Posture Prep = Amazing!

I can only think that there is a lot of tightness going on. How much experience do you have with myofascial release generally?

I’ve been doing myofascial release on myself for almost a year. When I started I could not drop my right seat bone to level. One side of my pelvis was about 1 1/2 inches higher than the other. When I lay down on my right side I couldn’t stand it for more than 10 minutes because it stretched that area too much. When I lay down on my left side, I had similar difficulty because my hip would get shoved up under my ribs. Releasing all of that was very painful, usually for several days afterward. Many times the myofascial release would trigger enough inflammation I could not touch the area at all and I would go up a pants size from swelling. When the muscles would release there would be a very painful electric burning type of pain. Sometimes there was a ripping sensation and that would be very painful. I will also have a lot of “soreness” that feels like I need to stretch. That is a response to the new length in the muscles and what helps the most for that is exercise and contracting those muscles.

In short, it’s really not a comfortable process.


@Sdel, this is an extremely helpful post. Thank you very much!!!


I see a practitioner for myofascial release, though not as often as I should and really should try do some on my own. Do you have any resources for doing releases at home? I have a similar dissymmetry in my hips.

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I get myofascial PT but it must be a different kind because it’s never that uncomfortable. What you’re describing sounds like rolfing? I have heard that’s very painful. My PTs don’t think I need that modality so I’ve never tried it. Mine is more cranial work, trigger point, and muscle energy work.

I definitely could see tightness being the issue with the TB, but every time he’s had bodywork done the report has been surprisingly positive. The baby horse is so flexible and supple that it’s hard to imagine tightness being the issue, though as always I could be wrong.

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With my horse it depends on his mood. If he’s already in a relaxed state of mind, he seems to love it. If he’s feeling more energetic and busy, then it seems to almost annoy him.

He’s similar with body work too.

Nope. I’m just that messed up. I’ve only ever done foam rolling, simple trigger point work and basic yoga/stretching type releases, baby Pilates type work and easy abdominal massage.

Nothing extreme. Even the basic foam rolling was a bit too much.

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For me the real culprit is the QL. I just did a lot of google and Pinterest searches on lateral pelvic tilt and QL and deep core exercises. There are quite a few videos and sites that explain the biomechanics behind it and what muscles are tight/weak.

I incorporated the ones that I felt were helping and backed off on the ones that hurt too much. There are a few very basic ones that caused enough pain to stop really quickly. I will say, hip hikes were a game changer……


My massage therapist does myofascial work on me. If I’m really sore, it can be very, very uncomfortable. Painful enough that if I didn’t know that it would help in the long run, I would definitely be trying to avoid it. One time I went it with so much soreness in my neck and back that she used a tool on me to help her - it worked but I basically felt like I had a giant bruise on my back afterward for a few days.

For my horses, it’s been slow and steady in their sensitive areas that has worked. Starting out with just the weight of the PP and only doing one up and one down stroke before moving on to the next spot. And it’s getting better - the more often I do it, the fewer sore/sensitive spots they have. (And the more work for me!)


Well, I was practically bed bound with severe pain 24/7, so it didn’t make much difference. A year later and I can finally move. Still do not have a huge range of motion but I can get through my day.


I’d be willing to bet that was a Graston tool and yes those often leave bruises and hurt but it’s supposed to be great for breaking up scar tissue and the like.

Well I finally got to use it on the big red beast today. Granted I did it as part of a deep grooming/mane pulling/tail conditioning session while he got shod. So probably not the best time to try it, but I rarely have time for extra things otherwise.

He seemed indifferent over his hip but jumped a little as I went over the same spot on his high hamstring, on both sides, a little below the point of his butt. So I assume there was something super tight right there that needed to be broken up. He only jumped out of surprise once on each side.

Going over his back got some licking and yawning. He loved having his neck done and was leaning in to me. I think it was more than just an itchy neck and he did some chewing there too.

All and all seemed pretty cool and he enjoyed it. Will see if there’s any noticeable difference in riding him.

I have no idea how to use it on myself. I tried on my neck and it seemed like I was just scraping my self with a curry comb. Didn’t help neck pain that particular day.

Will try on the jolly gray giant next week.


Ah, yes, that is what she called it.


When I ordered my human posture prep I got two on a whim. Then the last time my farrier came out his wife had just had a knee replacement. I asked him if he’d ever heard of it or used it on his horses and he said his wife used one on hers. I sent him home with the extra human one. He came out to replace a pulled shoe today and said his wife has been using it around her knee. Said she went from only being able to get a 70 degree bend to a full 90 degrees in just a few days after she started using it.

While we were waiting for some putty to set I pulled it out and was using on my mare. He watched her for a bit and said he was going to have to start using it on his weanlings.


Chatted with Dr. Bona yesterday! I’ve been trying to order a couple of the human version, but the website insisted I use PayPal and I wanted to use my debit card. She emailed that I could just call her and order them through her, so we finally connected – she is in Bluebell, Pennsylvania, and I am in Northern Virginia, so since she shipped them out yesterday, I’m hoping to have them next week.

She sent me several videos including some that have not been shared on this thread – if I can figure out how to share them here I will do so later. I tried the horse one on my head – I have multiple trigger points since I’m a terrible nocturnal clencher – and it did help but the rubber prongs are pretty hard, so I’m looking forward to really working myself over when I get the human version :wink:

Apparently she is a horse, human, and dog chiropractor - and works on her clients with the posture prep tool as well as doing chiropractic adjustments. My Whippet absolutely loves it, but since she is basically a zero body fat type, I think the human one will be more comfortable for her.

I am dealing with a lot of tightness in my deltoids, though – I use it on my mare for between 15 and 20 minutes a day, five days a week and it’s really causing repetitive muscle strain in that specific area of my upper arm. DH suggested I stand on a stool (because it’s easier to use the tool when I am not pushing in an upward direction), but that seems a little tippy when working on a horse, and I usually do it in her stall, which is deeply bedded with mats so not the most stable platform. I do use it on my own deltoids and try to get DH to do it as well; it does help, but this is the one “downside” for me. (Sometimes I wish I could pay someone else to do it to save my hands and arms, but I already pretty much do everything for my horse including stretching, corework, bodywork, the Masterson method, etc. – I find it much cheaper than having to hire practitioners, and Ms mare feels pretty darn good. :blush: I have chiropractic/acupuncture done on her twice a year, and the doc says she feels great other than having tight hamstrings and a little lumbar tightness, and both of those things have improved a lot with the Posture prep so it’ll be interesting to see what he says next time he’s out.) Worth the pain to me because my mare loves it, and it has made a definite difference in her neck, back, and hamstrings. What a wonderful invention!

Also, the saddle fitter was out to fit my saddles on Tuesday, and after going over her remarked that my horse was better muscled, more symmetrical, more comfortable in her stance than 99% of the horses she sees. I took that as a big compliment since I work so hard at all of this, but it was also validating – and I think the Posture prep tool has helped with everything!


I’ve only had mine now for a couple weeks BUT, our bodyworker is coming out tomorrow. I haven’t told her about the PP but Im curious to see if she notices anything different due to using it regularly. I have noticed that I’m getting better extension when I stretch his back legs…his left in particular which is usually the tighter of the two.

“Charlie” also get her one for her horses for Christmas because he thinks they are so great!


Shayney has taken a sudden large aversion to the tool. I don’t know if it’s extra dry out and it’s too staticky or what, but she went from being ambivalent/not liking, to hating it. She doesn’t like it ANYwhere.

She still enjoys her metal curry though, so it’s not a sudden skin sensitivity.

She knows better than to kick out no matter what I’m doing but her face says it all.

I’m going to give it a rest and go back to my normal PT stuff, and try again in a week or so.

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I’ve found that my mare is more sensitive now that she’s freshly clipped; when I use it on the clipped areas, I have to use lighter pressure, though she still enjoys it. The back half of her is unclipped, and she is very yaklike so I have to dig a bit deeper.



My dog ate mine.


She’s unclipped this year. I regret it when we have sweaty workouts lol