Hello, I’m looking for advise and haven’t been able to find much relevant to my exact situation, so I’m hoping the COTH community can help me out.
I recently got back into riding as an adult after about 12 years where I couldn’t afford it. I’m taking lessons at a local stable, and it makes me so happy. I know I never want to be without horses in my life again. The stable I’m riding at is almost entirely saddleseat lessons. I would really like to get back to hunters, but I can’t find any local programs.
Basically, it seems my choices are to lease or purchase a hunter if that’s the kind of riding I want to do, but I’m sure everyone here knows how expensive made hunters can be even just to lease. I’ve been looking at “restarted” OTTB’s (please don’t come at me for the wording, it just seems to be the common term) and other green horses with ads that say they would be good projects for an adult armature or a junior in a program. They are within my budget with enough left over to spend on professional training to help finish them, and I am a confident rider who’s ridden young, quirky horses before.
My plan right now is to find a trainer, we find a horse that we think will suit me, and then put them (and me) in full training for I’m expecting around 90 days before boarding at my local stable. I think it’s an okay plan. I would love to ride a school master for a while and really build my confidence back before doing this, but I haven’t found that as an option. I’m on this forum looking for a sanity check. Am I crazy for thinking about this?
I’m committed. I’m patient. I know I can train, and I know a lot of training a horse to jump is done in ground and flat work. My main concern is that while it seems my riding ability came back to me very easily, I was still learning to jump when I stopped taking lessons before, and I won’t be getting probably any practice until I get my own horse. Can I relearn to jump on a green horse? Has anyone here done it? Obviously, I’m going to be getting professional advice too, but I like to do all my research first, and I couldn’t find much for this exact situation. If you read this all the way through, thank you!
As an aside, I have thought about getting an older horse that’s been there, done that that’s within my budget, and if I find that unicorn I will buy them in a heartbeat, but I do want a long term partner. My first horse had to be put to sleep due to cancer, and it was awful. If anyone has input on what age older horses I could be looking at that still have a long career in front of them, I’m happy to hear that as well.