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Please soothe my ego... :(

He doesn’t have a pretty hunter jump at this time…and that’s fine. He is VERY honest and seems like a good egg. For you…THAT is far more valuable. Keep working on things and keep the jumps small. More gymnastics jumping working on your timing and position .[/QUOTE]

This horse is so honest and I think he is cute! He has no basics. You are running him unbalanced and several times asked him to jump with no impulsion and he still jumped. There was one oxer that he picked his knees up cute!
It is amazing how horses can change with proper flatwork and building muscle strength. My horse can jump badly when I chase him and he jumps off his front end. But when I balance him on his hind end he can change his style to gorgeous. And I believe in my horse but have had people tell me he isn’t going to cut it. I keep plugging away and he is improving especially as I learn to put my leg on and balance him on his hind end. My horse is like yours because he is a good egg too and no matter how many mistakes I have made on him he continues to jump for me!
Focus on good flatwork and you could be surprised that maybe he could do well in the hunters. For that you would need a round bouncy canter and not this flat running at the jumps canter. Try and have fun and see what your hard work will produce. Let go what your friend said. Many people judge a horse by what they see in front of them. They cannot imagine how a horse can change with good flatwork and training!!!

What a very kind and forgiving boy you have there.

The OP and her alters has been outed as a less than gifted teller of tall tales.

The OP and her alters has been outed as a less than gifted teller of tall tales.[/QUOTE]

Oh, that’s a relief. Means I no longer have to try to find something nice to say about that video. :winkgrin:

The OP is riding this horse in a hackamore in one of her earlier videos.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I looked further and found it. With the single line of cross rails the ride looks a bit more organized but I am still not convinced the balance it there for a course in a hackamore but I have been wrong many times before :slight_smile:

Drama aside, my first thoughts were 1. Jumping too high for the experience level and 2 stirrups seem too long for a secure seat/steady leg. Am I wrong about the stirrups? I’m hardly a pro, but that really jumped out at me. Yes, no stirrup work, etc, but shortening a couple holes would probably help.

A lot of the really good trainers I know give their future jumpers a lot of mileage in the low hunters to help them learn pace, steady, stearing, clean changes, variety of fences. Good for
rider as well.

Might consider that

Rarely do you see horses people in U.S. boo at a horse show. However, I do remember one incident many years ago where George Lindemann Jr. was booed and heckled by the crowd. He had filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against AHSA when he was implicated in the killing horses for insurance scam, specifically, Charisma.

They booed him till he packed his crap and left the grounds. He did a little prison time and was banned for life. Long time ago yes but did happen.

Sorry think I put this in wrong place. Old age. Lol.

Same OP as the booing one though, different screen name. We know what you meant.