I’d like to get baby horse on the grounds at WEC Ocala to get used to the atmosphere (and do the daily schooling in lovely show quality courses) but I need a class or two for him to enter as it seems silly to pay a non-showing fee. Preferably no jumping and no braiding. I asked the office people and they suggested the 2ft hunters. That’s going to be wayyyyyy too much going on for him (especially that warm up ring) Ideas? I gave up my ammy status so can’t do the 18inch hunters. I’ll link the prize list below.
It looks like you could enter just the flat class for any of those USHJA hunter divisions.
You can check the recent results on their website, but a lot of the time people will just jump in those divisions and not bother to come back for the flat class, so it might be a fairly small group.
Braiding is always optional for any division other than sidesaddle.
What’s the cost on the non showing horse fee? I couldn’t find it.
The 2’ hunters is usually no oxers and very small gates. You could trot in and canter out. Otherwise, I think that non-showing fee is going to be less than just a couple of under saddle classes.
Does WEC allow you to show unjudged? That’s common in schooling shows. I’ve shown young horses unjudged many times, usually in cross rails or even w/t poles.
I think it’s $150? IIRC. so, entering 2 ushja under saddles at $50 a pop is gonna be cheaper sadly.
I think my hunter trainer from my junior years might kill me for not braiding but this is probably what I’ll do.
Yeah I believe it’s $150 too.
we put our five month old in a Sport Horse in Hand class at the Morgan Nationals. the idea was since he was being delivered to us at Nationals why not just put him in a class that did not require prior qualification.
He was entered in the Stallion/Geldings class with 12 head. He won the class. Score was higher than the fourteen mares so became the world champion Sport Horse in Hand at age five months
all we were trying to do was to give him some ring exposure
Just enter two hacks, or, if you don’t care about the record, enter whatever you want and canter circles until you’re rung out.
Yes, but some shows also have class minimums (e.g., must enter at least three classes) to make sure that the non-showing fee is a wash with entering classes.
As far as I know WEC has no class minimums so I’ll probably enter 2 hacks just for the exposure. I guess I could enter a jump class and just withdraw once I enter the ring… but that just feels so wrong.
They have a cross-rails class for adults and 12+ juniors.
Do they actually have a non-showing horse fee? Like CBoylen, I did not see it in the prize list.
I saw a $150 ship in fee, but that’s not the same thing. That’s for showing without getting a stall, I believe.
Yes, you still have to submit an entry per normal and then it’s just charged at check-out if the horse didn’t end up showing in any classes.
It says there is one, I just couldn’t find a $ for it.
Yeah; I wanted to do that but I’m not an amateur. I checked with the show secretary and it’s for ammy riders only. Boo.
Then it should say adult amateur and not just adult in the prizelist. Frankly, their prizelist is not great.
Not sure if the schooling shows you attend let you enter for free when riding hors concours. IME when riding hors concours at a rated show, you are required to pay the same fees as the other exhibitors.
I don’t think the OP was concerned about being judged, just wondering which classes would be best and most economical to enter with her greenie.
I agree with @MHM, that a few flat classes would fit the bill.
Let us know how it goes @StormyDay.
The USHJA Hunter under saddles should be small in comparison to similar height divisions for jr/am.