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Pres. Bush gets emotional and why i'm glad we have him

Did anyone hear or watch Bush’s address yesterday afternoon? He looked and sounded like he was choking back tears. It really has humanized him in my eyes. I didn’t vote for him, but I’m glad he’s our president. In time of war, I suppose it is beneficial to have a Republican president. Money will be funneled into national defense and a coordicated offense. I imagine there won’t be any spoofs of our president anytime soon on Saturday Night Live or anywhere else.

George W. has his father’s reputation with Desert Storm to live up to and surpass and I believe he will. He’s said the focus of his entire administration and presidency is this event. Could he ever have imagined at the start of his term that he would be at the helm of such an unbelievable thing? Could any of us? He will undoubtably go down in history. I support him now more than ever. I can’t believe I ever thought any less of this great man.

I support you Mr. President.

Jennasis–I am in complete accord with your assessment of our President. His humanity burned brightly–a mirror image of the same grief, pain, outrage and sense of violation that we all feel, as fellows of our fallen. His reaction was neither scripted nor measured–but a genuine outpouring of the same righteous emotions by which we, as Americans, are all consumed–transcendant of political persuasion.

I do not require that my President display a glib flair for the perfectly turned phrase. I do not require that he fashion a flawlessly polished delivery. I only require that his words flow forth from a heart and mind dedicated to the preservation and protection of our shores.

Great men seldom seek greatness–but have greatness thrust upon them–by meeting the challenge of their station. History has borne out this truth time and again.

I join you, Jennasis, in rallying my support behind our President.

[This message was edited by EquiMom on Sep. 14, 2001 at 10:14 PM.]

God bless America, and may he give all of us, from the president through to people the strength to survive and prevail through this.

for President. His fathers’ Presidential Library is in my own backyard in College Station, Texas. My Mom knows Laura Bush. I like to think I have the inside track on the Presidency, but of course I don’t!

I believe he and his administration will take care of terrorists; those who caused these atrocities have awakened a sleeping giant.

As many have said on the TV (Hillary Clinton in particular): “You are either with us or against us.” It’s going to be a long long battle, but in the end, if there is an end, I am certain our President will take care of it.

Maybe now is the time to “…ask what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy)

I must say, I am utterly disgusted by the attitudes of many members on this board.

A tragedy has taken place. Let’s drop our partisanship and work together.

By no means is either Clinton or Bush perfect, but, they both did what they felt was needed.

Hindsight is twenty-twenty. How do you think keeping military funding high would have helped? What, we would have had our missile defense system in place? It wouldn’t have made a difference in the world.

How many of you out there can say that you have not cried, or choked back tears when thinking about the disaster, let alone when trying to make a speech to the entire nation?

Dodgegirl, you said <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I’d rather follow a Rhodes Scholar straight to the outhouse than a whining C- Yalie into the White House. GAAA!! Save those people in the elevator! Get those people back to work. Make sandwiches, donate, do something. Don’t sit there and cry about it.
I wouldn’t turn the care of a sick horse over to someone like this. Get moving, do something! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know you dislike Bush. Now is not the time. Support him, stand behind him, as he is our president and deserves the support of the people, now more than ever. A phrase comes to mind, “united we stand, divided we fall.”

And creseida, your response, <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Hillary Clinton slashed the military, thus weakening our defenses against rogue nations and terrorists alike. The FBI became a disgrace when Clinton appointed Louis Freeh. Can we say Botched Investigation of the Oklahoma Bombing? How about Wen Ho Lee?
Any other questions? Just ask Vince Foster…Oh, wait you can’t! Hillary had him assassinated before he could spill the beans about her corrupt doings with Whitewater and the Law Firm. Then there was Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, and too many harrassment cases to count.
Bill was just a perjuring, draft-dodging, marijuana-smoking puppet. They say Timothy Leary talked a good talk, too. But I wouldn’t want the LSD Guru running the country. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

was even more inappropriate. How is badmouthing our former president going to help anything? Many faults you raise with Clinton can also be found with Bush. I suggest you not call Clinton names that are more frequently than not attributed to Bush rather than Clinton. And how dare you imply that Hillary Clinton took part in an assassination? There is less than no evidence to support your point.

As a high school senior, I am currently in the process of studying our Government, both its good and bad aspects.

Personally, yes, I prefer Clinton over Bush. However, Bush is my president now. As I stood behind Clinton when he was president, so shall I stand behind Bush now.

I am proud to live in a country that will not be beaten, and I am proud to live with the majority of people who are now uniting behind our leaders.

Save your objections for later. Be glad you’re alive, and, at the very least, if you’re not going to help, just be quiet, and let the others do the job.

For the good of the Nation as a whole, the states must once again become a single entity.

I think, in light of all this, it is time for us to get back to what these boards were intended for.

Valerie’s home page

[This message was edited by In The Gate on Sep. 17, 2001 at 03:07 AM.]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by In The Gate:

How is badmouthing our former president going to help anything? Many faults you raise with Clinton can also be found with Bush. I suggest you not call Clinton names that are more frequently than not attributed to Bush rather than Clinton<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I haven’t heard of Bush screwing interns in the oval office, then asking for clarification of the definition of “sexual relations”. Bush was not a draft dodger, either.

For the record, had Clinton actually done his job the first TWO times Bin Laden attacked U.S. citizens, (ramming the U.S.S. Cole, and the U.S. Embassy Bombing) it is unlikely we would be having this discussion at all.

Yeah, Clinton is a smooth talker, alright. Most pathological liars are.

I’m glad Bush is in office and that he has the team of heavy hitters to consult with and decide the best course of action. No wonder Bin Laden is suddenly denying his involvement rather than bragging about it; I think he realized that he has stirred up a nest of angry hornets, and perhaps he bit off more than he can chew. He will burn in Hell. The man is a coward, hiring fanatics to do his dirty work while he hides in a cave.

~~ He who dies with the most tack wins! ~~

Yes, pt, pretty much so. I’m even cynical about Mother Theresa, who cuddled up to the likes of Pinochet and Marcos, giving them her blessings in exchange for donations.

I think Olaf Palme was a trustworthy guy, though. And Joschka Fischer, as far as I can tell, is a man who tries to be consistent, and is honest when he has to compromise his beliefs.

I am not an American. What happened last Tuesday was targeted on American soil but directed at the world…65 nations were affected…now is not the time to be bickering about Bill Clinton’s sex life or whether Bush is a hick. People, let’s unite so that we all have a future! I for one was not a Bush fan and was praying that Gore got in because I thought we’d all be better off with an intellectual vs. a cowboy but I have to say that I’ve been impressed with him so far. He holds the world’s fate in his hands…not just yours. I thought that he would have bombed that absolute @#*@! out of Afghanistan and have been thankful and very grateful that he has taken his time. Let’s remember how we all felt that fateful day and not digress into petty bickering about politics.

I am in no way a religious person, but God bless America and our friends around the world. May justice be served in a swift manner without undue loss of any more American and friends’ lives. May nightmares of this horror dim, yet the American spirit grow even stronger, with time. The innocent victims, I believe, are in a wonderful place. May the victims’ family and friends find comfort from each other and from the incredible “strangers” across the world.

My horse and I marched in the Presidential Inaugural Parade for Bush last January. I feel extremely honored that I had this opportunity to support this President in his Inauguration. (Plus, he said he that one of his favorite parts of the parade was the sidesaddle horses :-)!)

It is wonderful that both Republicans and Democrats are dropping political divisions and petty arguments to join together to face the horrible events of this week. It is wonderful that people are supporting our leaders and creating a unified front to handle the results from these events.

God Bless America!

To be fair, from what I saw (maybe I saw a different address) he did get chocked up, but he wasn’t exactly blubbering. And I think that’s entirely appropriate given the enormity of what’s happened. And I think he’s shown the correct balance between maintaining visibility to the public while working diligently to resolve the issues at hand.

While I’m no fan of Clinton, I don’t think we can blame him for what happened. I guess you could make a point that he didn’t remove Bin Laden fromt he scene after the embassy bombings and the attack on the USS Cole, but I think that’s hindsight. No one is to blame for what happened but the evil madmen who committed this mass murder.

Yes, we may have gotten complacent in our sense of security recently, but can we be blamed for that? I “came of age” during the Cold War, and was personally excited to live in a time when we had no perceived major threat and could focus on improving our nation internally rather than protecting ourselves from the Soviet Union or other “enemy state.”

We have seen many men who rose to meet the challenges at a time when they were needed. There have been Presidents from both sides who were not great orators but great Presidents.

This is the time to stop the partizan small-talk and remember we are all Americans first. If we stand behind our leader he will become greater than even he knew was possible.

If we have the will to win this time then this will be a victory for freedom. Before you decry the governors of this country just think what your alternative will be. Bin Ladon wants us all in Islam or dead, not different than the last international despot who wanted only aryans to live.

We tried to buy peace from Hitler and we were wrong, let’s learn from history.

Wow. There are people who are still finding great personal satisfaction in continuing to think about Clinton’s sexual behavior. Flame me if you like, but I’m seeing some kind of voyeuristic perversity there. It is completely irrelevant to the tragedy at hand, anyway. Thousands of people just died and the thing you focus on is the image of someone else having sex?

Aren’t we being a little gullible in believing G. Bush to be as honest as the day is long? Just because he TOLD us he is honest? No matter what the party, powerful politicians lie. It’s part of getting re-elected. Sooner or later, we will hear about something George W. lied about, or a strategic memory lapse.

Anyway, seeing him in action, having to speak contemporaneously in press conferences, I get worried. Fine - he has adopted a style of speaking that features short, staccato sentences in order to seem decisive and an everyday guy at the same time. That works well for him when he has a prepared speech to read from. But I can’t help but notice that he truly has difficulty putting coherent sentences of his own together, and I wonder about the cognitive abilities behind that deficiency.

Sure, I’ll stand behind him - he’s what we’ve got for president. I’m just glad that Mr. Powell is a smart cookie, even though he too had some curious memory lapses during Iran-Contra. I really hope they can find the terrorists.

OK, my ignorance is showing.

Who are Olaf Palme and Joschka Fischer?

That comment doesn’t even warrant a response.

Just feel the need to point out to msj that the tragic events of this past Tuesday had more to do with potential weaknesses in intelligence and certainly weaknesses in airport security than they did with the size of our military budget.

one of the difficulties with our intelligence system is that we often insist upon playing “fair” with people for whom fairness is a totally alien concept. While in principle, this is admirable, in reality it does handicap our side in many ways.

Some of the most striking observations I’ve heard in the last few days have been the ones relating to our policies about informants and intelligence gathering. How we have placed so many restrictions on who can be recruited (we don’t wan to pay, gasp, any criminals!… so please could our intelligence officers ONLY deal with NICE terrorists who don’t have a record…), effectively tying their hands behind their backs in many ways.

I do believe, that in these kinds of counter terrorist efforts, that people must and do get their hands dirty. And frankly, I’m OK with that. No, I don’t like the knowledge that the money we’ve paid an informant or a spy could easily be used to purchase weapons which are later possibly used against us. But since there are few choirboys in the organizations we are fighting, I don’t believe that we have much choice if we wish to have any kind of early warning system or effective prevention in place going forward.

To appreciate heaven well
'Tis good for a man to have some fifteen minutes of hell.
Will Carleton (1845-1912)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dodgegrrl:

“Give the guy a Kleenex and tell him to get to work. After all, it is weakness (many)that put us in this place.”

“I am a lifelong Democrat”

Sorry, I just can’t let this slide! You wanna talk about tears, I suggest you do some homework on your last president (democrat!) He was constantly in tears on TV! For alot less than thousands of missing Americans!! Don’t bash our President for something that the last one did on a monthly basis! Fair is fair!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

You may have no idea how inspiring it is to hear well spoken ideas from a “senior in high school”. Call it another form of renewed faith in the future of this country. You have probably been told before, you seem wise beyond your years.

I hope and pray for your generation that you be given every opportunity to achieve your goals.

Thank you for speaking up and thank you most of all for caring.

Just a note from some “old broad”.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

[QUOTE]Originally posted by hobson:
Aren’t we being a little gullible in believing G. Bush to be as honest as the day is long? Just because he TOLD us he is honest? No matter what the party, powerful politicians lie. It’s part of getting re-elected. Sooner or later, we will hear about something George W. lied about, or a strategic memory lapse.

Gee, Hobson, is the glass always half empty with you? Gullible, No I’m Not Gullible. I have done my homework and studied the man, as govenor of Texas. He was as honest as the day was long! Many politicians lie, wouldn’t it be nice to believe that we actually have an honest man in the White House? Why not give it a chance and see what transpires in the days and years to come.

In regards to Mr. Clinton, I doubt seriously that anyone is interested in his sex life, as abundant as it may seem, they are interested in the morality or lack therfore of the man. The man that was our president for eight years. The man who had the opportunity and the means to assist in the eradication of terrorisim, and didn’t. That is what people are referring to. Let’s face it Hobson, the dude was caught with his pants down! Yeah as an American I was really proud of that one!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!