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Pregnant riders support group? :)

I’m so jealous of all you ladies that get to ride/see your horses. I Haven’t seen my guy since Christmas! My sister has been good with pictures and videos and even FaceTime every now and then but it’s still not the same. Only 11 more weeks till my due date and then hopefully shipping my horse out this summer…can’t wait to get back in the saddle!

Just found out I am a new member of this club too! I plan on continuing to ride as long as I feel comfortable, but I will stop jumping probably in the next few weeks and not get on anything green or silly.

I’m hanging in there! Just 8 more weeks to go, but it might as well be an eternity. I am HUGE, completely exhausted at all times, and getting pretty uncomfortable. Thankfully I can still do my two stalls every day, although my husband dumps the wheelbarrow and dumps and fills water buckets.

Having horses at home while pregnant with twins has been interesting with all the snow and freezing weather we’ve had! I guess I should be thankful it isn’t 90 degrees and high humidity.

I seriously cannot wait to be able to ride again – and bend over and do things like get in and out of the car without supreme discomfort and pain!

@Fergs sending you jingles!!! You are doing GREAT! I hope I am still cleaning stalls 2 months from now (who ever thought I would say that?)

So I have a question for those who are pregnant and/or moms:

My husband and I have been “casually” trying to get pregnant for about a year. I know I have lots to worry and think about, but one of the things at the front of my mind (and this is going to sound silly) is that I need to buy new tall boots. My current tall boots are falling to pieces. So, if I buy new boots now, how much bigger will my feet get during/after pregnancy? Will I have a chance of being able to get into them again?

Congrats to everyone who is expecting, hope that everything is going smoothly!

My feet went up a half size after having my daughter. So far they don’t seem to have grown further, but I realize they probably will! Can you get a pair of affordable boots now in case you need new ones later? I got some Middleburg boots a couple years ago for less than $200 and I love them. (And they happen to run a little big in the foot!)

Is anyone riding against Dr’s orders? My Dr. told me a hard “no” to soccer as well as riding. When proded, his response when I asked “why?” to riding to the was “because all the bouncing around you do and perhaps a fall”, which leads me to believe he’s just pretty misinformed to the whole deal. I understand the risk associated with a fall, and am comfortable with my ability/risk. I’ve stopped jumping and am just working indoors in the flat. Unfortunately these are my two main hobbies/forms of mental and physical fitness. I’m 17 weeks, not showing and feeling totally fine. Anyone else in this boat?

I’m 18 and a half weeks now with my second baby and I’m so fed up already! I’ve recently stopped riding and I’m keeping my horse and myself busy with work on the lunge, side reins and loose schooling. I have an event rider who comes once a week to jump him and give him a proper work out under saddle so he doesn’t get too bored. Im excited because tomorrow I’m going to walk out on foot with them for a trail ride ha ha.
I hate not being able to ride my boy (I fell off before I found out I was pregnant and I have decided it’s not worth the risk this time round) . I feel so useless but its only another 5 months and I’ll be dying to escape the kiddies and get on board for a bit each day :).
Good luck to all the other pregnant mammas. I rode until 26 weeks with the first and only stopped because I couldn’t get on and off without help :p.

Is anyone riding against Dr’s orders? My Dr. told me a hard “no” to soccer as well as riding. When proded, his response when I asked “why?” to riding to the was “because all the bouncing around you do and perhaps a fall”, which leads me to believe he’s just pretty misinformed to the whole deal. I understand the risk associated with a fall, and am comfortable with my ability/risk. I’ve stopped jumping and am just working indoors in the flat. Unfortunately these are my two main hobbies/forms of mental and physical fitness. I’m 17 weeks, not showing and feeling totally fine. Anyone else in this boat?[/QUOTE]

my doctor also told me no riding. Not because of the bouncing, but because of the risk of falling. Although I stopped jumping immediately upon finding out, I decided to ride anyway (lightly hacking on a very safe horse) against his recommendation. However, once I hit 15 weeks (I have no idea how people do it longer!) I became too physically uncomfortable on horseback… even though I wasn’t big at all yet. So I stopped completely and now leave all the riding to professionals and barn mates.

I don’t think your doctor is misinformed, but there is definitely a camp of people who think “you have your whole life to ride, why risk it?” Some are horse people, some are not. While I can totally appreciate this line of thinking, I respect that it’s everyone’s personal decision. In my case, physical discomfort made the decision for me. I’m now into my 5th month and also can’t wait to return to riding!

My doctor was fine with me continuing to ride until the third trimester, then she wanted to reassess. Her view was that while the risk of a fall and damage from that fall increased over time, she also trusted my judgment as to how risky my riding was. She also valued the mental and physical health benefits of staying active. I was comfortable jumping until about 19 weeks and mentally was comfortable flatting longer but physically became uncomfortable about 23 weeks at even a gentle trot. Probably would still feel ok hacking lightly the older horse, but getting big enough that just getting on and off is pretty awkward.

Thanks for the feedback! I’m also choosing to stick with just the light flat, with the occasional ground pole in there for fun. Fortunately I’ve been feeling 100% and not actually pregnant at all, so until my body starts to tell me otherwise, I’m going to keep at it and just tone down the intensity. I’m fortunate enough to have 2 safe, reliable ponies, supportive barn-mates and an understanding instructor!
I’m also more comfortable with risk than some I suppose (I ate sushi yesterday…THE SHAME!), but I certainly respect any opinions regarding not riding. It seems that each pregnancy is so unique.

…I’m also choosing to stick with just the light flat, with the occasional ground pole in there for fun. Fortunately I’ve been feeling 100% and not actually pregnant at all, so until my body starts to tell me otherwise, I’m going to keep at it and just tone down the intensity. I’m fortunate enough to have 2 safe, reliable ponies, supportive barn-mates and an understanding instructor! …[/QUOTE]

My doctor looked me square in the eye when I asked about riding and said “I’m never going to recommend it as a pre-natal activity BUT staying fit and active is important. You need to assess your risk and listen to your body.”

I switched from my sometimes-bucks show horse to my older, steady-eddy, and rode until 5 months or so. I was still jumping at 4.5 months. My boots and coats stopped fitting before 3 months, but I just did schooling shows in a polo and nice tights with half chaps. That was completely fine at our schooling shows, obviously this was not at a very high level.

My instructor was supportive, but also wary of the risks and checked up often to make sure I wasn’t trying to “be brave.” It was VERY clear when it was time to stop, the last time I rode before baby, I got off and nearly doubled over from lower back pain. She was kind of suprised that weight gain and significant center-of-gravity shift (the girls got HUGE) seemed to make my position better…I had a tendency to lean forward, and it seemed easier to stay up.

Going back has been harder, my son is 1, and while he was a super easy baby, I gained a ton of weight and it still isn’t all gone. Since we’re trying for number 2, I’m also not keen to try really hard to lose weight, although I am being conscious of what I’m eating. I was wobbly, scared, out of shape, and have been doing Dressage with the odd Gymnastic day thrown in for the past six months. It’s probably what my horse and I needed anyway. I really had to look at my situation and decide what my priorities were going to be. Sometimes it’s hard to leave the baby and go for a ride BUT I think it’s important that baby have one-on-one time with Dad, AND I feel very recharged and grounded after I ride, so I think it makes me a better Mom, overall.

I think I’m pregnant again, too early to test, and I fully intend to ride as long as possible. I’m hoping to ride long enough to maybe drum up some interest in a lease on my horse. He’s not a high level horse, but he is pretty and has talent…hoping I can keep him ridden regularly through the next pregnancy/birth. That way we won’t BOTH be out of shape next time.

Had my baby girl October 19th. My water broke ducking through the fence to check my horse’s feet, he had a horrible abcess where he was 3 legged lame 2 weeks before. It was fun soaking and wrapping at 38 weeks pregnant! First trimester and third trimester were hardest for me, I was so tired! OB said I could ride up to 20 weeks but I continued up to 7 months which is when I started to get pretty big. I only did flat work on my horse that I have owned for 7 years. After I stopped riding him, I long lined him which was really fun for me and swam several days a week! I wore leggings when I couldn’t fit in my breeches anymore, I pretty much lived in leggings or dresses towards the end of my pregnancy! I had a c-section and had some complications with healing and with the holidays, I didn’t get back on until early January. I won’t lie my hormones were crazy and I was so sleep deprived in the beginning so riding and seeing my horse was the last thing I was worried about. I had envisioned spending the 4 months of my maternity leave riding in the afternoons while she slept in the carseat in the tack room attached to the indoor. That happened once because I ended up with a crap sleeper. I am now back to work full time, and riding once a week if lucky! Can we also form a how to keep baby occupied while riding support and idea group?? I’m going to try the playpen or playyard with toys outside of the indoor arena once she can sit up. I wear her to groom but obviously can’t wear her while riding. Congrats and good luck to all you pregnant mommas out there:)

A little under 11 weeks to go! Starting to really show in photographs but don’t feel as big as I look!

I’m so thankful for the warmer weather though. It’s really lifted my spirits and got me out to the barn more to visit my girl :slight_smile:

Anyone still riding?

So I’m a little late jumping (hardy har har) in here, but I’m due Sept! I wrapped up 6 weeks of showing and don’t plan to show again until next year for sure. I’m still riding, and hope to as long as I can.

Will try to lease out the show horse for the rest of the show year, my older guy is already on lease and I hope/pray that she renews. She’s a great fit for him and they have fun together.

I will say that working 12-16 hour days, showing in WEF, and being pregnant wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, but hey I survived and will live to write about it. Again. Someday.

Congrats Nickelodian! I enjoy reading your blog and am a friend of TJ’s breeder, so it’s fun to see his adventures with you. I am due in November and am quite impressed that you made it through WEF during 1st tri. :slight_smile:

So I’m a little late jumping (hardy har har) in here, but I’m due Sept! [/QUOTE]

I’m due in Sept too. And it’s a BOY! I’m not really riding anymore, but it isn’t because I can’t or don’t feel up to it. It’s because my mare is lame-o. So I guess the timing is pretty good. Except that she’s been on rest and rehab since last August. I’ve only been able to walk and light trot starting in January. And then she took a giant leap backwards and since I can’t afford an MRI and this baby, she’s now on total pasture rest until next winter. Then hopefully we can bring her back slowly and she can stay sound. So… I haven’t jumped since July and haven’t even cantered since once in September. :no:

I’ve had friends offer up their horses, but I just don’t feel comfortable riding “strange” horses right now. Plus, not many people know about my condition yet. However, my trainer, who I just told the other day, is going to put me on a steady eddie and let me at least canter next week before I call it quits on riding. I might also hop on my girl and just take her for a last couple of walks in my western saddle (she can be a little hot on a calm day.)

So… since I know pretty much ZILCH about human babies, maybe the already moms out there can point me to some good forums about baby gear (what’s good, what’s crap and what is really needed for an infant) and maybe some good parenting forums as well?!?

Terrified doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. I’m no spring chicken. DH and I have had losses in the past and fertility issues and we were told this would never happen on its own. Well, some people go to skiing on their 9th wedding anniversary and get a sweatshirt. I got knocked up. :lol: So much for that blow out amazing 10th anniversary trip we had planned for this year.

We’re waiting until after my 16 week checkup to actually make any sort of “announcement” but people close to me know. And the few on COTH who know me IRL… well, if you’re reading this. We’re just as surprised as you!

I just need to rant here for a minute. I almost started to post a FB status but caught myself. I’m aware what I’m about to complain about is stupid, selfish and narcissistic.

I miss being skinny. I miss riding my horses. I HATE sitting around the house feeling fat. I am so jealous seeing all my friends posting about their first shows of the season and pictures of them out enjoying their horses. I’m bummed because I’m making the 3 hour round trip to visit my horse at the trainers and I won’t be able to coordinate my schedule to watch her ride him. I don’t enjoy being pregnant and I don’t enjoy my body not being my own.

I think my hormones are going haywire. I can read that and rationally know that these are not real problems, yet I’m so darn upset. I know getting to see my boy tomorrow and groom him will lift my spirits and this will pass. Only 2 more months to go…

drmgncolor - please don’t let my rambling scare you, I promise the resulting child is well worth the 9 months of pregnancy. Congratulations and best of luck!

Drmgncolor - please don’t let my rambling scare you, I promise the resulting child is well worth the 9 months of pregnancy. Congratulations and best of luck![/QUOTE]

Haha. I’m good. Not really enjoying being pregnant myself. I miss beer and hot tubs. :smiley:

And to make you feel better, I cried earlier because my birthday is on Monday and I wanted a certain cake from a bakery an hour away, which we could have picked up this afternoon on the way to our long weekend getaway, but DH didn’t want to wait to leave late enough to “swing” by and get it. Granted it’s my fault I waited so late to think about ordering it, but once I had it in my mind, I really wanted that cake. So I cried. Over a cake.

Haha. I’m good. Not really enjoying being pregnant myself. I miss beer and hot tubs. :smiley:

And to make you feel better, I cried earlier because my birthday is on Monday and I wanted a certain cake from a bakery an hour away, which we could have picked up this afternoon on the way to our long weekend getaway, but DH didn’t want to wait to leave late enough to “swing” by and get it. Granted it’s my fault I waited so late to think about ordering it, but once I had it in my mind, I really wanted that cake. So I cried. Over a cake.[/QUOTE]

Don’t feel bad about that…I cried over a t shirt last week. So ridiculous. And add me to the club for not liking being pregnant. I cannot wait until I have my baby so I can be skinny and drink wine and finally get my horse back!! Yes it’s terrible to say I hate being pregnant, no I do not care. I am so excited to finally meet my son though! Thought I should add so I don’t feel so bad for saying I hate being pregnant :slight_smile: