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Pres. Bush gets emotional and why i'm glad we have him

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> “Well I’m not going to aim a 2 million dollar missle at a $10. tent in the desert to hit a camel in the butt.” <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hot diggity, Bush does have some sense bout him! PETA would be proud
Hobson, hang in there - this is like the Bush/Gore/Nader routine. Remember ~ Clinton/Bush/Gore are all the same, really, they are. Bill is just a bit friskier then the others!

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Folks, I’m tempted to lock this thread… we already had the Great Bush Vs. Gore Debate back in November. There’s no need to go there again.

I’m allowing a somewhat looser rein with regard to staying on horse-related topics because I think a lot of people have other things on their mind. But that is NOT an invitation to rant about whatever subject you’re currently PO’ed about.

Neither Clinton nor Gore are currently sitting in the Oval Office. So WHY are we talking about them?

Move on.

In total agreement with AHC. I think it was our lack of spending on Anti-terrorist activities that was more at fault than our not spending on building up our military. We have ample weapons, but insufficient information on terrorists, their activities, and their whereabouts.

I also agree that a glib speaking president does nothing for me. I didn’t vote for Bush, but I feel more confident than I ever thought I would at his ability to deal with the situation at hand.

Lucasb! Wonderfully put, and sooo painfully true. They oversight committees and the budget cuts in intelligence over the past eight years have crippled us in so many ways. These terrorists want to fight dirty, fine, we’ll show em’!, let’s just keep it quiet so all the bleeding hearts don’t get to put in their 2 cents! (Preparing to duck under my desk for upcoming debate!)

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

C’mon! Did you cry when you saw this happen??? Didn’t you stop and think how many lives were changed and ruined? It is sad. He cares. How dare you attack him for being a human!

You need to direct you anger else where. That is just ridiculous. I am not a republican, but I think he is the perfect man for this job. Perfect.

The intentions on this thread were not to knock Democrats, can’t people just get over there damn negative opinions, and say:

God Bless America, God Bless those Leading it!


Umm, I can’t say that I agree with all said, and I don’t feel like getting into a political argument. But I am praying my ass off that Bush & Co. can make the right decisions regarding these attacks.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brookes:

Gee, Hobson, is the glass always half empty with you? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I’ve been an avid reader of international newspapers since I was a teenager, and it’s made me REALLY jaded about Our Esteemed Leaders of the world and their motivations.

That quote actually comes from VP Cheney.

Too much emotion and too much wine tonight is not the time to discuss politics. I just want people to remember how united we all felt on September 11th and not to bicker about various parties…I’ll not say another word.

AHC- the leadership at many levels will be scrutinized, including the former Commander in Chief who defiled the Oval Office and pardoned criminals while this attack was being planned in our country.

I was wrong yesterday when I questioned how the FBI for let this slip by, it’s bigger than that.


lucassbb, this is what I heard a Republican senator saying on the radio two nights ago, and it made more sense than anything I’ve heard so far. We aren’t in a position in this case to take the high road – the risks are too great.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dodgegrrl:
Flamesuit on!

Everyone here wants to blame Bill Clinton. Why?


Billary Clinton slashed the military, thus weakening our defences against rogue nations and terrorists alike. The FBI became a disgrace when Clinton appointed Louis Freeh. Can we say Botched Investigation of the Oklahoma Bombing? How about Wen Ho Lee?

Any other questions? Just ask Vince Foster…Oh, wait you can’t! Hillary had him assasinated before he could spill the beans about her corrupt doings with Whitewater and the Law Firm. Then there was Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, and too many harrassment cases to count.

Bill was just a perjoring, draft-dodging, marijuana-smoking puppet. They say Timothy Leary talked a good talk, too. But I wouldn’t want the LSD Guru running the country.

What I do, I do for my horse, and thus I do for myself~me

He has wounderful advisors and his father is a great military man. I’m happy now that Bush got elected to the office. He has wounderful Military personal (Colon Powell) and he’s taking the best action he can think of. God Bless him! He needs all the support he can get from us. I hope he makes those who are responsible pay BIG time. How dare they burn our home city(I’m from New York). I just couldn’t believe it when I saw those towers fall!

http://www.dmtc.com/dmtc98/Pedigree/ you can look up you Thoroughbred’s Pedigree with photos 9 Genrations back!
Men come and go, but my horse will always love me!

Certainly seems like there is more than the usual level of hostility in some of these posts. The late, great “Bush vs. Gore” debate is seeming tame in comparison.

Hobson, you are not alone. Those of you who have posted elsewhere that the flag-waving looks like chest-thumping, and is scary in itself, I’m also in your camp. People on this board are arguing out of both sides of their mouths - that they don’t want political divisiveness during this tragic time, and then stomping anyone with a different point of view. As if the presence of terrorists weren’t scary enough, now we have the spectre of a new era of McCarthyism.

And Nimue, I’ve seen your post on another thread, fanning the flames. Your previous posts seem to suggest that you’re a BB regular, using an alter in an ugly, trolling way. Do we really need that now?

Sheesh and yuck.

My goal was to end the bickering on this thread.

You, Nimue, do not live in the United States. I do not criticize your government for having not taken out Osama Bin Laden. Bill Clinton’s job was not to assassinate people. There is no reason to expect him to have done such a thing.

Bush has his bad points too, as does Clinton. However, I will reiterate myself as saying that now is not the time to criticize Bush.

Analyzing the past will not change it. There is nothing we can do about Clinton’s actions or his failure to act.

I think, as I said before, it is time we get back to what this board is intended for: horses.

Erin, just today posted a reminder of the Bulletin Board rules. I think we all need to go read them.

She also has been nice enough to let us have an open forum for discussion. Let’s not take advantage of it.

This is a time to support each other. Let’s not make the situation any worse than it already is.

Valerie’s home page

Past governorship, a daddy who was President, buddies in high political places – there is no training in the world, or politically expedient shortcuts, for what the U.S. and its President has gone through in the past week and a half.

Though I’m only a lowly Canadian, a tree-hugging liberal to boot, and I may disagree with some of what’s been uttered by Dubya, I have been surprisingly impressed with George Bush.

No, he doesn’t possess the gift of the natural orator, yes, he seems surprisingly uncomfortable at times in the media spotlight, his diction may defy clarity at times, but I do think he’s trying his very best for the country and its citizens. His greatest P.R. problem is that he’s stiffly sincere.

I’m with you Jennasis, how could anyone not be brought to near tears having carried the burden of this country on their shoulders. And to personally witness the pain and suffering.

I also have to believe he will be able to draw directly from his father’s experiences. Though I believe the president has great counsel in his cabinet, there is no guidance greater that that of his father.

OMG, while posting this an F-16 or something just went shooting over the top of our house. We have a great Marine Corp Air Station in Yuma. This time it gives me a great feeling of security.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Flamesuit on!

Give the guy a Kleenex and tell him to get to work. After all, it is weakness (many)that put us in this place.

I am a lifelong Democrat. I had the pleasure to work for a national hero (and Marine) who would bring high school kids to tears when he said the Pledge of Allegiance. Do I think that character is important and proper phrasing and use of the bully pulpit is critical? D#$% right!

Everyone here wants to blame Bill Clinton. Why?

I’d rather follow a Rhodes Scholar straight to the outhouse than a whining C- Yalie into the White House. GAAA!! Save those people in the elevator! Get those people back to work. Make sandwiches, donate, do something. Don’t sit there and cry about it.

I wouldn’t turn the care of a sick horse over to someone like this. Get moving, do something!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by creseida:
Quote: "Originally posted by dodgegrrl:
Flamesuit on!

Everyone here wants to blame Bill Clinton. Why?


Billary Clinton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



I voted for George W. Bush!

God bless the U.S.A.!!

I, like Bumpkin, have no-clue what a loaf of bread costs.