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Pres. Bush gets emotional and why i'm glad we have him

Hobson, you are correct, this is not the time or the place to bring up former President Clintons many weaknesses. Thanks for the reminder.

Happy Riding,

As Americans, we have the right to NOT be “patriotic” if we chose. Disliking a president isn’t a crime, neither is choosing not to fly the flag in a private place of business.
That’s the WHOLE IDEA, remember?

I’ll take character over charisma anyday!!

Did anyone hear or watch Bush’s address yesterday afternoon? He looked and sounded like he was choking back tears. It really has humanized him in my eyes. I didn’t vote for him, but I’m glad he’s our president. In time of war, I suppose it is beneficial to have a Republican president. Money will be funneled into national defense and a coordicated offense. I imagine there won’t be any spoofs of our president anytime soon on Saturday Night Live or anywhere else.

George W. has his father’s reputation with Desert Storm to live up to and surpass and I believe he will. He’s said the focus of his entire administration and presidency is this event. Could he ever have imagined at the start of his term that he would be at the helm of such an unbelievable thing? Could any of us? He will undoubtably go down in history. I support him now more than ever. I can’t believe I ever thought any less of this great man.

I support you Mr. President.

Although I know many feel the former president defiled the Oval Office, I doubt that his sexual activities have much to do with the events of this past week, SLW.

How about we just stand behind the man who holds the office now and support him as he deals with a very difficult time in our history…

Lucassb- Since 1995 the CIA has not been allowed to pay informants. Is that what you are thinking of?

AHC- it’s not about sex; it’s about lying, impulses and not being the right person for the job. I sense we have two different, and opposite, expectations of our leaders and I will respectfully not try to recruit you.

KAM- I still recall the rainy January parade, it was a fabulous unit you rode with in Washington!


You have to like this shot of Pres. Bush!

giving credit where due

However I will support him as our President. More importantly, I will support the leaders of this nation in their efforts to preserve and protect our rights and keep our nation together.

What Clinton did (which was an embarrasment to his family and the nation, not a crime against the USA so get over it) has No bearing on what Bush will do in this situation. I do not envy President Bush, he has a tough job ahead of him. He is not a good public speaker although recent events are showing that he comes across much better speaking his own words from the heart as opposed to reading from a prepared text.

This country and many like the USA are great for the way the population is allowed to have differing opinions. We have free elections, not dictatorships. This is part of what makes us strong enough to combat terrorism. Our country is made up of a diverse population that is represented in our government. Our government, from the local board of supervisors right up to the Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court and President is supposed to reflect the will of “We, the people of the United States”


When asked by the WSJ about the expense of a war,
GWB stated:

“Well I’m not going to aim a 2 million dollar missle at a $10. tent in the desert to hit a camel in the butt.”

I’m an oratorical snob (just ask Jennais) AND THAT SURE DOES IT FOR ME. I laughed so hard I almost >>>>>>>>>>>>.

it would be nice if everyone could, for the sake of our country and our freedom,at the very least pretend to be rooting for the same team.

Being kind of shy myself, and many times at loss for the correct words when confronted, I feel more of a kinship with Bush, than any other President. Like he is human and not perfect!!

Also hey look at his pedigree, it almost makes me happy we did have him in office at this time of grief and need of cool heads and long thoughts of how to proceed. And most likely advised by his father.

May God bless him and guide him with wisedom, courage and strength.


AHC! Good statement.

Dodgegirl: your post is so innappropriate. George Bush is a human with feelings and it did me good to know he was as upset about all of this as I am. Nobody blames Bill CLinton (at least I don’t and neither should anyone else). It wasn’t “weakness” as you put it, that brought us to this. It was the whim of a radical mad man and his followers.

Nobody is to blame except those who perpetrated this henous crime.

Now is the time to rally behind our leaders. Democrat or Republican…we are americans first. You shouldn’t even have said anything that would require the donning of the “flame suit”…this is an innappropriate time for such rhetoric.

I caught some replay tonight of good ole George talking somewhere to firefighters tonight with a very uplifting tone and he made me smile. Three cheers for him. Hes a terrible speaker. I voted for him, I like him, but hes a terrible speaker.

MOST importantly though, hes a smart man, and a good leader. He’ll pull us through. I’m not worried.

and btw- keep it in check girls, just because Lily and InWhyCee are back… that doesnt mean we should all resume our bitching.

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even I will agree, that’s a doozy!

I didn’t vote for Bush, and I admit that when this first happened last week I was skeptical about his ability to handle the situation. But in the past week, I’ve grown to admire him.

He’s obviously not the best public speaker- he doesn’t have Clinton’s charisma- but he speaks very plainly and (at least in this situation) from the heart. It was touching to see him choked up- because although he’s president, he’s also human and is bound to be affected by this tragedy. As I mentioned in another thread, Tom Brokaw got teary when he first saw the picture of the rescue workers raising the flag at ground zero.

I think that in this situation, it’s very important to rally 'round the flag- and around our president. C’mon, if I can do it, you can do it.

Oh, boy. Having gone to two institutions of higher education where I suspect the students were smarter than average, I am very familiar with the phenomenon that smart people often have a LOUSY ability to . . . convey nuanced affect.

Example A: One of my former classmates from NYC called me to ask if I could plug him into the right people at my firm b/c he was looking for a new job, and he thought my firm might be right for him. Now, this guy is VERY VERY smart. But I suspect he doesn’t do well in interviews b/c he lacks the ability to change his affect like a chameleon changes his color.

Matter of fact, law school was REPLETE with people who were BRILLIANT but lacked the ability to convey empathy and sincerity, ALTHOUGH THEY FELT IT.

I have to say, though, that now that George is feeling his feelings to the very core of his being (or at least that is what I think), he is conveying his sincerity and feelings more distinctly. IMHO.

during the 2 Clinton administrations the defense and military budgets were cut and slashed and cut and slashed some more. And some of you wonder how this horrific event happened? It may have happened regardless of the cuts, but it may not have either. Just think about it.
