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Question for Canter

Tsk tsk! had slipped to page 2! can’t have that … we need to keep this going until at least the fiest show … just found out that there’s only 1 indoor show this spring - the cornerstone show has been cancelled.

Our mare is still waiting to have her baby! … I think she’s wants to wait until her turnout buddy has hers… but that’s not until the end of May!!! I know a mare can go 1 month overdue but can they go 2 1/2? i hope not! mare watch is killing us … it’s gotten to the point when we hear a strange noise over the monitor that we discuss what is could be for a half hour or so and if it keeps up … we’ll wonder down and check … but she’s always there looking at us, as innocent as can be, asking for treats!

we’ve decided that the mare (chestnut) is having a chestnut filly … as nothing else could be as contrary!

Are we the riddle queens or what?

For your first one, I have no idea. How is that possible? Im dumb
Roosters can’t lay eggs.
Not sure about the third one. How can you fit 7 horses in 8 stalls?
The surgeon is his mom?

Yep Nias a TB and is with Ellard Bandy (Maple Ridge Farm, I think), Broadway Harry and Gambit Z (owned by Elmcroft) stand there. Last I heard Ellard was going to be moving to the states (new Jersey?), so I don’t know what he’ll do with the stallions if that rumour is true.

Fred> to use the smiley faces just click on the instant smiles an inch below the Post Now button or just draw them yourself

= : ) (take away space between)
= : (
= : D
= ; )
= : p

I was so honoured with your presence last night in my moment of insomnia—eh???

Canter, the reasons I’ve been absent from these infamous threads were that:

 1)  I can't keep up with you guys' witty repartees!!  And...  [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]
 2)  I didn't want to hurt either cliques' feelings as to which thread I might post on first!  LOL  [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

I will try to do better from now on.

In the last 2 COTH (Feb 9 & 16) I noticed that a Canadian rider has several horses for sale “as agent” complete with pictures and full column write ups.
Is this a new venture or selling off a few before the economy completly tanks???

Tin -> Instead of studying, go to www.candystand.com and play the games there. Very addictive

Blue Peter - Paul Humphreys.

Lori Yates, BTW, is a good friend of ours and gave birth last week to a baby boy. Another ‘unsung’ talent. Such a wonderful voice; if Patsy Cline were alive, she’d give her a run for her money.

Agree with both Fred and Worthy about the music industry - probably the only one sleazier and more corrupt than the movie industry.

Riddle me this though girls - don’t you think there are parallels between success in the schmooze industries and pro riding/training, etc.?
Yes, talented, works hard, but I do think by virtue of his ability to make nice with the rich folk, Eric’s suceeded where many have not.

Congrats Tin! She is VERY cute!

LCR’s situation is awful, I think Heidi’s suggestion of contacting a television station that does consumer reports would be a good idea. At our local CTV station the main broadcaster is an avid polo player and his co-broadcaster-person used to ride at my old barn on one of their horses, I know they would probably do a story like LCR’s. I mean they do it for small animals…a couple years ago we had a humane story involving cats (200 of them) that made headline’s for days.

As for finding that dirtbag I’d phone as many barns in the area you’re from. Someone has to know of him and his whereabouts.


Um, I don’t think they even have a web site. I’ve looked around a bit and can’t find one. However, I can ask my coach for one sometime this week, and tell you what you need to know. The classes they usually have are:
Pre-Novice Hunter
Novice Hunter
Low Hunter
Open Hunter
Clear Round Jumper
Open Jumper
and sometimes some eqs or other stuff. I’ll try to get back to you soon on the official class list. Do you need a phone number too? I think they usually just fax my coach the entry forms.

My name is Jill on the EMG board. I’m not very original, it’s just a short form of my full name. My name on here is just my initials. I’m from Flamborough, ON and I have ridden the past couple of seasons with Sue Pritchard. My horsie and I did the A/O division last year. I don’t post much, mostly I just lurk. I have 7 horses of varying descriptions. One day I will get organized and post their pictures. This is way more info than you asked for but I am waiting for my friends so we can go to the grad lounge for lunch. Tomorrow is my birthday!! Yeah, horsie presents for me!!

Now here is another stallion w/ a big jump
Nice front legs

Is it time to say goodbye? I will miss knowing that no matter how long and boring my day, no matter how pointless the rest of the board seems at times, that the Canadian baby is always there to provide entertainment and laughter. Mostly laughter, directed at the following:

Heidi- 'cause who else would’ve thought this up?
Canter- what can I say? I just have a thing for Italians!
Tin- “The Adventures of the Baby who Refused to be Born” are such a parallel to “The Adventures of the Thread that Refused to Die”
Silly Mommy- even Americans can’t help but be charmed by our outgoing spirit, infectious laugh, and REAL beer… I’m thinking it was mostly the beer that won you over
MAZ- posting from a whole other continent, that was inspired… what dedication!

Rather than a wake (so unoriginal and uninspired, don’t you agree?) perhaps we should do a “Behind the Thread” (ala the Behind the Music tv show)

Oh my, just realized that, despite the thread topic, there’s not been a single question for Canter posted. Shall try to remedy the situation.

Dear Canter,

I am writing to you about a friend of mine. She’s nice and all (though she does dye her hair once a week and reeks of Miss Clairol) but she keeps insisting that she’s a famous Canadian singer. Now, I’ve heard this girl sing and let me tell you, she ain’t no songbird, if you know what I mean. Heck, my lab sings better!

What should I do? Should I lure her to a remote mountain cabin and have her deprogrammed by a roomful of Elvis impersonators (only half of whom have criminal records BTW); or do I have her committed?

Please advise. I am really worried and don’t know what to do.

Yours truly,

Celine Dion.

Palisades wrote
30 white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.

Your teeth?

Alive without breath, as cold as death; never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail never clinking.

A river?

This thing all things devours, birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steal, grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down.


Aren’t these from Tolkien’s The Hobbit where Bilbo plays the Riddle Game with Gollum?<Kryswyn’s closes eyes and rocks to and fro trying to recall where her copy of same is buried in a box>

or do I have to keep it saved???

Heidi, Your yard sounds a lot like mine!! My puppy thinks the recycling box is an endless supply of toys. Those plastic pop bottles are his favourite, so the yard looks like a 7-11 exploded. The moon ray lights have been reduced to green stakes sticking up through the ice at odd intervals, their tops having been stolen by the aforementioned pup. My older dogs think he is crazy, he plays with pop bottles and leaves his bone for them to fight over. At least when he is stealing things it means he isn’t eating poop.

Let’s not run out of steam people!! It’s snowing here in Toronto, the perfect excuse to spend the ENTIRE DAY on the BB!!!

IT WASN"T MY FAULT!!! I swear (Joanna, how could you bring that up again you little devil?)Heidi you must understand, it was just so tempting. He was just sitting there, being a jerk, the coffee was right beside him, and next thing i knew he was hopping around screaming something awful! Ohhhh the memories. BTW, I don’t regret it!
Joanna thinks she is so mighty just because her horse is bigger. Well let me tell you, I could take her on with my eyes blindfolded! Phff she’s so tiny!!

this should make it clear to who’s alter I am.

I have a very pregnant mare who is almost 2 weeks over due and it’s driving me nuts on how content she is while we watch and wait

How’s that?

one more hint: I finally figured out the golf game, doubletake and am now REALLY addicted