I was taught that two horses traveling in opposite directions pass with left sides together. Is this the same in western and/or AQHA land?
Today I was riding in a ring with a combo of HJ and AQHA riders (riding English, but I still think this forum might be the most suitable place for this question). I was cantering to the left. AQHA kid was cantering to the right. Both of us were on the rail. I stayed on the rail until I realized she wasn’t giving it up and since my horse is not a suitable mount for a round of “chicken” I veered inside when I realized she wasn’t. When it happened a second time I asked her trainer if the rule is different and she said that the faster horse (or horse doing the faster gait?) gets the rail. When asked what happens if both horses are at the same gait, she said that the older, more experienced rider is expected to yield to the inside. Is this the norm in AQHA/breed/western? Does it matter that this trainer is not from the US of A?
Aside from the likely chaos this brings to the table if you have a group of riders following different rules, there are also a number of practical issues, such as: What do you do when you don’t know the age of the other rider? If your horse walks faster than the other horse jogs or lopes, who is doing the “faster” gait?