Question for Canter

Can I come out to play???

OK, does anyone watch cartoons? My beast was just in the tub singing her lungs out (horifically I might add) like DeeDee from “Dexter’s Laboratory”, I was PMP in the kitchen… What ever happened to the classics? Yeah, you see them occaisionally, but these days…

HR—What is the “normal” amount of water that a “normal” horse should consume in a 24hr period?

Please do the conversion when you post (km/mi, cm/inches)–I don’t have time to do the calculations in my head!!!LOL


I have to admit babys are fun. Watching them grow and develop into horses is an experience I can’t put into words. I am just so proud of my little guy. Knowing that there are no questions about your babys history is really neat. The fun part is that you are itching to see them grow up and and get ridden but in the meantime all there is left to do is to create an amazing bond between the two of you. The amount of trust that Edwyn has in me is amazing. I better stop- i feel tears coming to my eyes…

Well, I’m always up for a challenge (especially when I should be doing homeowrk instead).

Love the blond jokes. To contribute my share; How do you know a blond’s been on the computer? Someone left cheese for the mouse. The Classic: What’s the difference between a blond and cheez whiz? Cheez Whiz has personality. (punch line must be sung to the same tune as the commercial which featured that as their slogan)

Long one, but funny: A woman decides to redecorate her house, so she gets a painter over to look at it. They walk into the kitchen, and the woman says “I want this room yellow”. The painter nods, then walks over to a window, sticks her head out and yells “green side up!” The woman is puzzled, but decides to ignore it.

Next, they go into the dining room. “I want this room grey”. The painter nods, then walks over to a window and again yells out “green side up!” By now, the poor homeowner is extremely confused, but she ignores it again, and walks into the living room.

“I want this room blue” she says. The painter nods, then calls once more “green side up!” The woman decides she has had enough. “What on earth are you doing?” she asks. The painter apologizes “I’m sorry” she replies, “but I have a crew of blonds laying sod across the street”.

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll check back frequently…glad to see we’re being s*** disturbers again, it was getting boring on here!

in the mud yesterday. I rode a client’s horse, and was reserve ch. in the schooling hunters–1st, 2nd, 3rd in the hack, the champ was 2nd, 1st, and won the hack. I could’ve (how many times have you heard that) won the second class, but the stinkin horse is too good with his changes, and he cut in on a corner, as I’m thinking “inside leg” to push him back out, he starts doing his little butt-wiggle thing like when he’s balancing himself for a lead change (that would have been to the wrong lead–a BAD thing), so, I tried to fake it, and ended up close to the next jump…Oh, well—back to the drawing board, this horse just LOVES to do lead changes!!!

Next, his AA owner gets on, OMG… Can we say one of the worst cases of Catatonic behavior I’ve ever seen (in the first round). The saint of a horse did his best to stay underneath her. As she comes out of the ring, all I could say was, “do you remember where your heels are? They shouldn’t be pinned to his tail!!!”. First round, the judge gave the horse a fourth for graciously carting this lady around, and then the second class she went in and laid down a trip!!! Blue…

THEN, they decide to torture me (and horse) more by making me show him in a 3’ division because we’re planning on bringing him out in the first years, and the schoolings were only 2’6". I told them I wouldn’t do the US no matter what, he was getting tired. 2 nearly perfect rounds, but he hit a few in each round out of fatigue—2 3rds, but I was against all the other pros, so I was rather pleased. Next show, I’ll lay down the law about amount of classes. They’re new clients, and just came off the QH circuit, where they would do 12+ classes a day. 4 is more than enough for me.

I had some observations, but I’ll start a new thread with those, probably tomorrow. G’night all, and goodbye thread.

LoL, weren’t we supposed to go to bed, say about 2 hours ago, or so we claimed? LoL

well it’s about 15 mins after 12 and I’m still working on my tack. Seriously. I’ve been sitting cross legged on my floor for the last 3 hours and now my knees are KILLING me! Serves me right for letting my tack get this dirty, though I must say it’s looking pretty good right now. I’m almost done maybe another hour or so but now I don’t want to ride in it! Maybe I’ll ride them both bareback with just a halter, easier to clean

Must say I’m pleased that you Canadians (and, I note, a few dissidents from the U.S.) have found something to occupy your time in the frozen north. Wouldn’t want you to spend your time doing anything worthwhile like, oh, creating a worthwhile television show. Last time I was in Spruce Meadows, the “Farm Report” was prime time!

But I digress…

Can I demurely point out that you may indeed match our thread’s length, but will it ever have the merit of ours? When that Oscar envelope is opened, it will contain the name, “Question for Merry”, based on content, substance, and artistic merit.

And by the way, I am far more svelte than Anna Nicole-Smith, although I do understand that she did once dance on tabletops…

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 27, 2001 at 01:55 AM.]

would you like to adopt the future bride???

Being that she is close to being evicted from pre-school, and has had all TV and computer accessability removed, she just came to me and said “Mommy–we don’t have garbage cans big enough for the TV’s, and you have to work on your computer!”

Sh!±-she just said “MOMMY–I LOVE YOU!!!”

Don’t weaken, (chanting over and over again)

k BossHoss, let me get this right. A ground squirrel= prairie dog= gopher= feepers, so does that mean they are the same as the ground hogs here? I always thought prairie dogs were smaller. Same family? And how the do you get “'feeper” out of all that?
Maybe you could lure one into a box with a french frie and then ship it down to me, then I can compare

Daphne: they’re working on lowering the intellectual level over here right now.

Katie, what do you mean, you WERE an evil child? You still are!!! How else do you think you got that fabulous new horse? That was months of concentrated begging, screaming, verbal and physical abuse. But hey, it’s all worth it in the end. Your parents retained the last fading bits of their sanity, and you got yourself a very cute little pony.

Maybe you were smart to stay away from her, Heidi. I don’t ask for nice hunters, just psycho jumper horses who enjoy chewing on jackets (but he’s sooo cute, you’ve just got to love him- even after he takes off bucking and stops at all the jumps).

Oh, and Katie, the coffee was just mean. For MONTHS after that he was scared of you… good job!

I own a pair of wellies and should I grow a second left leg, I have the perfect half chaps.

2001 Timmy’s? it would be interesting to hear the numbers of the ‘other’ doughnut stores … how truly Cannuck to do a speech about a doughnut store! but was she wearing a toque while she spoke? or holding a tim mug??

o.k, I have a question for everyone:

What do you do for a living (and/or spouse)? And why that profession?

I must admit, I’m having some MAJOR thoughts about entering into the wrong course at school. I took a Micky Mouse design course last year because I HAD to go to college and I had no lcue what I wanted to do. In that course we studied drafting which I fell in love with so this year I took an architect technology course which I liked at first but now I hate.
Problem is I just wasted 2 years of college and I still have no idea what I want to do.
I’m passing and do well when I try but my heart isn’t into it. I haven’t told my parents yet, I want to get some appointments in with some of the counsellers at school first because they will kill me. I wanted to take a year off after high school to try and figure it out but parents wouldn’t let me which is why I jumped into the courses I did.

Anyways, I just want to get a feel of what you guys do and more importantly why you chose to do that. Thanks!!

MissD> your right, we’ve had enough snow! Snow snow go away!

Sarba> I don’t convert my measurements because it keeps you thinking

Have sufficiently recovered from the festivities last night with the gals of the New York clique.

Happy to report that I am coming home with at least two horses, a pony; a dog; and speedracer has graciously offered a braying donkey to ornament our yard.

Met AHC’s lovely pinto Mackie, to whose diet was introduced her innaugural turnip. Also met Trooper’s new pony Joe, who will enter the show ring with the name, “It’s Not Easy Being Green”. He’s very lovely and I think Trooper’s in for a blast - if not, of course, we’ll just load him onto the truck/trailer we will be purchasing this afternoon to transport our new menagerie back to Canada.

A lovely time was had later at Dolcino’s in Cold Spring, where MAZ and I were fortunate enough to meet many new friends with whom to share a butt.

We are off to Jersey tomorrow where a reunion shall take place between MAZ’s Archie and his ‘birth parents’. Because I know you’re all dying to know, we shall be staying at Bubba’s Trailer Park and Mobile Home Resort. And I believe MAZ is trying to secure us a most precious dinner reservation at Tammy Sue’s Roadkill Diner. I can hardly wait.

In all seriousness, though, must say, the power of this BB to create and nurture friendships is awesome. It was such a lovely evening among, what felt like, old and dear friends. We’re gonna have to plan something in Toronto next methinks.

[This message was edited by heidi on Mar. 17, 2001 at 01:10 PM.]

By george she’s got it!! Heidi you are a genious!!! Tingry, man it totally slipped my mind and I use that word so very often

Sorry MissD, but when/if you think of it let us know, I have a big group of people waiting in anticipation

Let’s see, need another joke… o.k here’s another blonde joke, an oldy but goody

One day a blonde woman named Sally finally got tired of everyone
assuming she was stupid because of her hair color. She decided to
go to the hairdressers and have her hair dyed brown.

Feeling quite proud of her new look she decided to go for a drive
in the country. After a while she came upon a shepherd. Trying to
test out her new look she walked over to him and asked, “If I can
guess how many sheep you have may I take one for a reward?”

The shepherd thought that she would never guess the exact number
of sheep, so he took her bet and let her try. Amazingly she
guessed 98, the exact number of sheep he owned.

Feeling rather good about herself, she picked up her reward and
started walking back to her car. Before she got there the
shepherd tapped her on the shoulder.

“If I can guess your natural hair color, can I have my dog back?”

as soon as they see more than 3inches??? I was taking the babies out, and one particular filly, tried to lie down and roll 3X on the way out to her paddock!!! Some of the senior horses allowed me to undo the lead before they flopped down and made equine-snow-angels. One in particular, dropped before I even got the gate closed, and I had to wait til he was done before I could close it.

I think ClipClop should be Canadianated for good. ClipClop if you’ll do us the honors please take a stand on the 24 of Labatts and accept your honorary orange toque and matching thong. Wear them with prise ClipClop! wipes tear from eye

As for you CA’ers, your always welcome here the more you float around the more posts we get, not that we need your help or anything But while your here how bout you put down your margarita’s, settle your butts on a milk crate with the rest of us and pull a beer out of the snow drift. The Polar Bear shots are almost mixed and there are some spare orange toques in a pile underneither the husky’s, just wipe the hair off and avoid the wet ones

Man, I just watch Gone in 60 Seconds again, what a movie. I’m in love with “Eleanor” (for those who don’t know, Eleanor is a silver '67 Shelby GT with nitro boosters of course) what a sweet car! Horse related because it’s a Mustang baby ya!

gotta get to page 12…

Email and let me know. I am not even a half hour and seem to only make it down when nothing’s going on. I’ve caught the Masters only twice, one saw some riding, the other time only had time for shopping, and twice been there for all of a 1/2 hour then had to drive madly across the city to catch a flight.
On the other hand, Kachoo and Coppelia live not a 1/2 hour away and I’ve never met either.
I was supposed to be involved in the Battle of the Breeds this year at the Masters, but pony was sold, and now I’m not sure if I want to put up my effort.