Hi everyone,
I am currently a part time ranch hand in Southern California and I’m wondering if I am being compensated properly for the job I’m doing.
My responsibilities include:
Feeding 5 horses and 2 goats 2X per day
Turn out horses in the AM and put back in stalls PM
Preparing and feeding supplements
Cleaning 5 stalls 2X per day
Filling/dumping/scrubbing water buckets
Cleaning turn out area/arena in the evenings
Clean out goat pen 2X per week
Take out 8 manure trash cans 1X per week
I am at the ranch two times a day, morning & evening.
It takes me about 20 mins driving each way to get there and back home.
I am currently paid a flat rate of $35 per day which I have been happy with, but I am wondering if I should be paid more or if this is the going rate.
Thanks in advance for any input!