Hi all! I’m a first time poster but a long time unlogged in lurker!
I’m a Maryland based 17 and looking to attempt my pony club HB/C3 this summer. I was hoping for some insight from people who have watched and/or completed these ratings.
Other than general advice I would really like clarification on these things
I understand that these ratings are hard, but are there any numbers on how many people pass these? After reviewing the standards it seems fairly straight forward but thorough.
I’ve been told that I should attend an upper level rating beforehand to watch by other parents whose children have completed these ratings. The only national ratings before mine would be across the country, would this be a necessary step and should I watch the ratings this year and then complete them next year?
At this moment I am confident that I can pass the HB, while I may not receive exceeds standards on this rating I have exceeded standards on the hm portions of my C1 and C2. My C3 would feel more dicey. My horse and I are barely competing at novice and the dressage would be a struggle. We would need to make a huge step forward in dressage and refine our jumping. I’m not looking for training advice because I have an amazing trainer who is qualified to train riders and horses to upper level pc ratings. My trainer believes that we can get my horse ready for the jumping portion and that I should borrow a dressage horse. Is this normal at the C3? I would probably already have to bring my green horse for the longeing portion because said novice horse can be a nut on the longe line.
I would really love any general advice that anyone has too! These ratings are a big deal and I’m trying to set myself up the best I can.