we have several friends who are doing all of what originally posted plus having a booth at several Farmers Markets on market days
They started because they were seeking an ag tax exception so got some miniature cattle and goats. Others were asking about these animals which has lead to doing all of the original post.
We have been doing public service events of introducing animals to grade school children. After having the miniature horses at on of these events another school offer us $1,000 to do the same for their school within the same district.
A local international defense contractor after having seen some videos of our granddaughters working with their goats doing tricks requested the goats to attend an intercompany conference to be used as a friendly icebreaker to get the employees comfortable before the conference. This turned into a very successful event for the manager of the event, he says he is now known as The Goat Man. Even company personal who were not part of the conference were coming by to see/touch/watch the goats do their tricks
As for the compost sales, if they hay was sprayed with a herbicide some of these persistent herbicides can last in soil for months to years making it unsuitable for gardens