Have you by any chance tried it after a ride instead of before? I did that this week and both of my boys preferred it.
I did! My late mare was weird like that, so it was one of the first things I thought of.
I’ll try it again in a couple days.
My mare prefers it before, and my gelding likes it better afterwards. They’re all different!
My mare was really pissy about having the PP on her hamstrings last night, where she was previously loving it. I ended up using the laser on that area instead and she clearly relaxed and loved it. She was happy with the PP over most of the rest of her body. So this time it was a good diagnostic, though I think she’s just sore because she’s using herself more correctly. She is seeing the bodyworker today, so we’ll see what she thinks.
Yesterday my TB was more accepting of the PP after I “warmed him up” with scritches using a jelly curry on his itchy spots (neck/chest). He’s not very touchy-feely so I think getting him in the right mood to enjoy grooming first allowed him to be more relaxed about the PP. I got some yawning etc before reaching the wither area, which was an improvement. I experimented with using a little more pressure, slowing down, and not doing as many passes over each spot. I think lighter pressure might sometimes just be ticklish and annoying. I tried to use it again briefly after our ride too but by that point he was ready to get turned back out with his friends and be left alone. Baby steps!
You are spot on!!! It will likely be somewhat painful to those who need it the most. At least at first.
I had the Graston technique done on my left ankle for some extreme scarring after three reconstructive surgeries. It hurt so bad and the PT had to go so light with the tool that I could barely feel it at first or I would cry with pain. Eventually, the PT could get in deeper and it made a HUGE difference to my recovery and mobility. I would say that if your horses are very negative to it at first, they probably need it the most. Just be patient, go light for a while. Add pressure gradually. This tool has made a big difference with all of my horses. Pledge to give it six months.
One of my young horses was abused and flipped by a colt starter. When I found out about it and he came home, all of his muscles were spasming. It has taken a year and a half (using pharmaceuticals–robaxin–chiropractic, bemer, massage and now Perfect Prep) for him to recover to the point where he is moving again like he did before he went to be started. With this guy, he danced in the cross ties the entire time I was using the PP at first. Now, he sometimes dances when I do the first 1/4 of his body and then he relaxas and drops his head. So we are still working toward complete recovery (but very close). You have to be patient. My horse that is retired and has no issues, stands still for the PP and goes to sleep. My 3 year old that has just come back from the colt starter reacts negatively when the back half of his body is being PP’d. I figure he needs it the most there, but less pressure. This doesn’t replace the Bemer. I do the Bemer after.
If your horse has tight or spasming muscles, using robaxin and PP together seems to be a good combo to get them recovered faster without as much of a pain response.
I bought three, one for myself/my horses, and the others as gifts.
I started to use it on my one very grouchy horse, and he was reasonably accepting, which for him is a plus. Baby steps!
I have injured my shoulder and have started to also use it on myself (the horse one) gently.
Dr. Bona added a gift to my order (for two human PPs) - a dog PP!
Nice little Christmas surprise
I did a jump school on Friday, and my mare was jumping out of her skin!, she’s also moving better; this thing is a miracle. Of course I am still suffering from a lot of deltoid pain from using it (I’ve been using the human one on myself to the extent that I’m able; I had my daughter work on me last night.)
One of my students has been using it on her OTTB Warhorse (he is moving more freely and stretching!, and after seeing her use it to amazing effect, 7 of her barnmates at her boarding barn bought them!!) I should be getting a kickback from Dr. Bona…
For sure! Huge game changer for us - old nasty deep scar on my guys hip bone being released and we have a trot under saddle thanks to you all for sharing!
@TangoCowgirl thanks for sharing those two videos - very very helpful!
Mine came yesterday as an early Christmas gift and I’m very excited! I want to get out and use it on my TB but could also really use it on myself first as I’m quite sore from taking a tumble off said TB a few days ago. I also want to try it on my dog. I haven’t gone through the packets that came with it but I hope there’s some info on using it on people/ dog in addition to the horse stuff (I bought the horse version).
My riding instructor had said she has been using the one I gave her. Her grumpy about grooming mare has loved it. She has a gelding on layup with an injury and it’s keeping him happy enough that she’s added it as an instruction line for her staff to do with him as part of his care routine.
Our instructor said last week that our mare was moving the best she’s ever seen. I’ve had to put on overreach boots. My daughter had trouble with trying to canter because the mare felt good enough to offer the hunter equivalent of tempi changes.
LOL! I think you already did - you got a free one!
I asked for one for Christmas for my horse and I’m crossing my fingers that it’s under the tree tomorrow. If not I’ll be ordering it for myself!!
I used it again on my rather grumpy-to-be-groomed stallion, and he quite liked his neck, topline and hindquarters worked on, but got grumpy with his sides, ribcage, and lower. So, more baby steps,
Because I am ‘thrifty’ I ordered 3 without instructions, but try to remember from the videos,
I wonder if there is a chart somewhere I can print out to take to the barn with me?
Ok, I tossed one in with my recent Amazon order because it was cheap enough. I’m curious to see what my horse will think about it.
He’s fine with grooming, and not really worked aside from groundwork and long lining (rising 3 year old), but might be an interesting thing to have in my grooming box and to see his reaction.
I’ve been using it on a knee that’s wonky with scar tissue and today was the first time I descended stairs without stiffness. It’s also made a difference in my feet, which are more scar tissue than anything else.
This is great! I have remaining edema on my thigh from an injury last year, and am wondering if this might help break it down safely. I wonder if there is a particular technique that might work.
I got the people one for my husband for Christmas. I’ve been using it on both of us. It makes my head and neck feel better in the moment, but I think they are so tight it might be a while before I see more sustained results.
Flagship Video with Power Point presentation with Posture Prepping, RedFlags, posture before and after photos.
Thank you!