I don’t think anyone can answer that question without knowing how well you ride and how much you really know.
Again, I’m being the big meanie here, but a lot of what you have said here suggests that you don’t have much riding experience at mainstream H/J barns. You have used terms and given descriptions that aren’t in the language I would expect from a person who has had much exposure to a quality H/J program.
There is nothing wrong with that. Lots of people spend most of their riding life just, well, riding, without ever taking a lot of lessons or polishing their equitation. And those folks may develop a great feel for horses and a sticky seat and wonderful balance.
But, learning to jump well, and training a horse to jump well, those things are hard. They require knowledge and skill and supervision. I mean, most any yahoo can jump a log on the trail and jump a few tiny jumps in an arena and if you have good balance and grab mane and don’t hinder your horse, most any horse can safely get themselves over those obstacles. But that’s not what you’re telling us that you want to do.