receive PM on the COTH site, but I would like to keep the option open.

I don’t want to be included in a mass conversation started by a poster with whom I have no interest in communicating. I did look through the settings but am not knowledgeable enough to know how and/or if I can stop this.

Right, it is called not clicking, or scrolling by as you go.

Seems to work for most everyone.
Not everyone uses that for the same topics, threads and/or posters they are irritated by.
Depends on each one’s interests and preferences.

I think some crying for an ignore function now forget how useless it turned to be when they had one.
Never mind, the powers that be will provide one as soon as they can, so those that want to tell the world they are ignoring someone will again have that pleasure available to them.
Is about what you get out of it, other than blinding yourself to conversations.

When we had an ignore function, those that used it found being the ones that missed the ongoing conversations.
After a while, they gave up being left in the dark and learned to handle their need to ignore situationally, by scrolling by.
Just makes more sense and seems to work fine for most.

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I think you are right, there seems to be only an on or off tab to get email notifications.

You could click that off and then remember to look for the red tab when you are on site, on the right, right before your name, that will light up when you have a PM.
You will just not get emails about it.

I’m sorry I did not make it clear that my email contact with COTH members is through private email not email enabled through COTH.

You can disable private messages entirely in your user settings, on the “account” tab. Second item.

Sorry, I didn’t understand that right, Simkie explained how to, thank you.

You did understand. I don’t want to block everyone from sending a PM, I just have no interest in a PM that was sent to me and has apparently been sent to other people as well?

So, having deleted the unwanted PM addressed to me I continue receive responses to the poster of the deleted post, from other posters who have apparently been sent the same PM.

I don’t understand why, when I deleted an unwanted private message without answering it, I find answers to that message from other people whom apparently have received the same PM from the same poster. Why does this keep appearing in my mailbox? Is it a mass PM from the original person and am I prevented from keeping that unwanted PM-er from involving me and my mail box in unwanted communication without disabling PM’s entirely?

The people who are responding to the original PM from this person are not at fault. For some reason their replies to the OP are showing up in my mailbox…

Hmmmm …

Maybe those emails were cc to several posters and so all are receiving any communication back and forth thru that email feature?
Not sure that is how cc email works, but it would be one possibility.

Maybe the Moderator will see this in the morning and know what to do, or who to ask that knows more.

Thanks Bluey. It’s not email though. It’s COTH PM. My email is not accessible to anyone on COTH unless I give it to them.

Good idea, no sense to provide personal information that is not needed.

I expect if you contact that poster about this, she will take you off the list the PMs are going to?

See what the Moderator suggest, maybe there is a way to block individual posters from PM you?

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@skydy private messaging with multiple recipients works like “reply all” email. That’s why you’re getting the responses as well as the original. Not sure if there’s any way to opt out. Probably best to just delete, and maybe contact the sender directly to request that you’re left off of future messages…

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