Pneumonia NEG for Covid 19 but I have CLL

Pending my test for COVID 19 which could really throw a monkey wrench into the works I seem to be recovering from pneumonia. I’ve found a good trainer and was really looking forward to some serious riding this year. Now I can’t even climb the stairs without getting out of breath. I can’t even fathom the thought of riding. Assuming I don’t have the virus about how long is this crud going to last? Any tips on speeding up the process? I’m 70 if it matters.

I should find out the results for the test Monday. Since Tuesday I have been existing on meds, water and a few bites of food, mostly yogurt. I haven’t lost an ounce.

Test came back NEGATIVE WOOHOO and I’m starting to feel better

Glad you got tested. Let’s assume it comes back negative:

Were you evaluated for pneumonia as well? Pneumonia has different causes and needs to be treated depending on the type. For instance, if you have bacterial pneumonia you’d need an antibiotic in order to feel better. If its viral you MAY need medication but mostly its plenty of rest and fluids.

No matter what, drink as much as you can to keep the mucus in your chest loose. Mucinex. Cough freely, bring up everything you can. Give yourself permission to rest and leave the tasks you can for when you’re feeling better and hopefully you’ll be riding sooner rather than later. Pneumonia - if that’s what you’ve got - typically lasts up to two weeks though the cough can hang on.


X rays showed pneumonia and I am on 10 days of levaquin. That seems to be helping. I am also taking generic Mucinex and trying to wean myself off the acetaminophen. My ribs and abs hurt from coughing so much


Oh excellent! You’ve got everything squared away then. My hope is just that you’re working on the nasty tail end of pneumonia and nothing else. Sometimes you can feel tired for quite a bit after pneumonia, but nothing that should stop you from enjoying a late spring/full summer of riding with your new trainer! Now with added core strength courtesy of your cough. :lol::cry:

Sorry you’re hurting and I hope everything clears up for you quick!


Thanks I appreciate the info

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I hope you get well soon. Nothing worse than not being able to breathe well.


If you are not feeling substantially better after the 10 days of the Levaquin, I would ask for a repeat chest x Ray. Is your oxygen level/pulse ox normal? Levaquin is a powerful antibiotic with some nasty side effects. If it isn’t working, I would want to be sure there isn’t another diagnosis (e.g., viral pneumonia, heart failure or something else).


Pulse ox was 96 in the office. My breathing is much better than it was and I’m not coughing nearly as much. My grand daughter s bff’s father is pulmonologist at UVA hosp and he suggested getting off the pain meds to see if I was getting better or it was just them. Six hours after the last of them and I’m still feeling relatively OK. My biggest concern is that my daughter works in the hospital and would have to be swabbed. And what this is going to do to my fitness level


It can take several weeks to recover from pneumonia. Take your time, rest often, and don’t expect too much from yourself. Hoping for negative test results!


,12hours after my last NSAIDS temp is going up so back to doctor tomorrow. $%%&-+())(±&%

Pneumonia takes weeks (and weeks) to recover from. Hopefully you have puffers to help with your breathing. Other than that plenty of fluids, plenty of rest, a humidifier in your room, and fever control is all you can do unless it’s bacterial. If so, then antibiotics will help but you may need a different one. You should still expect to be weak and short of breath for weeks.

Do not overdo anything. Be very gentle with yourself. And did I mention drinking lots? Especially warm clear drinks like hot water with lemon, or tea.


As mentioned, using the puffers is good. The more often used, the more helpful they are! Doing your stairs has to help because you are breathing deeply.

A suggestion for you when healthy again, is getting the pneumonia shots. There are two, given spaced apart. Each covers certain strains, not overlapping the same strains in my understanding. Shot lasts about 5 years. I consider them as my “backup plan” in preventing pneumonia after getting any flu infection. I have ALWAYS gotten pneumonia after the flu, dragging things out to recover. But even with others here sick with flu the last 2 years, I didn’t get sick with flu or pneumonia, a first!

Best of luck recovering quickly! Use the puffers, they really help a great deal.


take care to follow up with your doctor. Be VERY CAREFUL coming back into work and athletic endeavors. The fluoroquinolones may have a very adverse side effect of tearing or rupturing tendons. Particularly in elders and particularly when combined with steroids.

I took three doses for bad travelers diarrhea and partially tore the deep flexors in my arm 2 weeks later pulling my bow. Something I have done tens of thousands of times .

As disappointing as this is at this time, be patient and be a good patient. take care force yourself to eat good , whole food and be diligent with follow up.

Ask doctor if there might be some breathing exercises a respiratory therapist can provide that helps open and clear the airways


Thanks for that info. I had a much milder case of pneumonia many years ago and I did push myself to hard to soon. I was an eventer (see pic at left) and by golly I was going to event! It did not go well so I will indeed be following any instruction.

I am afraid the doctor sees old, fat couch potato who rides horses and doesn’t consider me to be any kind of athlete. I would offer him a ride on Sophie but I don’t think I could even tack her up.

I will check into the possibility of an RT.

I’m not on steroids


In er Spiked a fever

Hope you are ok Carol!


Oh no! Prayers and jingles for speedy recovery Carol!


In isolation on heavy duty if antibiotics, doing better but this is some scary stuff


Carolprudm, firstly, hope you’re starting to feel better. You’re the only one I can find who already has it so I have a few questions for you. I have had the symptoms for 5 days. The first 3, my chest just felt like if you left a warm house to go running on a 15 degree day and your lungs instantly freeze. It wasn’t bad. Yesterday chest felt a little different and today it feels downright heavy. No breathing problems though. At what point did you know you were in trouble with the breathing? Did it come on suddenly or was it obvious things were going downhill? Sorry for all the questions, but I have a bunch of birds I have nobody to feed or watch them if I get worse, so I’m trying to stay ahead of the symptoms. Getting tested on Monday which doesn’t help me now.

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She said she was negative

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