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Question for Canter

Okay, so I am utterly jealous that the CA clique holds the record, only thus far, for the longest damn thread in the history of this BB.

They need a challenge, of the kind that only frostbitten and hearty beer-panel-toque-wearing Canadians can mount. So come out of lurking, assume many, many alters and let’s dish. We’re goin’ for the big one kids.

don’t induce. As far as I know,it is almost NEVER recommended for mares. The average gestation is 341 days - but the range for “normal” is wide. She sounds like she is progressing normally. The foal will be born when it is ready. (did you see my post about the 12 months and 10 days gestation?) The fact that she is changing shape is a good sign the foal is moving around to get in the birth position, so also is the change in behaviour. Has she been rubbing her tail, or leaning her butt up against the stall wall? The rule about broodmares is that there are no rules - except whatever she wants, whenever she wants - they all make their own.
Heidi - thanks for the info - do you know how to pitch music for a film?

Hmmm… just cruising by and thought I’d ask: Hear any good riddles lately?

Have your Mounties returned from our wake yet? Don’t be surprised if some of them are sporting Mickey Mouse tattoos. It’s a long story…

Congrats on nearing the big three-o in page length. May I venture to guess that neither the Canadian or Calif. cliques would’ve had the time/interest/motivation to post such long threads if the freakin’ weather had been nice enough to ride and compete? So, we can blame all this mundacity on the winter weather, right?

Didn’t Alannis Morreset (sp?) ride too?

Once again another sleepless night and mare did not pop, I’m thinking she’ll have it saturday night when both me and my sister are out about and can’t be reached

Congratulations Tin! How exciting! Do post pictures once you’ve risen from the dead.

Jaime Lynn, the picture of April is adorable. I swear I let down - so cute.

Gotta go now and boast about a birth on the California thread. Seems quite fitting doesn’t it? We represent life while they mourn on a 14 page wake.

Bumpkin, Canter’s not actually even 40 - believe she’s 39. Or 61.

Okay, here’s a riddle for a Saturday night; modified with a horsey theme.


  1. There are 5 houses in five different colours.

  2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.

  3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.

  4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.



  • the Brit lives in the red house.
  • the Swede keeps dogs as pets.
  • the Dane drinks tea.
  • the green house is on the left of the white house.
  • the green house’s owner drinks coffee.
  • the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
  • the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
  • the man living in the centre house drinks milk.
  • the Norwegian lives in the first house.
  • the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
  • the man who keeps fish lives next to the man who smokes Dunhills.
  • the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer.
  • the German smokes Prince.
  • the Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
  • the man who smokes blend has a neighbour who drinks water.

Einstein wrote this riddle this century. He said that 98% of the world would not solve it.

do tell all that you know about me. We haven’t really had a chance to bond. With everyone else getting adopted around here, all I have to ask is Are you my mother?

I can only help out until until 2 pm and then the kidlets and hubby race off to skiland.

Here’s a question; what type of dog do all you bb canucks like to use to pull your sleds? Siberian, Malamut, a husky mix.

My personal favourite is the Canadian Eskimo Dog, but they’re not a childrens dog.

Where is Balto when you need him.


Hoo, hoo! Happy (Belated) Birthday Fred!!! So, d’you do anything special to celebrate? Spill all dear.

As “what is the third word that ends in gry”, not “what is the third word”. Remember tht stupid grade four trick, Mississipi (or insert another long word) is a hrd word to spel… spell it. Answer: I-T.
Here is an awesome ancient one from none other than Ms Beatrix Potter (riddles from Squirrel Nutkin)

Hickamore, Hackamore on the King’s kitchen door,
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men,
Couldn’t drive Hickamore Hackamore
Off the Kings kitchen door.

If the ancient wording gets you, take out Hickamore Hackamore and enter a modern word or name. But it won’t be any easier

dances around in orange thong and toque!

10 pages!! In your face CA clique!

I am VERY honored to be a Canadian now! Lucky me! So are we going to make this thread survive in “outer space”?

That’s great, Bumpkin! And I think letting your daughter ride your horse goes beyond motherly love, personally! Good luck with the saddle hunt.

BTW, I’ve been enjoying this thread, along with the gasp Californian one - please don’t shoot me!!!

Did any of the active posters or lurkers ever school/show with Doug Hood???

Mare is continuing to grow in size and now resembles a bay blimp Her bag is HUGE now and the poor dear has developed utter adema (?) because of all the pressure (I’m told). So here we wait patiently…o.k, so not patiently, I’m sick of waiting and I want this baby NOW

Fred> she’s bred to Gambit Z, a stallion belonging to Elmcroft and standing stud at Ellard Bandys (sp?)

Sorry for the double post. I really want the horse!!!

Congrats Tin! the pics are super cute!

Thanks for helping out Slugger. Teddy Bear’s Picnic came to me one night in a dream. You can’t mess with the subconcious.

Jaime Lynn I am NOT 61!! LOLOL!!

This might just be the easy way out, but where does it say that ANY of them own a horse? My guess is that nobody owns a horse.

Let’s impress Heidi with our undying devotion (or undying boredom) until she gets back. Keep it alive!

Memorable first experience: I was 6, had never ridden except the pony ride at a fair, and my parents decided that we should go on a trail ride in Kentucky. So we all hop on board one of the trusty steeds and go walking off towards the trail. My horse decides he really doesn’t want to go out again that day, turns around, and trots back to the barn with me hanging on for dear life. I found it amusing- after all, there was a horn to hang onto. My parents were convinced I would develop a fear of horses and decided to sign me up for lessons when we got home. 10 years and way too much $ later, they’re regretting that decision big time.

I actually like to use a team of Saint Bernards, I found the JRT’s just couldn’t the barrels of my “cold weather joy” as well

Here’s a really really bad joke:

How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow blower?

Give him a shovel!

hahahahahahahahahaha! Origianally it was give “her” a shovel, but I think it sounds better this way

Well have to go check preggers mare and then go grocery shopping, anyone want anything while I’m gone?